Let us use LP uniques in Nemesis Egg (Remove LP and prevent rolling LP)

I am not sure how to read what you wrote. Its confusing with the @ symbols as you wrote it. No clue what TS/LA is. Please write it out in english so that anyone who reads your findings can comprehend it without needing a phd.

Likewise, can you tell us how many of the drops came from which pile? So 0Lp from both? Or in total? 3lp dropped twice? Or did item get 3 affixes twice? Was it upgraded to 3lp twice? So confused as written

@ simply means ā€œatā€. So 90% at 250 corruption, etc.
TS/LA means Temporal Sanctum/Lightless Arbor.


Iā€™m assuming heā€™s recording only unique drops from monsters/rewards, since the whole discussion is about getting uniques to put into Nemesis Egg.
Also, the Nemesis is not affected by CoF perks, so it would make no sense recording those together, since it would only pollute the sample findings for no reason.


As DJ said, itā€™s quite easy, even for us old people without PhDs.


As others mentioned, @ means that I had the items drop at the specified corruption level OR the specified dungeons (Lightless Arbor - LA / Temporal Sanctum - TS).

I did not include any of the Nemesis drops - I recorded only drops from the Mono mobs/bosses except Nemesis + mono rewards + timeline bosses OR dungeon mobs/bosses.


Ah, this just got even better.

I just got a Foot of the Mountain [3 LP] from the Nemesis. 0LP ā†’ 1LP after the first empowerment, 1LP ā†’ 3LP after the second empowerment.

This is the first time Iā€™ve seen this, never had a unique item which already got LP in the 1st empowerment get anything in the 2nd empowerment (regardless if it got 1LP or 2LP in the first empowerment).

ETA: Not 100% sure on the 0LP->1LP / 1LP->3LP or if it was 0LP->3LP from the 1st empowerment. To my shame, I admit that I simply clicked on empowerment without thinking about it, and now I am not sure if it ended up 3LP after the 1st or after the 2nd empowerment.

So yes, Nemesis can add 3 LP to a 0 LP item (I used a 0LP Foot of the Mountain to replace an egg).

I wouldnā€™t be surprised if the Nemesis system can actually lead to a 4 LP item.

So now definitely the CoF players are massively disadvantaged.

P.S. I am up to 170 items, 160 if I donā€™t consider prophecy related drops - which, while I canā€™t find a reason not to include them, I might not have considered all the reasons why they should not be included in my statistics :). The ratio is pretty much the same: ~34% 0LP, >52% 1LP, ~12% 2LP, ~2% 3LP.


It can. Why wouldnā€™t it? Having some LP limit would make Nemesis more useless.
Itā€™s also been confirmed by the devs.

I also mentioned that in this thread:

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I took that as speculation, honestly :slight_smile: Were you speculating or did EHG say anything to confirm this (just for the record, 'cause otherwise it doesnā€™t matter much now as I know 100% that it can go up to at least 3LP :grin: )?

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Yeah, Mike said so on discord.
I also think that it was asked before if it could go up to 4LP (maybe on one of the blog posts pre-1.1?) and also confirmed by someone from EHG, but Iā€™m not sure about that one.

Honestly, it wouldnā€™t make sense to limit how much LP it can get (much like LP prophecies donā€™t limit it either) when itā€™s much easier to just adjust the odds.
Iā€™d say a 4LP from Nemesis is probably rarer than a 4LP drop, but thatā€™s just what it feels like to me. Itā€™s quite possible that the reroll chances are the same.

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@DJSamhein @Kulze

Hereā€™s the file I recorded the data to. Unfortunately I got pretty bored after the first ~150 items and started to ā€œcheatā€ by getting prophecies. for sure those kind of mess up the data because I took some ā€œLPā€ prophecies (and triggered the rewards, only afterwards I though that maybe I could have gone only with normal Unique prophecies and all should have been fine, but whatever).

At any rate, the difference doesnā€™t seem to be that much.

Actually, and it would require more data to be sure but hey, someone else can continue, it seems that the corruption level has quite the effect - basically it seems to significantly increase the 1LP drops at the ā€œexpenseā€ of 0LP drops (which, according to what I found so far, itā€™s pretty bad news for CoF :frowning: ).

Anyway, hereā€™s the file (raw data/calculated probability + graph (which is very revealing, basically I could have stopped after the first 50-60 drops): last epoch drops2.xlsx - Google Sheets


Hello, I am new to the forum. Just wanted to say thanks for the stats you displayed above, it confirmed all my thoughts regarding the perk being a nerf. Thank you friend.


Also what I found on 1.0 test. I had some effect on 3Lp once I passed 420 but that is unrealistic now post nerfs where a lot of players may struggle at C200.

If I have a chance to play on 1.2 I still would be recommend alpha striking. Aka pick most broken build of the season to reach high corruption and then farm items that way for cof. Otherwise use MG and nemesis

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Hum, no it isnā€™t? In fact, compared to 1.0, a lot more builds can now do 300c+ with ease. Especially because the underpowered builds most got a buff or other.

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I only heard of complaints from players and from comments sections of cc about how hard it is for casuals to play the game now due to ward phases as well as on steam forums.

Unlike on this forum with 5 people. The general gist is ward ruined the game, and nerfs made it harder. Keep in mind an average player already found monolith hard even before 1.1. Why so many complaints about lagon, harot, majasa, and various enemies needing to be nerfed. 1.1 provided almost no buffs of any kind for casuals. So exp would not be easier

Just my 2 cents here, being a casual player myself I find 1.1 to be easier than 1.0 solely because of the power of the Nemesis system. The bosses and stuff felt basically the same from 1.0, but the Nemesis just gives you the chance to start rolling some insano-mode legendaries right from lvl 1.

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