Let us Respec in what the Character is proeficent at

First of all… if you enjoy the inherent gameplay loop… it’s fun.
If you don’t enjoy the inherent gameplay loop then it’s not.

Simple as that.

There’s people (like me) who enjoy the end-game mechanics the most, optimizing a character, making sure that character becomes the absolute most powerful it can be, reasonably or not. This is where I put the majority of the time in the game, not the leveling.

But well, then there’s also a large amount of people which enjoy to see the variety in builds, those which put the effort into leveling up 5… 10… 20 different builds in a single cycle, never optimizing the hell out of them but bringing them to a baseline. They wouldn’t play 400 hours then but… 50 if the change you want comes through.
That’s not good.

If you’re completely against the re-leveling and working fully to make a new build though… then the whole genre isn’t for you. It’s a fairly big aspect of it and while it provides some exceptions to the rule (Like D3… or Chronicon for example) those are baseline good games but failed because of the exact change you’re suggesting.

Player-retention is a massively important point.

You get what you invest.
Simple as that.
If devs make the game for casuals then you’ll only have casuals and that’s it.

If devs make the game for really hardcore playing people in terms of time investment you’ll only get those people and that’s it.

EHG chose to have a swifter progression then PoE but a slower one then D3.
Life with it or leave it. Those are your choices.

It’s like asking for an easy mode in Elden Ring… a game dev has no reason and should actually not even consider making their experience easier to give access to those who can’t or aren’t willing to invest the time needed to have the full experience.

Any hobby takes time, gaming as well, we don’t need to become the mobile world of experiences easy forgotten and without meaning for our hobby.

The abandonware is actually working now? :rofl:
I thought the cutscenes are still broken and the campaign still unfinished, or have I missed something?

And has their weird non-functioning attribute system been remade?

If not then well… wouldn’t say it’s ‘good’. It at best does the combat itself half-way right, not the character building.

It makes the game vastly more casual.
You got a majority of games made to be very casual nowadays.

Leave us people who don’t want that experience some for us, would you?


Also it affects those people who enjoy it as is, so the argument for not destroying the love of making alts is a non-viable comment there since reducing the invested time not only reduces the personally perceived value for it but also causes the overall invested time before it becomes stale to be massively reduced on top of that.

Sorry ‘sir’ but endgame was build around 300 corruption.

Saying it’s 1k is nonsensical and factually wrong.

Then you played very casual games!
Take all the bigger story games. The Final Fantasy franchise, Yakuza franchise for example, all of them take commonly around 40-60 hours of story-time to get to the end, without focusing on side mechanics.
And for ARPGs… you seemingly have never ever played PoE? Maven is not reliably possible to be reached in 24 hours.
Nigh any MMO in existence and somewhat worth their money need vastly longer.
Dwarf Fortress doesn’t allow you to build a fortress in a single play-day which can be called that properly.
Heck… even modern ‘grand’ rogue-likes like Caves of Qud or CDDA (Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead) don’t make you able to reach the perceived end-game in a day commonly, even if you know what you do.

So where have you lived if you’re such an expert on the modern gaming experience if you’ve never found a single game falling into that category by yourself?

In his defense, I think that was just bad english. He was saying the reverse, that endgame isn’t something you reach in a day. As in empowered monos isn’t endgame, only high corruption is.

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300 corruption is nowhere near endgame. Any old crap build and gear can do it. Get real.

Thats where devs said it was intended to be at.

Stuff is balanced that its expected to be possible to get there with all classes and specs. I have yet to see otherwise. At least, if your build makes even slightest sense.

Beyond 300 corruption can be done, but in terms of game design, doing that is just flexing. You can go there, but its not balanced.


Whatever you say, 300 is the basic amount which EHG had in mind and - while not doing it well - balances around.

So I don’t know… I would say that’s personal perception if it varies from that, there’s also builds which have a hard time reaching that even. Mechanically fun but simply not strong.

Everything vastly beyond 300 (like 1k+) is clearly something where EHG has messed up a bit in terms of balancing since it’s far beyond the drop-rate what 300 provides.


Games that cater to people who want one character that can do anything their “SQUIRREL!” whims desire exist already. Go play one of those.

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This is a you problem. I like having an alt for each mastery.

It only takes you 10 hours post campaign to hit level 100? You work really fast man, you sure you need to swap masteries?


bro go touch some grass writing a 3 page essay for a reply it s unbelieveable, gg well dany i win you loose l2p when?

+1 to being able to search before posting.

Yeah, thanks for making another one. They are sorely needed.

Because some people enjoy playing the game & levelling, watching their character grow.


Then the devs do not know their own game. There’s not a single build I’ve levelled (and I’ve levelled a lot) that would struggle at 300.

Good for you!

Though without meaning since it’s solely your own experience.

I have one actually, a detonating arrow melee build which has inherent struggles with some mechanics through the miniscule attack range, like those smoulder lizards which instantly cause DoT damage ground effects when hit around it. It’s a intrinsic blocker for progression since I have no means to avoid it reasonably.

Try out the build, feels really nice and fun but just can’t progress far into the game.

I assume you are dual-wielding Blast Knives. Playing similar myself right now. Are you using Explosive Traps to proc Detonating Arrow? That gives you range (you throw the traps, nothing more) and is very very powerful.

That’s the entire point for me. Hitting a brick wall then puzzling out how to get past it.

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10-15 hours seems pretty reasonable.

It could probably be longer

No, the whole premise of my build is to be a melee character. Introducing inherent ranged mechanics for proccing isn’t something I do hence.

Everything goes into empowering the detonating arrow itself or defensive measures for me. Hence decoy, smoke bomb, shurikens and shift. The shurikens triggering through shift which allows a huge amount of extra damage as they swirl around you.

It’s just an inherent limited build without changing it to ‘another one’ and that’s fine.

if im being honest, thats because there is tons of shit that is just straight up broken.

This ties into class/skill balance being horrendous.

look at the new tempest totems, they are bugged, terrible, and have almost no support in tree. So even once they are bugfixed, 300c is pushing it for that build.

But the reason your experience is that you have yet to play a build that cant do 300c is probably because you are smart enough to not pick something that is very obviously weak.

Cinderstrike is another good example of just a terrible god awful skill. Melee cinder strike is just terrible filth. it can probably do 300c with good gear, but no one is gonna struggle through to hit 300c skill is miserable to play as melee.

I also dont think 300c for the devs is “this is the top end for all builds” as the goal, I think its the “this is where we want late game builds to be okay farming at” you can push to 1k on plenty of builds if you dont give a shit about dying/farm efficiency. You just keep going and get better mob layout with less rares etc. All you really gotta do is beat orobyss.

There is lots of just really trash mechanics/branches that if you focus on will struggle at even 150c because they are just so uncontrollably bad.

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The thing is that those people don’t make characters, they copy some build from another website and want to respecc to it.

They don’t play the game for the journey of learning their characters along the way, adapting to amazing loot found, etc.

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Nah, I am not taking any credit here, I play (or at least start with and tweak a wee bit) the best builds I see on youtube, that I know can hit high endgame and are usually from players I know are good. If you play Magic, you’d call me a net-decker. Most of the time anyways.

I gave up experimenting with my own builds while levelling in this game years ago as I find the loss of points when you respec very distasteful.

While this is true, it’s not the the real reason. Due to not having much time to play lately (I played about 3-4h today for the first time in over 10 days) I’m also following builds because I just want to have fun with the little available time I have. And I still enjoy the journey.

I feel it’s not simply about following build guides or not, it’s just a different mentality. Some players prefer instant gratification and little attrition. Which isn’t bad in itself either. There are plenty of games that cater to that, including other ARPGs.
LE is just aiming for a different type of player (at least for now) and they aren’t it. Which they have a hard time accepting for some reason.

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+1 every word!