Legacy is unplayable without stash tabs

Once more:
We have tab-wise sorting.
PoE has merging.

Now you can do it in many many different variants depending on how your tabs are programmed and generally handled.

For example you got 5 free tabs which are in Legacy? Mark them which tells the system ‘put stuff in here’, then click ‘transfer’ and the system starts. 2x3 item? Enough space? Yes? push over… repeat until no more space. Does it fail to put one into a tab? Next tab, repeat until no items are left or the tabs run out.

Easiest and messiest solution, works with half-filled tabs, full tabs… whatever. Same way as to how pickup of items into the inventory works as that needs to see ‘is the space to put it there existing?’. So not much difference.

We can also theoretically expand on that system and let it sort specific item types, bases, affixes… whatever you can usually sort out dump into their respective tabs, similar to the loot filter options after all. All possible.

Much work? Sure.
Impossible? Don’t even start, obviously it’s possible.

Does it remove the ‘remove only tabs’? No… but that was never the goal, I specifically spoke about ease of usage for moving things over, period. We don’t need to talk about auto-merger which happen without player input and choice, those are shit, those don’t work, those shouldn’t even be thought about since they’re obviously failed features.

Once more: you start with a flawed argument. PoE has merging for stackable stuff only. LE does as well, since your gold and crafting materials are all merged flawlessly.
PoE doesn’t have merge for gear, neither does any other game.

Except that wouldn’t please everyone (or even most people) and you’d get outcries of "I want an option where it transfers uniques first, or T7, or 2xT6. And the LE would have to spend yet more time refining a useless system so just lazy people don’t have to sort for themselves.

Honestly, this won’t even be an issue once cycle-exclusive content comes, and for the exact same reason it isn’t an issue in PoE: the vast majority of players do leagues and never log onto their standard characters. So their remove-only tabs stay there forever.

Regarding that merging process, I had thought about one or two buttons in a stash tab that:

  1. dump all contents of that tab onto the ground - lootfilter would take care of what I want to keep
  2. if possible: dump as much as possible into inventory

Regarding the first option, you can simply Ctrl+right click to dump stuff directly on the ground. Sure, it’s more clicks than a single button, but I often do this with my stash tabs to check for good gear on other filters, for stuff I’ve been collecting.

Regarding the second option, you can also just Shift+right click for the same thing.

Ultimately, devs would have to spend a bunch of time on a system that would never be perfect and that people would still be “meh” about at best and mad about at worst.
Personally I don’t think it’s worth the effort, especially because, as I said, once cycles start being more relevant most people won’t even bother with their legacy stashes.

I know those options, but thanks. Imo there is merit to saving 100 clicks per tab :wink:

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There is, I’m not saying otherwise. It just has to be weighed with the effort the devs would have to spend on implementing that vs the benefits it brings long term.

Because, as I mentioned, you just know that if they did that, then players would demand a priority system where it transfers uniques first, or T7s, or amulets, etc. And they would have to spend more effort into expanding that.

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Yes, i did - and there was NO notable effebt doing so.

" It just has to be weighed with the effort the devs would have to spend on implementing that vs the benefits it brings long term."

I do not wish to start a fundamental disussion here, but, to be honest, the “long term benefits” of a stable and satisfied gamineg community is, imo, what most devs strive for - and SHOULD strive for. So this post isn’t just a reply, but a statement towards EHG.

What i, as a merely casual gamer who has backed LE since early beta, do experience here is kind of an “encourage hardcore gamers to make everything more hardcore than D4” thing - but the vast community of players (and, summed uop, the part of people spending mor money in-game) will be those casual gamers.

I do understand that EHG has a path of game-development in mind they wish to roll out. And in do understand that developing a game means making decisison - involving the risk to satisfy only a part of the gamers.

But still - as someone who has played LE for a longer tiome an has enjoyed it a lot - these actual “cycle-dynamics” feel dull, uncomfortable an unsatisfying. Surely LE didn’t have THAT in mind, right?

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Obviously. But, like I mentioned, remove-only tabs are only an issue now because there’s no actual cycle-exclusive content. Once there is, the vast majority of players (as can be seen in PoE) will simply play cycles and completely ignore legacy.
So spending effort on something that will soon(ish) become irrelevant to the vast majority of players might not be worth the effort.

Also like I mentioned, there’s a reason why no game does auto-merging of gear. It’s not that it wouldn’t be a beneficial thing for the game. It’s that the effort in trying to implement a system that works properly for the wide variety of possible cases isn’t really worth the time/money for something that will end up benefiting a small number of people.

EHG is still adding core stuff to the game. There isn’t an actual cycle mechanic yet. Cycles are only there for now for people that enjoy the fresh start or like to compete in leaderboards. Other than that, there really is no reason to play in cycles yet.
So they aren’t adding cycle mechanics, they’re adding core systems to the game. It’s different.

PoE also has no auto-sort option.

LE does.

This means LE already checks for tab limitations and individual item sizes.

Hence the framework is there unlike in PoE meaning the sorting can be implemented.

That’s… actually a fairly bad, ridiculously bad argument.
It affects everyone playing legacy + cycles. Someone playing more will be affected more.
Also it’s a fairly dumb argument to make in terms of people ‘asking for more’ because… that’s always the case! I wouldn’t have expected a statement like that from you. It’s the norm… it’s obvious. A baseline system can always be expanded on… but even having such a system in the first place is the point which would already solve the major amounts of the issue.

By your argument EHG shouldn’t have implement a loot filter since people will ask for more functionality!
Duh! Obviously they do since it’s great to have! So shouldn’t we do it at all?

It’s an issue in PoE and a big one which lost them a good chunk of people actually… so it’ll be a issue in LE.

And PoE has cycle exclusive content, as soon as the overall amount of content passes a specific point less and less people give a crap about that and just enjoy playing Legacy since it offers engagement for more then a cycle’s worth of time.

Obviously far away from it but scrambling to put stuff in then rather then as early as possible to prepare for the paradigm shift gradually happening (Like in PoE were the original 10% Standard players are creeping towards 20% by now) wouldn’t be the smartest move. Better deal with things before they actually become a problem… and they already are a problem for some people with only more and more having to deal with it.

Then reduce this part to a single button if possible, solely for RSI reasons. That’s simply QoL. Not necessary but nice to have.

Same with transfer.

Exactly that.
For the average joe with 20-30 tabs it’s a non-issue.
If you got to bring 100+ tabs over it becomes a massive headache though… and if we get item stacking and possibly more stacking things in the future it becomes a disaster.

Which is a factually false statement.

People play Legacy even with exclusive cycle content.
People play only the partial amount of a cycle despite exclusive cycle content.
People switch between playing some cycles in the cycle and some outside for not enjoying the specific cycle-exclusive content.

So in any of those cases it’s not holding true.

And to be fair… if it even is close to PoE’s overall percentile (10% formerly, rising) then pleasing every tenth person is already a massive win for a company.

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Yes, which is why I said it’s all about the effort you spend on making things vs the benefit you get vs the delay on other more important things.
Maybe this will happen eventually, but for now it’s just a nuisance.

Right now people feel like this is important because they have 5k items and empty tabs. So it would be nice to push a button and all those items are insta-merged.
But when 1.2 ends and they get their 1.1 cycle tabs in legacy again, most of their tabs will now be filled. So you end up pushing the button to transfer 500 items and having to manually sort 4.5k.
And when 1.3 ends you push the button and transfer 10 items and manually sort 5k items anyway.

So the effort spent on this has immensely diminishing returns in the long term.

Yeah, which necessitates a ‘dump all’ button for a tab as an example.
Or the mentioned ‘merge all T7 items’ or ‘merge all legendary items’ and so on. Things which would still hold value in legacy hence while having swift ways of removing stuff.

This is also good for database size. EHG already limited that we can only have 200 tabs. So imagine that we have 1.2… everyone suddenly has 100+ remove-only tabs, at 1.3 it’s 150… then 200… 250… if someone plays a lot they might get to 1000+ tabs solely from that and not wanting to even bother sorting.

Hence if you give an incentive that it’s done you slim down database size simply and hence reduce the load for the whole system, which should be a overall bonus I would argue, making it definitely worthwhile.

That will depend if they will take the PoE approach (keep every single remove-only tab) or the Diablo approach (delete tabs from older seasons and only keep the ones from the previous one).

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Mike has mentioned a potential 1.1x hotfix regarding stash tabs in his latest stream (at around 2:00)

Let’s hope for the best.

I think what he mentioned are improvements to stashes. I don’t think he mentioned anything about the whole merge situation or the fact that you have to buy them again in legacy.

I saw that a while ago as well and didn’t link it because I didn’t think it was actually relevant to this issue.

Well what else has been heavily asked for in that regard? I’m not aware of other upgrade options for stash.

It doesn’t have to be things people asked, but there have been a bunch of QoL stuff people asked for stashes over the years, like a better functionality, being able to drag/drop on the right side column, better highlight of items for search, apply loot filter to stash, etc.

And they could be doing the EHG thing of adding something we didn’t even ask for but that’s some unique twist on something.

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Let’s just hope for the best :wink:

Several things I wanted have already happened.

To be fair, I’m not saying they aren’t doing that. It’s just not what I took from what Mike was saying.
Especially because the question was “Will there be more for organizing our chests/tabs?”.

There has been no further word on this anywhere, has there?
Seems they are really ignoring this… first time I’m disappointed with EHG, ngl.

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