Let us Respec in what the Character is proeficent at

I never had it crash on me, the bugs I am talking about are more like gear drops below the ground mesh later in the story at times. And sometimes monsters leave behind sounds when they are already dead. That kind of stuff. I played it about 2-3 months before Diablo 4 released.

Definitely give it another shot if you have time. Also it may start clunky but the gameplay gets smooth as you level.

That is what I was expecting when I bought the game. I noticed some UI bugs (like the minimap returning to the top right every time I opened inventory) and was prepared to live with it. But the constant crashes were a dealbreaker.
And I can totally understand that it doesn’t happen to a lot of people. PC parts are complicated, as are hardware drivers and anything could be setting it off. So I guess I’ll try it again when I upgrade my computer next time :laughing:

Question of taste. Wolcen to me is very very bad ^^.

Not all ppl around the world love wasting their days lvling alts that they might not even like, having the posibility of changing the mastery would not destroy your love for making alts because there are a lot of clases and neither our love to play the game eficiently

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That’s something a lot of people here ignore. On the other hand everyone and their grandma knows how time comsuming loot driven Hack and Slash games are. If this isn’t your first rodeo I’m pretty sure you knew what you signed up for.


If you can cap to 60FPS and if there is background FPS cap that to as low as possible.
The other tip I have found amongst a number of games in this genre including this one, is go into nVidia Control panel and set Vsync to FastSync for the game specifically, not at the global level.

I had crashes in D4, This game and POE was little different but I was able to resolve most of them. Wolcen for me never really crashed out like that it may be due to when I played it. I backed it on KS, and waited and waited then forgot about it till last year. :grin: So I may have missed the buggier stages.

Again, that’s not a valid argument. It’s also not a new one. It’s been discussed many times in multiple threads.
Yes, having the possibility to freely respec your mastery would hurt our enjoyment of the game.
First, because it means the game would have to be balanced with that option in mind and that means that respeccing masteries would effectively be the meta, and anyone not using that option would be at a disadvantage.
Second, because it would change the players’ perception of the game’s identity. Making mastery respecs available means that the game is much more casual, like D3 was. And many players don’t want that. You could also just create lots of alts in that game and yet all the D2 players and all the players that like making alts just left.

Not everything should be an option. Some options are harmful to the game. If you had an option that you could turn off so that you instantly had 1M better drop chances, or you were immune to damage, it would still be an option. You wouldn’t be forced to use it. And yet, it would kill the game.
This isn’t as severe as those examples, obviously, but the intended result shifts in the same way.


what is your max corruption level?

what is your max corruption lvl?

200 something. I usually prefer to create new alts once I have established the build and can already do endgame.
If you allowed mastery respec, and the game was balanced around it, I would lose interest and leave the game.

endgame is at 1k corruption sir, all the opinion you got =0 ggs wp next

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No, it isn’t. Very few builds reach 1k corruption. Mostly the bugged or overperforming ones. Which apparently is what you’re playing with.
Devs have said before that they want corruption 300 to be the endgame goal.

Besides, the fact that I haven’t as much time to play as you doesn’t make my opinion less valid. Not to mention that this is exactly what we’re discussing: making alts vs having only one character.


Lol! Ofc u have time to do alts if u are at 200 corruption, this is just amusing at this point, try to reach higher corruption and tell me if u like to do alts and restart everything to get to that corruption

Yes, I would. However much time I spend on my alts doesn’t change this. I did the same thing in PoE even though I was already killing Ubers. I just like making new characters.
And I had a character that was doing almost 500 corruption pre 1.0, which I deleted when 1.0 started. It’s not relevant to the discussion.
Spending 100h with a character or spending 1000h with it doesn’t change the fact that some people like to make alts.

D3 would like to disagree.

The only reason I haven’t pushed higher corruption is because currently I don’t have much time to play the game. I must have played a total of 50h since 1.0 because I have a busy life at times. But when I have some time to play again, I will want to push higher corruption again and I will still want to make alts.

You’re just deflecting the issue with this argument.

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gg wp i m done

I am one of the players who Don’t want the option to reroll mastery. I think that is a very bad idea. Locked masteries lead to more players leveling up new characters.

BUT i am in favor for it if it is restricted to 24 hours after you chose the matery in the first place, or like 5 levels.

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I’m also against rerolling masteries.
But I would also say that rerolling within first 24h or 5 levels would not really achieve anything, within the first 5 levels you won’t exactly feel the impact of the mastery and if you want to switch within the first 24h you can make an alt.

For the conversation going on here, I prefer not to have the ability to change the mastery as I feel it would have bad impact, people changing the mastery need to change their passives, making them not really feel the impact of each level, meaning if they’re doing it “wrong” it will have a lot of negative impact on their feeling of the new mastery.

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Wolcen was first that pushed the envelope in direction of class agnosticism and for that it’s very fun to play.

end game starts with empowered monos that’s a fact, you will still be doing the same content 1k corruption later.

that’s their decision, some people feels that having their character do empowered monos it’s enough and make an alt or stays around 200-500 corruption to theory-craft a build, then like you there are people that try to push the farthest. Its all about commitment per character, the more you commit the further your next character will have to progress that’s common sense.


The fact that I barely have time to play and I STILL prefer to make an alt is actually an argument in my favor, I feel. If anyone were to benefit from mastery respec it would be me, but I’d rather make a new alt, even if I won’t have time to push it anytime soon. It’s also why I’m playing legacy.

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