Legacy and faction progress

I’ll fix that one for you:

‘it’s not very friendly’ here you go :stuck_out_tongue:

I find it a very badly done system as well, it’s too limiting for the fear of exploiting the usage. It has ways to exploit it without some of the downsides… but the favor one? That one I haven’t found a singular reason to exist yet.

You don’t only get your favor removed actually, it’s worse.

When you switch out of CoF all your prophecies are gone as well. Not deactivated until you pick it up again… just… ‘poof’.

I’ve had a few very long and detailed discussions about that.
It has some fringe-cases where it makes sense, like using gained gold from CoF into MG after long play-times which skips the entire progress hence.
Also with gained gold from MG which is then used in CoF Lightless Harbour to multiply your potential loot several times over.

All in all I think it doesn’t warrant this severe of a downside though and should be limited otherwise.
For example… not using gold with MG in the first place since that one has already functionality and sinks which hence get utterly destroyed.

Yes, and that’s the main issue, switching has upsides to make up for the respective downsides… which in itself is fine!
Actually a healthy system.

But the current implementation enforced that the switching isn’t done since it would allow unintended usage… but the negatives far outweight the positive aspects of the current implementation, so even in the current state I would be for a switch. But that’s personal and I can understand - once again, current situation - why EHG has done it as it is.

End result: It’s a badly implemented mechanic overall.

That is because the objective isn’t for you to keep switching around. It’s to choose which adapts better to your playstyle. They give you a high penalty (there’s much discussion about that already somewhere else) because it’s supposed to be an important decision that actually matters.
Details can be discussed (and have at length, espcially losing favour), but switching factions should either be not permitted at all, or have a high penalty.

You forgot the one we discussed at length until you finally understood, where you have a level 100MG character with a broken build and you simply buy all the gear your new level 1 character will ever need.
Meaning you get to use 100% MG gear and still have all the CoF bonuses.

Current system prevents double dipping. It won’t change. It might (and should) get tweaked on a few things, like not losing favour. But it does its purpose. Which is to prevent you from switching all the time.

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That’s the fringe case.
Since CoF provides the same outcome by gear-drop-rate.
Even with your example there’s no core vulnerability which is more detrimental then turning the idea upside down by allowing the change.
It just became the first actually viable result which I can agree on that it’s a vulnerability of the system if not handled.

Thanks guys, yeah I know I’m a fringe case (maybe) as a solo non-cycle casual, so a ‘non-competition’ faction with the best of both worlds would really help us time-limited carebears ;).
I guess my real complaint/criticism of the game then is, that the drops are not very rewarding for casual play, even in CoF, and you can’t easily target-farm unique (that I’m aware of). If CoF let us tick a box to select non-season/non-ladder/no-compete and only trade with party members/friends, then that would suit my playstyle and time limitations perfectly. BUT, even though I know there are a lot of dad players like me, the hardcores would no doubt find a way to abuse even this system, eh.

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Yeah, that’s usually the outcome.

I’m also a player with low time invested overall, simply can’t afford it and the only reason I’m so active on the forum is because I can do it in-between my work currently.

So I know where you’re coming from.

As for the items not feeling rewarding… that’s a given with the low variability EHG designed the system with. Path of Exile has not without reason at times 10+ tiers for a single affix… also with - by now - vastly more affixes in general existing.
This causes the chance to get a item which top tiers to be far lower. In Path of Exile after all a item with some lower tiers can be quite nice still, in LE? It’s immediately fodder to be thrown away if there’s no Forging Potential left.
This causes the feeling of progression to come fairly quickly to a stand-still and the individual steps to be far further apart in comparison, which makes it so you swiftly step from ‘viable upgrades’ into the territory of ‘it just isn’t worth it’ from a moment to the next.

I think that’s the biggest bit EHG needs to work in, it’s the core element of their game after all, the itemization is extremely well done as a baseline system… but the current affix implementation is very limiting.

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Cheers, yeah I was very lucky to have found a Stygian Coal (and Mortality’s Grasp) at some point, which I didn’t even realise. I then saw this build of Dr3ad’s: https://www.lastepochtools.com/planner/QDr0b39o
And instantly re-spec’d my warlock to it, now having an absolute laser-blast at 75! :slight_smile:
This is why I keep all my uniques now, just in case, you never know…

You can do prophecies for that unique type to drop more often, which increases your chances of getting them.
You can also use Runes of Ascendance on CoF ranked gear (which is now even a part of the loot filter) for a high chance of not spending it, thus giving you more chances as well.

So there are ways to target farm, just not to deterministically target farm (nor will there be).

For casual players I feel like CoF is actually pretty good. It does give you base gear to get your gear online and it’s not too hard to get good gear that lets you do 300c.
It’s only when you start entering the “need LP uniques and exalts to slam it to improve gear” territory that it clearly loses to MG.