Same issues
Just to confirm - is this still happening for people on the new 0.7.9c?
Yup. It’s still the same. And I also checked it’s doing it to all of my characters. .
Yes, the item is still stuck in my hand after today’s patch.
Unfortunately it appears that all MAC users are experiencing the same issues. The game is unplayable under the current conditions. For example let’s say you want to create a new character… the minute you destroy an advesarsary the body of said destroyed monster remains standing on the screen and if the mob drops loot it immediately becomes locked to your cursor and duplicates if you try to release it.
Any other MAC users find a solution to the issues brought about by most recent patch?
I have the same problem. I just logged in and it happens with the Arena keys. I’m also on mac.
Unfortunately I haven’t had a ton of time to look into this issue. However, I did put in a potential fix for 0.7.9d.
Please let me know if the issue persists or not after the update, and include your log file again if it does. Thanks!
Just downloaded the patch. Fired it up and no go. It’s still there. I didn’t check every character but did a couple of the one’s I had tried it on before.
Log files. (23.0 KB)
Unfortunately not a fix.
Was wondering the same thing… will this get resolved or the death nail for MAC users?
This post has a potential fix by some talented forum users, but I can’t try it out because I have no other games with this specific file.
I managed to buy this game just yesterday, Mac ARPGs are so rare, one kind of understands why, with situations like these.
Hopefully some kind of fix is coming soon, I really want to try this game out… But yeah, from what I’ve seen, it’s quite a small team and they do look like they’re doing an astounding job, so I can’t even be mad at them haha…
Tried this and it didn’t work for me, unfortunately.
However I did get cloud working. There was a useful post over on reddit.
Followed the instructions and copied them into my PC Bootcamp version.
Got to play the game. And the good thing is when I went back to the Mac version to check it seems to have jumpstarted the Mac Steam client to start the cloud and it appears to be synching.
I can’t test if the files are working because the issue with the stuck mouse and no sound still persists and can’t click on anything except the exit button once your mouse gets locked onto an item.
Hey everyone. Apologies for the delay here! I’ve corrected the issue on our end and we will be releasing a fix in 0.7.9e.
That is fantastic news!!! Thank you.
Well, celebration was a little short lived unfortunately. I still have the same problem. Validated files. Everything. Anyone else did the patch fix it for you?
I’m going to completely uninstall and reinstall and see if that fixes it. I’ll be back in about 20 minutes.
0.7.9e was working correctly for two team members internally, where 0.7.9d was not, so this should have fixed it. Perhaps this has to do with the workaround posted earlier, but that’s just speculation on my part.
If a reinstall doesn’t work, posting your log file again would help. Thanks!
Well, the good news is the sound is fixed.
The bad news is that my characters seem to be what the issue is. I started it up had the same problem with the stuck items. But the sound worked.
So I took out all the character files, made a new one and it seems to be working fine. Now idea why the items on the two characters I did it on earlier are still stuck and can’t drop or pickup or click on anything other then the exit menu and to close windows.
Next update. I feel like an acrobat with all the hoping from one os to another.
So a few days ago I had copied all my character over to a bootcamp PC version of the game. Played a bit and it worked great. I just thought I’d wait out to see how the Mac version was updated.
So I just booted into that PC version, copied THOSE character files to google drive. Then went back to the Mac, pasted them into the SAVE folder and viola. Everything is now working as intended.
I will say though, the mouse thing is most definitely still an issue. Same mouse. Same mouse software but mouse interactions are really delayed in the Mac version compared to the PC version.
Thanks for troubleshooting this all and getting the fix out. I know a lot of people will be happy.
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