Logging into the game from my brother computer - lost my stash

I was at my brothers house and logged into my steam to play my on my account instead of his. When I started the game it forced me to pick one of two files (from sometime in sept) I picked the most recent. When I got in game it was my brothers stash not mine. Today I came home started up last epoch expecting my items at my house since to appeared to be stored locally. I log in to see my characters. Awesome! check the stash… IT’s my brothers stash not mine! I had no prompte to choose a file.

I then went to back up any local files I could find before logging out hoping that it might be able to be reverted.

Anyone know if and how I can get my stash back?

I asked some streamers and they told me that support can sometimes fix it. Please help


All savegames and stash files are local to your computer…

If you use Steam Cloud saves then you can download your files from multiple computers but the game currently has the same location to store these files locally irrespective of the Steam account logged in… i.e. on your computer the saves are in the same place as they would be on your brothers computer so Steam Cloud will just download the same replacing yours or your brothers as it deems appropriate…

The only way around this is to use separate local accounts on the machine so that the User folder is different…

EHG has no access to any of the files - there are no savegames or stash files on any EHG servers - so they cannot do anything…

But you may be able to login to your Steam account via a browser and view what is in your Cloud saves and find the files there…

If not… there is nothing anyone can do…

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