I have had a 3 year Hiatus from the game, but have now taken it up again. Obviously a great has changed and would appreciate some advice regarding the following; it is not I suspect a bug but rather a design feature.
I use a combination of a Logitech mouse and keyboard which run off the G Hub, and the G13 Game Pad that runs off the older Logitech Software program as it is not supported by G Hub.
As with all other games I set the profiles in both programs, however whilst the game pad works as intended, the G Hub configurations seems to be over written by something in the game.
Is this a known feature, and if so is there somewhere in the settings where I can disable it?
Many thanks
Edit: It would seem that the issue was the setting enabling Logitech RGB, once disabled the issue has been resolved.
{Edited for the benefit of anyone else who may encounter this}