Lunge Overhaul Coming in Sands of Majasa Update (0.8.3)

How do you know there isn’t a new node in Lunge that instantly kills all bosses?
Or, you know, just something good and not OP like that.

All you know is the crit node is no longer part of every Lunge build - you have no idea if its still OP or bad because you don’t know what the new tree is.

Also, all other movement skills are fine-good, except Shift which is amazing. Calling them bad means you don’t know LE at all.

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Although I feel the extra crit bonus is a bit OP, I still like the concept that Lunge offers some buff.

And maybe the buff can be extended with every melee attack on enemies so the player doesn’t have to recast it too often. Or extended upon getting hit/blocking attacks/dodging. All these conditional buff extension can even be on different nodes or even different side of the skill tree to give bonus to different play styles. (ie. polearm tree gives offensive buff that can be extended with melee attacks; shield tree gives defensive buff that can be extended with getting hit/successful blocks)

Of course bc Sentinel has access to Shift jk

I am not comparing Lunge to Shift or Teleport. I’m comparing to the other sentinel option.
Shield Charge need high mana sustain and Smite has better uses that being a high cdr blink.

If all the classes got great movement skill its going to be great but nerfing the only good of the sentinel who alredy has problem with speed isn’t the best

Lunge isn’t made to oneshot bosses, it is a movement skill…

This build uses Shield Rush. No mana tricks, just the 120% reduction in cost. You can see I have literally no mana issues.

1 random buid against the 100 in the forum that use Lunge… ok
You build doesn’t get nerf. Lucky…

I think it’s sad to lose the crit buff because it was a nonbrainer to pick up and it was realy powerfull. There will be a lot of uses for Lunge for sure because it was already the best movement skill and most likely still be but I hope for some kind of compensation so I don’t have to use Smite and with the next patch the Smite steroids are gone :smiley: .

Luckiely I love to play Druid… oh wait -.-

I didn’t.

Not really, the quality of life of inmunity and really low cdr make for a great skill overall.
The crit was OP but this isn’t the only form to use lunge

Ouch for the crit nodes deletion. That will hurt a lot of builds for bossing, no matters what the replacements really are.

Guess the will is to make it a clearing/mobility booster with onslaught/impairing/i lead the charge, but clearing and mobility wern’t really a problem for a lot of builds, dunno about that change, gonna wait to see it in action before deciding “meh” or “yeah”, but for now, my personnal feeling for my own builds is “big meh” as i do not need any of the new nodes and lose a huge portion of DPS.

But well, wait and see, who knows…

I don’t really mind with them removing the crit, but i think sentinel needs some better “i-frame” skills like the other classes, neither lunge nor shield charge are good enough for dodging mechanics and rebuke is a “feels-bad” skill.

And the “invulnerable while lunging” doesn’t really work well since the majority of the sentinel builds are melee so you will be immune for like 0,015 seconds, good luck reliably i-framing anything with this tight of a gap.

So my feedback would be either:

1- add a node that allows you to “target ground” lunge, which would allow us to increase the length of the immunity node to i-frame things or simple dodge the dangerous mechanics.
2- Making so lunge provides invulnerability for 1,5-2 seconds, if the cd is still too low even after the cooldown changes you can add a “cd increase” alongside this node.

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Lunge should never target ground, it’s an engage skill not an escape or maneuver skill. I’ve only seen a single boss attack I couldn’t dodge, because it covered the entire screen. It barely hurt.

That’s just ridiculous. No skill should ever make you invulnerable that long.

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Losing the crit nodes is frustrating especially if there is no compensation elsewhere for sentinels to get increased crit chance.

Also frustrating having to spend passive points to get the old CD as melee. Feels like that should just be built into the skill if your intention is to not hurt melee builds as much.

I understand your frustration, I think you might need to see the full tree to decide whether it’s going to be better or worse (or both) for your builds.

I also wonder whether the devs don’t want 100% crit chance to be much of a thing.

Then sentinel needs some new escape or maneuver skill, since it has none right now(never tested the smite one thou, it might be what i am looking for, gonna test later) since by being at melee range he is the one that most requires an escape/maneuver skill. Otherwise sentinel will always be a “dead class” for endgame hardcore as the game goes on, since there are already quite a few boss skills(specially from orobyris) that you HAVE to avoid and that are extremely difficult to avoid if you are melee/is in the wrong spot.

I was quite sure primalist warcry/werebear was also 1,5s but i was wrong. It should indeed be consistent with the other invul skills (1 second duration).

We have a winner here. Rebuke really needs an overhaul.

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Sentinel does not need escape. Sentinel is the tanky melee class. It just needs to be a tanky melee class. Tanks don’t escape, they sustain.

Either rebuke and shield rush can be the escape skill,. Rebuke especially does not need assigned nodes for effective mitigation and honestly I enjoy using it against mob (hit me!). But yea, both need overhaul.

Yeah i already use base rebuke for some fights (like emperor of corpses), but i feel there is going to be a point where the 75% less damage will not be enough to survive and that crutch will not work anymore.
Shield rush i have a pretty bad experience with using it as an escape/dodge skill lol, maybe if they added a node that makes so it accelerate a lot faster i could think about using it as a defensive tool.
Rebuke as a main skill is cool, but using it as a support skill in any other build feels too clunky and “unimmersive”.

I think at certain point, any build will face issue with mitigation. 75% is already a lot on top of the already tanky nature of sentinel.

Shield rush wise, I kinda don’t get the hate. It is not instant but to me it is arguably the best movement skill. I have a shield rush, crit rebuke paladin that clear map extra fast. It is fun to RP “hit me and explode”. Haven’t had trouble with avoiding too. Granted, I did not bring him deep into mono/arena. If only there is another good single target that complement it well.

I don’t see them adding the same amount of power to Lunge, and I won’t be using Lunge as a main damage skill so I can’t imagine it being better. But either way all you can do is play the game the way it is, no sense in complaining.

I hope 100% crit chance is always a thing. There should be a downside though. Interrupting your damage to maintain a buff I thought was fair. The increase channel cost for warpath is good. Making it more gear dependent would be the way imo, making it more of a goal to work towards rather than just getting enough points to spend.