Mana gain on hit!

I think this guy having a Poe comparative problem.

In Poe you pickup 2000 mana skill and manage to do 10000 hits per seconds.
Last epoch it’s not in that way


Are you…
All my gear have mana + mana regen… there is NO mana efficiency on Void Knight, other than some simple 20% mana regen which it’s a joke.
I can GIVE UP everything… damage, defence, naked … and still can’t keep up with mana …from the tree , :smiley:
Who tf put 60 mana on echoes!

In the Passive Tree there is the 20% Mana Regen, which also has a shitton of maximum mana, which gives you more leniency.
20% Mana Regeneration is 1,6 Mana/sec which is great. Surely its not enough on its own, but you need to stack more sources.

There is also Void Well, which works very well for high mana consumption skills.

T5 Mana Regenration is available on a lot of slots and gives you up to 35%, which already is 2,8mana/sec.

There are also a lot of skills that active give you mana back in some capacity. The most easy and obvious way is Time & Faith Passive in Base Sentinel Tree. That requries you to use a filler skill to generate mana.

But tons of other skills have opportunity to regain mana.

But even with all that you still need ti be conservative sometimes and don’t spam 24/7

You know, mana Regen it’s the most inefficient way to achieve mana. You know that, right?

Best way to get mana, it’s mana on hit

I have to disagree here, it always depends on the builds. Mana/sec is underestiamted by a lot of people.

Mana/sec is even workign when going from mob pack between mob pack and it makes you be less reliant o nconstantly attacking.

For a lot of builds it feels a lot better, even though it requires some more investment.

Mana on hit, especially on Sentinel is definitely more meta, because a lot of the strong meta builds are gotta go fast go go go anyway. But I think people massively misjudge how good mana/sec actually is.

On paper it often doesn’t sound a lot going from 8 to 12 mana/sec, but its MASSIVE.

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Echoes have a 35 base mana cost. If your costs 60 it’s because you used passives that increase it’s mana cost.

Big nuke skills like Meteor, for example, aren’t supposed to be your only source of damage. You’re supposed to have another damage skill and then use that strategically. Or you get other ways of generating mana.

This is not even the case of echoes. You can use it and have plenty of regen that you don’t need to stop and wait. You can check this video to see it in action. It’s the small demo of the maxrolll build.
You don’t have to follow the guide. But you can clearly see that it is indeed possible for VK to have mana regen.

Dude, some skills it’s designed to you DON’T use only that.
You must combine with others skills.
This is not poe

Then you make a build that can manage mana.
You can’t make a build that is starved of Mana, & then cry on the forums about not having Mana regen.

Just out of interest, what is your build?

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This is their build:

And it’s so totally unique and not like any other build you guys.

Exactly… this is not a place where you can use whatever you want.
You need to follow those fixed rules set by developers.

You’re just salty because you can’t pick the highest damage skill and spam it until your mouse breaks.

It’s already been pointed out that the current system increases build diversity, vs what you want which is to use just the highest damage skill without any downsides, at which point we might as well just remove the other skills from the game because there’s no point to them.

It’s already been pointed out to you that there are several different ways to deal with this and you even have a video showcasing one of those ways.

You still continue debating the same point that has been debunked already. At this point, you don’t want to make a build, you just want instant gratification.

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Heh, how to deal with ppl like you… maybe ignore.
I don’t give a fk about dmg, highest or not…
I just don’t have mana … moron, to play my build.
3 skills,

Is not debating you idiot… you force me to play a build… that i don’t like.

Not you, obviously… it’s just this design, where you don’t have anything else to choose from, but what developers FIX for you.
Other than that, … can i try NOT using whatever the fk they want, and choose my own skills… NO.

You can, you just don’t want the downsides of it. If, instead of a high mana cost, it had a cooldown, you’d be here asking to remove the cooldown.

Skills are balanced properly in terms of mana cost/cooldown time. You can choose whichever skill you like and you have SEVERAL ways of dealing with that, even as a void knight, as has already been pointed out. You just refuse to use any of them.

At this point you’re like a player that puts random points into the tree and tries to use a random skill and then starts crying out that the system doesn’t work, when it’s you that is refusing to work with the system.


At this point, i’m a player who plays a man awaiting build,… slow & time locked.
YOU can’t move, or do whatever you want in this build… because after 3-4 hits… you’re out of mana.
SO… you are fuking stuck with ONE single play style.
WTF is wrong with you people !

sorry, but you are the wrong people

There are currently 6 different void knight builds that use echoes on lastepochtools. There’s also one on maxroll. There are also several other vk builds with it both for 1.0+ and from before.

So clearly, echoes isn’t a problem, nor is diversity because there are several DIFFERENT builds that use it. You don’t have to use those builds, but you can clearly see that there are solutions for it. You just don’t want to use them.

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There are NO mana points in Void Knigts… pffffffffffff , stop speaking if you don’t know. 20% mana regen and some other points… that require 15 level points it’s just ridiculous.
DUDE… it’s broken…
Void Knight builds… 0.1%

There. Several different working builds. They all work fine. If you don’t want to see, then nothing we can say will change your mind, so I’m done. Either work on it and have fun or be salty and leave. Whichever is fine.