Legacy is unplayable without stash tabs

True, sorry for doing mischaracterization of you. And you are right, at this point it’s way past being a peasant like a forum-goblin but upgraded to an lootgoblin!

I mean don’t get me wrong. I wouldn’t mind to get potentially more stashtabs… it’s just that i can see why some devs (like crate) want to heavily limit it, but if EHG want to go all out, i’m up for it. Especially due this is ‘kinda’ live-service with the cycles and stuff and will drop regularly new content, uniques and stuff, at one point even with 200 stashtabs they might want to expand it anyway (if technical possible). So yeah.

Yeah, exactly like this. Like gonna be honest with, i often feel pretty confident with my english-skills and such… thanks to the internet and videogames i’m pretty exposed to it, but stuff like this - especially if it comes down to the technical or more complex stuff it seems ESL and Language-Barrier still hits me. And i certainly see i could’ve phraed/explained it better.

With my ‘Solution’ i’d even go as far and argue/say, that it doesn’t really is an advantage over newcomers (because you mentioned equal start) - because it’s pretty much how you carry over your lootfilters as well. And if this QoL Feature gets added, they even could expand on it as an “Stashtab-Planner” or how i should call it, where you can create your “preview” (or if it’s copy/past / Clipboardable like the filters, i’m pretty sure thirdparty websites would do something like this). That way veterans can carry over their preview each season, while newcomers can take their time and plan out their sorting system. And again just to be clear you buy each stash piece-by-piece from the preview, a planner in that regard would also be just to create a preview not outright buy them.

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I second this. Gold spent in cycle stashes should lead to the appropriate amount of stash tabs being added to the available legacy stash tabs or just refunded directly.
The worst case scenario of a new player with like 100 cycle stash tabs now having no usable legacy stash tabs is no bueno but it affects everyone who cares about legacy and didn’t have the max 200 yet


I really like both those ideas but they go beyond the simple correction that is needed now.

As is, players in this (my) position suffer massively from having picked the advertised default option cycle over just playing legacy on release.

Had I just done the same in legacy, I’d be sitting on 140+ paid off, neatly organized stash tabs ready to continue what I’ve built.

Now I shall pay off a second mortgage? Why?

I have said (in the other thread) I don’t want beyond 200 tabs or cheap tabs, only what I paid for. I had expected some formula like:

amount of legacy stash tabs = highest amount ever unlocked simultaneously. That way I don’t get cheaper tabs by adding tabs 1-20 every cycle and I also don’t exceed 200.

Going from 140 to none is pretty much game-breaking. Like I get thrown out of my house with all my belongings packed in plastic bags. That doesn’t count as continuing playing these characters. It is not at all comparable to merging 100 new tabs into 100 existing old tabs.


I completely agree. Even the analogies I’ve seen made to Path of Exile don’t stack up: in Path of Exile, you still get all of the stash tabs you paid for, you just also have the remove-only tabs from the previous season(s).

All players who purchased any stash tabs in Cycle are effectively being punished for believing that the work they put into grinding the necessary gold would be kept intact. This is even more egregious in cases such as your own where so many tabs were purchased.

To all those who don’t seem to think this is such a big deal: Would you be okay with a high-priced item you purchased via the Merchant’s Guild requiring you to pay its full cost once more to use it, once your character transitioned from Cycle to Legacy? Probably not, right? Because the gold that you spent on that item is a direct consequence of your time invested in the game. And requiring you to re-grind that gold is the same as deleting the hours of work it took to earn that gold in the first place. There is no fundamental difference between the gold you spent to purchase a Merchant’s Guild item and the gold you spent to purchase a stash tab. In both cases it is a currency earned by the player spending time in game.

So the developers need to properly honor the time players have spent in-game in all cases, not just arbitrary ones.


This is a humongous difference. It’s perfectly fine having to merge tabs 1-20 if I only ever get to 20 each cycle. But buying stash tabs beyond your legacy amount should be transferred.

I mean, this is blatantly obvious to me anyway. I can’t fathom a reason why having played cycle 1 instead of legacy would be supposed to bring this detriment.


From the way it looks ingame, I wonder if it were possible to “simply” let us allow which of the existing stashes we want to use as active stash. One-time choice obviously.

But if I could simply check a box to use my 1.0 stash as my new stash with all functionality, my issue would be solved. Any remaing stashes could become remove-only - even the new one. For surely people have filled this up at this point.

But I’d much rather have my old 140 tabs back at full functionality and a few remove-only from 1.1 than vice versa.


Sooooo… this time around, I was going to play on legacy since all the new features will be there as well as cycle. I logged in… figured out that my MANY cycle stash tabs were there but I would have to recreate EVERY SINGLE LIL TAB AND LABLE to Legacy…

heavy breathing

I closed the game. Logged in later and created a cycle character. I’d rather recreate everything from the ground up than go through the logistical HORROR I encountered on Legacy. I can’t even!


I think my latest suggestion would even take care of that. I just can’t tell how feasible it is to code.

I mean, everything is still there with tab categories, colors and names. We “only” need to shift functionality to that stash instead of the 1.1 one.


Totally agree +1 Dont want to have to refarm millions of gold to rebuy all stash tabs ive earned since release before can start Cycle. Given there was no difference in release cycle this just punishes new players


Wanted to play Legacy today.

  1. Tried the button, that was there to transfer all stashes to legacy.
  2. Pushed it, nothing happened.
  3. Read a few messages here and on Reddit how fucked up this all is.
  4. Closed the game

Cya all in the next big update.
Stupid devs these days lol

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I just want to point out that this is still very much an issue though I did continue in legacy.

Kinda playing under the assumption that this will get solved soon :wink:
Without tabs I can not sort anything and only dump stuff, which will eventually become a nightmare to organize properly.


From discord, regarding this issue:

EHG_Mike Yesterday at 02:38

It is an unfortunate side effect of not being able to go over 200 and this being the first version of the feature. We will refine it based on information we pull from ⁠feedback-forums for future patches.


Stash tabs are super cheap now. You can buy tons of them for a small amount of gold.

Thank you for posting this. I still hope they work on a fix for it.

I don’t think it is too late for that either. If my latest suggestion was technically possible, it would be a retroactive option to move functionality from the “legacy” to the “1.0” stash.

If that is not an option, there are two options with a bit of collateral damage but imo still way better than leaving us - and every future first-time legacy player - stranded:

  1. set purchase price to 0 for a limited time, maybe even check how many tabs people had in 1.0 and set that amount as the limit

  2. give everyone in legacy 50 million gold to buy tabs

2 is obviously the worst possible solution, but still better than doing nothing. Gold amount in legacy is broken anyway and this would at least discourage gold selling.

@Makszi I’m afraid they still cost 600k+ around 140, so I couldn’t get back there with my current funds. And I’m unlikely to get that much gold again either for income was reduced :wink:


I think it’s too late now for that, but the best solution would have been to simply add the tabs to legacy if you had none. If you already had some, and you had more cycle stashes than in legacy, you’d get the remainder as empty tabs. Basically, it would check the highest number between legacy and cycle and keep the highest.

But by now there are surely a bunch of people that already bought tabs so that wouldn’t work anymore.

You don’t need either of them, tbh. They can simply calculate how many cycle tabs you have and give you their cost. It’s a straightforward calculation. And would be the most fair solution.

Sadly (I only play legacy so this doesn’t personally affect me, but I can simpathize), I don’t think they’ll do anything about it this cycle. They’ll improve it for the next cycle transition but I think you’re stuck with how it is for 1.1.


This would work, yes. It’s not as good as keeping the original, completely organized stash, but it would reduce the problem to the merging problem I had expected.


It’s not just gold. It’s also that many of us have invested time to sort all the tabs. And we don’t want to do this every cycle. Also what’s the point of having the old empty tabs.

I hope they find a solution - as already said - they should have added all bought tabs to legacy and upcoming cycles and the old tabs disappear once they are empty.


But you do have to sort new tabs every cycle … Everything starts fresh per cycle.

140 stash tabs is an absurd amount … With 25 characters, I barely need a tab per character.
I had $600k by the 3rd day of cycle 1.1, which was yesterday.

If the layout stays the same you can drag those items simply 1 to 1 into the already existing ones given enough space.
Which is a distinct difference in effort needed, a very vast one.

You do you, my 80 tabs absolutely don’t suffice :stuck_out_tongue: I like hoarding loot and I love different builds. Each build gets a tab with all the equipment in it allowing me to switch my singular character for that class around while I only need to respec swiftly and put the other pieces on before being ready to go as If I made a new character. I work around the limitations of character limit which we have.