Legendary potential improvements

“The player shops that appear are random so the act of finding gear that you are interested in feels like browsing an active bazaar instead of finding players on third party websites to trade with directly. We want the main item hunt to remain outside of trade so making this an enjoyable experience but not the clear best way to obtain better items is our goal.”

Not exactly sure how I feel about this. Thematically, I think it’s great still, having a trading post type of town or mall you walk into.
However, I foresee a lot of in-game complaining and threads of people screaming to “stop listing your terrible normal and magic items since I have to keep leaving and entering the Bazaar to find what I want” (and loading screens too if that’s the case).

Not sure how this is going to play out but we’ll see. I suppose this isn’t the right thread to talk about it anyway.
On a sidenote, while trading in party is nice like D3 has, I cant even remember when I ever utilized that feature, except the rare time one of my friends was online same time as me.

The Devs have also confirmed you cannot reset the Bazaar that way. We don’t know how, but we’re assuming its timed.

I really don’t want a gold sink to be linked to legendary potential personally.

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That sounds even worse then, if it works similar to how you have to wait for the current vendors to reset every 10-15min so you can buy more shatter runes.
I do hope they enable some form of targeting certain items before you enter the Bazaar, because I can see players getting frustrated extremely quickly if each time they enter it’s flooded with junk items.

Sounds like they don’t want to have trading the best way to obtain your items.
I like the way crafting is atm, but I’ve been playing everyday since the patch launched on Dec. 10 and not found one 4LP item, or even 3LP item yet.
Perhaps that number/average playtime will go down in the future once you factor in visiting the Bazaar a few times/day.

Love the idea, worried about the implementation.

I think I read that gold will not be tradable but tbh I don’t really care what the currency is to use in the Bazaar, if it’s still intended to be gold. It seems plentiful and useless now, aside from buying your first dozen stash tabs. Perhaps they’ll adjust the droprate later and/or allow other crafting items to be used as bazaar currency.

This is almost the exact opposite reason Diablo III - Reaper of Souls was able to make a comeback…

Jay Wilson, Lead Developer of Diablo III, thought that a satisfying endgame was the Torment system on D3’s launch. If you don’t remember I will sum it up - play for weeks on end, find maybe a single item that is marginally better than what you have, and use that “spike” to boost you through on area inch by inch.

People hated it. People hated getting online and having their time wasted, or feeling like they were going to a grind. People stopped playing. So, when Kevin Martens took over for the Reaper of Souls Expansion he did the exact opposite - he said “What if instead of making people farm Legendaries, we give them legendaries?”… and it was a novel / genius idea. It didn’t make people bored, it incentivized people to play because they felt like *the time they spent had positive value, they were able to do something fun, and they got something cool".

Why are we all so focused on wanting things to be harder to get? I’m not trying to whine - this is just an example - but I’ve played close to 20 hours since the new patch. I have yet to receive ONE legendary that I would go out of my way to try and forge with… and I haven’t. I haven’t even done the new dungeon because A) the drop rate for Legendaries is already very low and B) Getting just one “Legendary Crafting Potential” on a F-Tier item has taken me 20 hours… I don’t think I’ll ever find “Fulminite Shard” or another really epic unique with any forging material, however long I play… and that’s somewhat frustrating.

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I am thinking gold PLUS a copy of the unique.

No, Jay Wilson thought that “and then we doubled it” Inferno mode was a good end game system on launch, the Torment slider wasn’t added until Reaper of Souls was released.

Haedirg’s Gift and the guaranteed sets wasn’t implemented until 2.4 (Jan 2016), some 2 years (Feb 2014) after Reaper of Souls.

You’re right that I misspoke - it was Inferno vs. Torment… but I’m not so sure about your second part: I might be misunderstanding you. Not sure where the part about Haedrig’s gift comes in…?

The only interviews with Jay Wilson I can recall include him promising “The challenge you’ve all been asking for and more” due to complaints that the Beta was overly easy… which was designed to make ARPG’s these grind fests. If you look at the D2:R forums now it’s pretty split over there - some want the drop rates to be mobile-game level, others want to have fun.

I was referring to this bit of your post as that’s what I though you were referring to.

I agree with this and not because all the Uniques are boring.
Since a lot of uniques are really build specific and/or class/skill specific its not worth it for a lot of other builds/classes skills etc to use that unique.

I think because of this, people considering it shit uniques way faster. I do atleast.
While you play the specific unique for those builds were it was designed for its great…
Thats the problem i have with the unique item pool right now.

There are to many specific builds in my opinion. Putting +1 for skill x and +1 to skill Y but not to the rest between A and Z or a bigger part of them makes some of the uniques to 1/2 specific builds interesting but gives the rest a bad taste.

While i think games like this also need those specific uniques i feel that the there are not enough uniques with some freedom of interpertation stats or usages.

Iam glad however that they are getting more interesting now and some of them build enabling. I would love to see more items with Spells tags or Melee tags or smaller groups like Elements (fire, cold etc) do this or that. Instead of specifing it only to a specific cold spell which happends a lot on the uniques they have right now.
Look it up yourself.

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