Lore Hunt Event Start!

The time has come. The researchers have returned with the clues about Eterra’s history. It’s up to you to decipher these clues and secure the knowledge they protect. Please remember the rules and follow them closely in order for your submission to be considered.


For this event, the following criteria must be followed for a submission to be considered as an Event participant:

  • All submissions must be made using an Online character. (Cycle or Legacy is your choice)
  • All submissions must have your Account Name clearly in the subject line
  • All submissions must use the Lore Hunt support form Not the In-Game Support Tool
    • Tickets that do not use this form will not be counted.
    • Multiples of the same submission will be disqualified
  • All 8 answer screenshots must be submitted via a compressed file in the same ticket.
    • Screenshots must remain uncropped and display the entire UI
    • Cropped screenshots will be disqualified
    • Please be sure to put all eight screenshots in a folder and then right-click the folder and choose “Compressed (zipped) folder”. This will compress into a zip file for us to be able to access.
  • Do Not submit follow up tickets to determine answers or placement.
    • All Event winners and placements will be announced after the review process has ended.
  • Incorrect or disqualified submission will not be notified.

Submissions will be closed on July 19th, at 12:00 Midnight CST. Winners will be announced on July 31st right here in the Forums

Riddle 1

Riddle 2

Riddle 3

Riddle 4

Riddle 5

Riddle 6

Riddle 7

Riddle 8

The first 50 participants to correctly answer all 8 riddles will be rewarded for their efforts. We look forward to your submissions!


Game on!

These are a lot more difficult then the example from the announcement.

Interested for an hour, but i havent got them, no idea when other will, or if they have, and a couple of these can jsut straigh tup have more than one screenshots, with nothing in the riddle making any one of the potential ones more obvious than another.

It’s a neat idea, but spending time on something when it feels like i’m rolling a dice on some answers (like 5, come on, theres literally 5 times you can interact with that, all saying effectively the same thing), and not knowing if its already too late? I’d rather just play the new content. If we got an annoucnemnt when top 50 was done, then it’d be more exciting, or if there was like, some way to actually check anything.

Also its only interactables and the only way to find that out was asking in the discord, which is 100% gonna screw over some people who didn’t know that (2 specifically points to a non interactable place)


Oh wow, only interactables? That’s… a huge turn-off.

I really think this event could’ve been worded a bit better…

I wasted the first 20 minutes of it because we didn’t know that, until i asked about it specifically when i got to riddle 4 lol

Interactable Lore points make up the majority of the answers. I admit when I answered in Discord, I misspoke. MOST of the answers will produce a specific dialogue box.


Submitted mine, good luck everyone!

Are any of the answers inaccessible after having accessed/interacted with them once?

Well, gz to the 50 then, i wasted a bunch of time on 2 becuase i though it needed a lore box. After you said they all would. This would be less annoying if i hadnt specifically asked about this a week ago as well.

good luck all ! thanks for the event

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Good luck guys! This is too tough for me xD

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