Title. Just tried again for the fifth time, haven’t had any other issues yet. Hit the zone line, loading screen pops up and everything seems normal for ~20 seconds, then other programs (discord, chrome, etc.) start freezing. Can’t open task manager or anything, forced to do a hard reset. Waited 20+ minutes.
Other people who have experineced freezing and crashing have had success with:
- installing latest graphics drivers
- deleting the graphics ini file (search at support.lastepoch.com for details where to find it)
- verifying steam file integrity or reinstalling the game
I hoep one of these helps
Nothing of these “fixes” helped. Many people experience that. There are many people who reinstalled entire Windows. Unfortunately nothing helped it’s not a software issue with the game, it’s a problem with certain models or terrain on maps, I guess because it’s so random.
It is unfortunate if they didn’t help you, but they helped at least a couple other people, so OP might want to try
Yeah, maybe, haven’t seen a thread where they helped for months. Got that Problem for a while now, hope it will help OP.
Thanks for the responses!
Drivers are up to date.
Reinstalled twice w no difference.
Verified files w no difference.
You’ll never guess what did work.
Unplugged the controller.
Holy moly.
Ill add that to my list of things.
The controller driver probably has a bug
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