Legacy and faction progress

Is there a good reason to reset faction progress for legacy characters? To be honest, progressing factions is really really painful already, I’ve heard it takes longer than to level to 100. Playing a few hours now and then, it is pretty disheartening to see all that progress being lost.
Please don’t make legacy the same dumpster league like Path of Exile tries to make their default league, it is pretty frustrating if you just want to play for a few hours sometimes and just don’t have the time to make and progress a cycle character in a meaningful way. In that case, having a legacy character is great, but it isn’t so great when your progress all gets deleted…

Most importantly:

Thanks a lot, I was not aware of that. Kinda still feels underwhelming, given that the rank is taken over rather than the reputation (same reputation would now give a higher rank), and I lost a lot of perks, but better than nothing…
Is there any tangible benefit to playing cycle rather than legacy? Besides the fresh start. Do I get the same harbingers also in legacy? Or is it like PoE where most new game content is only available in the leagues?

Cycle and legacy will remain the exact same for a few cycles while they add core stuff to the game.
The only difference between them is the fresh start/economy and leaderboards. And the fact that the harbinger boss will only be available to cycle in the first week or until someone kills him there.

Perfect, thank you for the information! In that case, I guess there is no good reason for me to play the cycle, given that I could not care less about leaderboards and the chance of me encountering the Harbinger boss before the end of the first week is approx. zero.

Clicking the migrate button did indeed migrate Reputation rank. But it did NOT migrate favour points. Is this a bug or intended? If its intended…WHY?

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Probably overflow issues for favor being possible.

I don’t know what the overflow value is, likely similar to gold in the billions… but still existing.
Now that has no meaning today but maybe in 4-5 years, likely EHG is trying to create a system which doesn’t break by mistake in the future.

As to what I mean with that. Imagine you have 55% of the max favor in Legacy and 60% of the max favor in a cycle. Now… you combine those together… and then things get awkward. It’s a overflow and hence wonky stuff happen.
Does it simply stop and not count up, loosing one of both?
Does it break and display something odd, like negatives?
Does it start over from 0 and count back up again?
Does it get stuck and never count down anymore?

Many possible outcomes depending on the engine and setup, so it’s likely that they wanted to avoid the hassle which takes a decent chunk of development time and the time simply wasn’t enough to handle it perfectly.

It’s not.
EHG_Mike — 14/06/2024 03:29
I’d have to double check to be sure but it works the same as the challenge merging. Favor vanishes and it gives you the highest rank for each faction.

Why does it vanish though?

Why should it vanish?

Isn’t that basically ‘screw your effort, start new’?

So that makes vastly less sense to happen then a technical limitation, that’s a clear-cut design error.

Personally, I’d use the same standard they used for the ranks: keep the highest favour value.

I personally would prefer the following:

Add both up.
Have a check-feature to limit input to avoid overflow.
If it would overflow use the max value derived from the check-feature and move that amount, if not move full amount.

Would make the most sense as favor is active time investment done and shouldn’t be lost. Much like max tab-amount shouldn’t be lost and instead moved over. Hence cycle got 140 tabs but Legacy 30? Add 110 in Legacy to your existing 30.

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same issues … feels like a slap in the face… gotta refarm points if i wanna buy something

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Same… preventing overflows should be simple. Like this, there is even less incentive to ever play non-legacy, to be honest. At least not until my ranks in legacy are fully maxed.

Same for tabs. Don’t quite understand it. Competitive players don’t care about the legacy server anyway, so why ruin things there for those who do care?

I now have, both because of the way the merge works and because how the ranks were re-arranged, a much less nice setup for farming (CoF) than before. And it will take a loooong time for me to get back to where I was before.

Must be even worse for those who already had max rank.

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I don’t think the ranks system was done to prevent overflows. As Kulze pointed out, it’s easy to prevent those and as a programmer I agree. Placing checks to prevent that is trivial compared to everything else.
I think it was just a design decision. Maybe to prevent having rank 5 in legacy and rank 9 in cycle and the sum automatically bringing you to rank 12 now, which they might deem as not fair or counter to their intentions for this, or maybe it was just because it was faster/simpler to implement and leading to less problems.
Whichever the reason behind it, I think it was a conscious decision to make it like this.

Tabs are a different issue. Mike said on discord, when asked about it, that’s it’s an problem that arose from not being able to have more that 200 at a time and that they’re trying to come up with a better system for next cycle.
Which, I admit, is a sort of non-answer, since it doesn’t fix people affected by it now.

But one was a design decision (whether you agree or not) the other was a technical limitation.

I know that it is a design decision. Preventing overflows is indeed trivial, or at least trivial enough that that cannot really be the reason. I do some programming as well ;).

But yes, I don’t agree with it. They could at least have kept the progress in terms of favor, and not in terms of rank. That way, I would not have lost a lot of favor. If you were rank 7.9 before, you dropped to rank 7.0, and rank 7 is already a lot less favor in the new system than it was in the old system (because there are two additional ranks now).

Then again, I generally think the ranks require too much favor. But it doesn’t matter all that much, at some point, maybe in half a year or a year, I will be max rank in CoF on legacy and hopefully will never have to farm ranks again.

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Actually, they convert it. When I logged into 1.1 I went from rank 8.something to rank 9.5.

Really? I didn’t… Strange. Maybe I missed something. Was rank 7 before, was rank 7 (with I think no extra favor) after.

It’s a mess. My 6K CoF favor came across, but the MG favor reset to zero (and I’m a casual scrub, only rank 4/5 in both in cycle 1 & never had any in legacy). None of the 1.0 stash tabs will merge into Legacy no matter how many time I mash that damn button. WT…???

Ha ha, left MG, joined CoF, then left and came back to MG - now have a whole 120 favor lol! When I know I had around 3-4K… :roll_eyes:

Maybe read the text before leaving a faction which directly states that you’ll loose all favor upon doing that.

The big fat warning window getting shoved into your face upon doing that.

Wait what!? I was positive I switched factions several times with multiple characters during the first cycle and never lost favor. Godammit! Cheers. Kulze…

Upon further reflection, I feel that the problem with this system, as I’m now discovering, is that it’s not very casual-friendly. I just discovered the favor loss the hard way (and also that I can’t read!). For those of us that couldn’t care less about being competitive or cycles, ladders, etc (I mostly now play legacy solo or with my wife), removing all favor on swap is fairly punishing. Why not just leave CoF favor at the value it was, when I switch to MG and vice versa…? I would suggest that a better option for casual carebear scrubs like myself would have been to have a ‘non-competitive’ faction, as follows:

  • remember the favor on each faction so a character can switch freely and not lose current favor in either - otherwise alts are unnecessarily impacted/punished as well
  • allow us to use items from both factions at the same time
  • only allow MG items to be traded on the market (obviously)
    This would go a long way to making the game a lot less grindy for casuals. As it stands, I have the choice of going CoF for the better drops (which I am honestly yet to see!), OR, playing MG to buy the one or more uniques I really need for a build - but then if I switch to CoF to get slightly better drops (hah!) I can’t use those MG items anyway - catch 22! And if I just stick to CoF, I could then go to 100 praying to the gods on RNG without ever getting the build-defining item(s) I really need.

So, with all due respect EHG, the faction system only really works for no-lifers and/or ppl who can grind more than a half hour to an hour a day. As it stands, my only really viable option/choice is to play MG and just trade for every item I need, or accept that I will have a sub-par build most likely. And that really doesn’t feel good for a loot-based arpg to me, sorry (anyone remember D3 1.0 AH…? Ahem).

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