Merchant Guild ranking takes way too long

I was watching McFluffin and he was level 95 and only rank 6 in merchant guild. I dont think this is accessible for most players. If you cant buy exalted armors, rings, anything but weapons at level 95, merchant guild is far behind COF. Can we please adjust the ease of ranking Merchant guild?


You can be higher rank much earlier than that. Your guild rank is independent from your level, to rank up you need to do guild stuff. If you ignore it you can reach max level while still at rank 1.


Most likely heā€™s level 95 because heā€™s using a pre-existing legacy character.
The fact that heā€™s been playing for 2 days and is already rank 6 is the relevant part. Means it doesnā€™t take that long to rank up.


The initial levels are extremely fast and you can get them from killing mobs, in fact the first promotion comes directly from that real quick, but you have to do quests for them to level up beyond those early levels.

It isnt legacy, brand new character leveled since 1.0 launch

Still, MG rank isnā€™t tied to character level. Favour and reputation is shared between all characters. All that matters is killing mobs for favour and doing trades for reputation. The fact that he got to rank 6 in a couple of days means that you can progress pretty fast.

Faction progress is meant to take much longer than character progress.

Also for Merchant Guild you essentially only need rank 8 to have access to all rarities of items, you just need to legendary craft yourself.

Faction system also is overarching multiple characters if you are in the same game mode.
Being able to max this out on just one charcter to fast does not make any sense to me.

This is meant to be a aspirational goal.


Merchant guild feels like:

  1. I wish I could buy something because i could need an item here and there!
  2. No need for anything anymore!
  3. Letā€™s see if someone sells a good item I could use on any toon for to little gold.

In no stage of the game the Merchant Guild felt viable for me so I stay away from it.

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Forced engagement basically makes it so no one wants to do it though. Thatā€™s the point

It feels like a system that pureposefully handicaps you exactly at the points in the game you would want or need it. Then when you can engage with it more. Itā€™s basically no longer necessary.


I can agree with what u said, if u play multiple characters. For new players who arent going to put that play time, its a hindrance. I can see both sides, i still think that its adjusted down

Iā€™m shocked you canā€™t level max faction rep in just 1 or 2 days of playing. Whatdaactualfsck are these devs thinking???


Actually, with a legacy character you probably can. All you need is plenty of gold to buy stuff and a fast killer to farm favour.

Iā€™ld say CoF isnā€™t that easy to cap out on a single character either, so itā€™s more about your personal playstyle than a character decision

I feel merchantā€™s guild is better for people who know they wonā€™t play certain archetypes and rather trade the unique drops for those builds for gear they can use, or who simply prefer ā€œcurrency farmingā€ on a chill saturday afternoon rather than target-farm specific content.

Personally, I prefer CoF because I like making different builds and the target-farm makes it more interesting to me. But I can understand why people would prefer MG and Iā€™m happy EHG found a way to implement Trade in a way that doesnā€™t impact my preferred playstyle.

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Ahhhh the expert again, after a day of gameplay in 1.0. I like the forum, I really do. :cowboy_hat_face:

It wasnt that u could level it one day, it was the level. McFluffin is a content creator playing 12 hours a day. So if u equate it to the level, doesnt feel very engaging for casual people. COF just feels considerably stronger and i think the merchant ranking needs to be tuned down.

Should be just as hard to level up CoF as well.

I think itā€™s more that CoF is actually something you can interact with while playing. Almost like a custom side-quest system. Where MG is just, going to the swap meet when you need to buy or sell something (on the weekend).

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you cant really do the merchant quests with the zone issues. sticking to monoliths and dungeons is pretty much all you can do atm.

Iā€™ve been playing fine all day and most of yesterday. Most that happens is that sometimes a zone will either fail and I have to retry or log me out and I log in again. Or it takes some minutes and Iā€™m doing something else in the meantime.
But Iā€™ve been able to level up and advance the campaign.

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