Mage - Spellblade - Brand of Arcanus non-functional with Galvanize

This has been opened before, I even commented on it, but was closed due to inactivity - Firebrand's Brand of Arcanus Node not working
Player.log (156.1 KB)

Edit from - It’s unclear whether the bug is specifically in the interaction between the Galvanize and Brand of Arcanus nodes, or if Brand of Arcanus itself is just not functioning as expected

It appears to be specifically related to Galvanize and Brand of Arcanus together. With both active in the Firebrand tree, and through testing on combat dummies have confirmed that

  • Lightning melee damage is being applied when stacking Firebrand
  • Skills with the spell tag (in my testing, lightning blast and fire aura converted to lightning via the passive tree) are not benefiting from increased spell damage.
  • A single lightning aura stack ticks a dummy for 103 damage. I stack Firebrand up to six, ensure that a new fire aura is applied while at six firebrand stacks and the aura still ticks at 103 damage.
  • Tooltip damage from Lightning Blast (a spell, which does spell lightning damage) is unaffected with six stacks of Firebrand
  • Actual damage to the dummy when casting Lightning Blast is unaffected with six stacks of Firebrand.

After removing the points in Galvanize and reverting Flame Ward back to a fire skill, fire aura is converted back to fire and the fire melee damage → spell damage applies to fire aura and other fire spells.

An item-less build planner with a quick-and-dirty passive tree and skill passives that the character currently has applied. There are no items equipped that should be affecting this interaction

Collection of screenshots

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Is this bug still ongoing? I’ve been working on gear and leveling towards a lightning blast on hit build with surge and firebrand doing exactly this. Really sad if all that time on LPs and building goes down to a simple bug.

I haven’t checked again in a while, but given there’s no activity on this ticket and no mention of this being part of any recent patch notes, I think we have to assume it’s still happening. It would be great to see a dev weigh in on whether this is actually a bug, or the change was intentional.

This was in today’s patch notes as fixed! Thank you EHG

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Heck yeah, good stuff! Thanks devs!

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