Legacy is unplayable without stash tabs

I just want to point out that this is still very much an issue though I did continue in legacy.

Kinda playing under the assumption that this will get solved soon :wink:
Without tabs I can not sort anything and only dump stuff, which will eventually become a nightmare to organize properly.


From discord, regarding this issue:

EHG_Mike Yesterday at 02:38

It is an unfortunate side effect of not being able to go over 200 and this being the first version of the feature. We will refine it based on information we pull from ⁠feedback-forums for future patches.


Stash tabs are super cheap now. You can buy tons of them for a small amount of gold.

Thank you for posting this. I still hope they work on a fix for it.

I don’t think it is too late for that either. If my latest suggestion was technically possible, it would be a retroactive option to move functionality from the “legacy” to the “1.0” stash.

If that is not an option, there are two options with a bit of collateral damage but imo still way better than leaving us - and every future first-time legacy player - stranded:

  1. set purchase price to 0 for a limited time, maybe even check how many tabs people had in 1.0 and set that amount as the limit

  2. give everyone in legacy 50 million gold to buy tabs

2 is obviously the worst possible solution, but still better than doing nothing. Gold amount in legacy is broken anyway and this would at least discourage gold selling.

@Makszi I’m afraid they still cost 600k+ around 140, so I couldn’t get back there with my current funds. And I’m unlikely to get that much gold again either for income was reduced :wink:


I think it’s too late now for that, but the best solution would have been to simply add the tabs to legacy if you had none. If you already had some, and you had more cycle stashes than in legacy, you’d get the remainder as empty tabs. Basically, it would check the highest number between legacy and cycle and keep the highest.

But by now there are surely a bunch of people that already bought tabs so that wouldn’t work anymore.

You don’t need either of them, tbh. They can simply calculate how many cycle tabs you have and give you their cost. It’s a straightforward calculation. And would be the most fair solution.

Sadly (I only play legacy so this doesn’t personally affect me, but I can simpathize), I don’t think they’ll do anything about it this cycle. They’ll improve it for the next cycle transition but I think you’re stuck with how it is for 1.1.


This would work, yes. It’s not as good as keeping the original, completely organized stash, but it would reduce the problem to the merging problem I had expected.


It’s not just gold. It’s also that many of us have invested time to sort all the tabs. And we don’t want to do this every cycle. Also what’s the point of having the old empty tabs.

I hope they find a solution - as already said - they should have added all bought tabs to legacy and upcoming cycles and the old tabs disappear once they are empty.


But you do have to sort new tabs every cycle … Everything starts fresh per cycle.

140 stash tabs is an absurd amount … With 25 characters, I barely need a tab per character.
I had $600k by the 3rd day of cycle 1.1, which was yesterday.

If the layout stays the same you can drag those items simply 1 to 1 into the already existing ones given enough space.
Which is a distinct difference in effort needed, a very vast one.

You do you, my 80 tabs absolutely don’t suffice :stuck_out_tongue: I like hoarding loot and I love different builds. Each build gets a tab with all the equipment in it allowing me to switch my singular character for that class around while I only need to respec swiftly and put the other pieces on before being ready to go as If I made a new character. I work around the limitations of character limit which we have.


You never know if you need exactly this one unique for a future character… so you keep it… multtiple copies :laughing: I am usually an altoholic too :grin:


Well, the problem is to get to 139 tabs before I can buy one more at 600k :wink:

Oh I thought you were saying the total was 600

I initially reported this as a bug the first time I tried to log in with one of my characters after the patch. I am disheartened to learn that it’s working as intended. Essentially 100% of my gameplay so far had been with “Recommended” 1.0 Cycle characters. I had nothing in my Legacy stashes. I had 52 pages of items in my 1.0 stashes.

Even if I do find the time to recreate my stashes in Legacy, I doubt that I have enough gold to buy all the pages. I don’t have a lot of gold. Didn’t realize that I’d need it. Am I really just stuck needing to farm gold to gradually rebuild my stash so that I can withdraw items from the 1.0 stash? This seems really, really bad.


Dear folks at EHG. Today, after a longer pause, i came back to LE an transferred my lvl 30 mage, whom i had abandoned for weeks, to legacy.

But once in-game, i saw my stash-tabs (not that i had had a lot of them, but sure more than just 1 oder 2) removed. Only a few Uniques, two idols, one Arbor-key and a random staff were kept… seriously??? I do admit that i don’t know exactly, how much stuff i had gathered, but i think we all agree that the aforementioned few items are a bit … few?!

I am fine with seasons or legacys (though i personally don’t need them, as i do play only casual and in my spare time (which isn’t that much)) - but being “robbed” sure isn’t the intended way to go with gamers backing you since early beta, right?

I do hope for a better handling - and having read a vast part of the discussion here in this forum-post, i am surely not alone with that.

So thanks in advance for looking into (and “fixing”) this issue.

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It would help a ton if they could just refund the gold people invested into 1.0 cycle stash tabs to the legacy gold banks of players so we can at least buy back the storage we already farmed and paid for.
It won’t fix the problem with item sorting mentioned but it’s better than nothing.
Please don’t leave it at what it is for the 1.0 → legacy transition, EHG.

I know they had no ill intent but erasing progress like this in such a loot hunt game is just not good.


I agree with that.

Item sorting would always have to be manual. Think of it like this: you never played legacy, so now you have no tabs. They could have simply merged all your tabs into legacy. But then cycle 2 ends, you have a bunch of remove-only tabs again, except that now you do have a lot of legacy tabs and they’re full of stuff. So there’s no way to automerge them.
And don’t forget that many players in 1.0 already had legacy stash tabs, so it wouldn’t be possible for them in the first place.

Ultimately, automerging items into your legacy tab is something that can’t be done and no other game does it either.
They should have given you equivalent tabs, but you would always have to manually move the items.

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True, but having a way to copy the layout of the tabs from cycle to legacy in some way would make that process so… soooo much more comfortable.

I hate the same thing in PoE, every league at the end you get your tabs thrown at you and then have to fill and empty your tabs individually. They for example have the option for map-tabs to convert into their new forms as well as merge and sort into the permanent tabs regarding for the space there.

Such mechanics should be the norm, obviously some work but it’s one of those absolutely and utterly massive QoL functions which actively save hours every 3-4 months when a new league/cycle/whatever begins.

In PoE I actively had to sort for 8 hours straight to handle overflow from a league once, which is just not acceptable and their systems are already better - but buggy - in comparison to LE.

Obviously it ‘can’ be done… but yeah, for items no game does it, true! Though LE is closest to achieve it with their item sorting function.

And PoE showcases with their map-tab that merging and re-sorting also is a thing that can be done.

Combine the functionality and you have your impossible thing be done.

For example by actively tagging tabs to sort into and then pressing a button… and it only fills those tabs.


Just to make sure… did you click on the merge button in the top right of the Cycle 1.0 tab?

Yes, but again, that would only work for the first time when you have 0 legacy tabs. As long as you have any legacy tabs, merging then becomes impossible to handle as a generic case that works for everyone.

Yes, but that’s because those are specific stashing tabs that you can easily merge. Just dump everything into their respective slots as long as you don’t go over the stack limit.

You can’t do that with gear, though. Especially because you usually don’t want all the gear that you kept in the cycle. You pick up a bunch of trash that you’re trying to sell, or that might be useful for something within the 3-4 month period of the cycle but that would be useless for legacy.
So manual sorting is inevitable. Devs can’t decide for you which gear is good and which isn’t.

I have not once bothered with my remove-only tabs. When I played PoE I only played leagues, so I assume I still have dozens of remove-only tabs in standard.

Not really. If you have less free space in your legacy tabs than in your cycle tabs, how should the devs code the priorities for which items get transferred or not?
It’s a lot of work to code something to analyze all your gear and make the decisions for you, just so that most people still wouldn’t be happy anyway.

Again, this is a very specific case because PoE has tabs that consist only of stacking items. Those are easy to deal with.
They don’t do that with uniques, though. And it would have been easy to just transfer the ones you don’t have to the old tab. But what do you do with the ones that are in both? Which do you choose?

Making judgement calls on the quality of gear for the players would only lead to people getting mad. Which is why they have to sort manually, if they want to.
Or, in alternative, just leave them there until they need it.