My character got rolled back again, I lost somewhere around one 5 hour of progress. I logged out an hour ago and when I got back in just now I had lost all my loot!! My Fractyred Crown ist gone -.-
My character got rolled back again, I lost somewhere around one 5 hour of progress. I logged out an hour ago and when I got back in just now I had lost all my loot!! My Fractyred Crown ist gone -.-
Same thing just happened to me. lost about 10 levels and three completed monos. Don’t know if you had problems loading in like I did. After updating nvidia everything was fine but no progression was saved for the night. Personally im gonna start logging out and back in after a craft, gear upgrade or mono completion just to make sure. and if time is lost its not that great.
I too have now been rolled back a second time, its so disheartening. Had such a good session, worked on an empowered timeline’s corruption, got the blessing I was targeting… lost all that plus some good crafts and a couple uniques with 2LP… is there a way to prevent these rollbacks from out side until it is fixed? Like not exit to desktop under some specific condition or something?
Hey there
Server hotfix 0.9f2 addressed some causes of rollback but looks like there are some left.
An EhG helper put this on the Discord
If you are experiencing any Log-in, Lag, Disconnect or Rollback issues please report this to our Support Team here : https://support.lastepoch.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
Pick ‘Technical Issues’ from the drop down and provide your:
Thank you!
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