[LE-65] Failed to connect ot Game Server

What is going on? I haven’t been able to play for many days now. I keep getting this error, when I used to play the game just fine before.

Same here, bought the game just to play couple days :smiley: , sadly no response yet, looks like servers are blocking providers or ip’s for some reason.

same issue anyone got any guidance on how this can be fixed?

Good luck. I have hade LE-65 error since launch. Only way around it I have found is a vpn.

why would a vpn work ? dont wanna pay for one if it dont work

Same, I was playing just fine up until a few days ago. Now I get the LE-65 error no matter which server I try to connect to.

same for me … but when i create a new char online - i can play … WTF
i dont want to play a new char, i want to play my lvl 55 paladin …

I don’t know why it would work. its the only game I own the I have ever needed to use one. I noticed others saying it worked and guessing it has to do with certain ISPs or something.

I downloaded Proton VPN for free. It works but the game is really laggy especially in towns and disconnects sometimes. Not sure how much lag is because of the VPN, or the server issues people have been reporting.

Edit: I noticed an there is a thread thinking its people on Comporium internet. Which I am on so I am leaning to it is a possibility. Comporium Internet Users Cannot Play Online

I also received a response from my ticket:

Taylor (EHG)

Mar 8, 2024, 14:31 CST

Hi there,

Thanks for reaching out!

The information has been escalated to our QA department and they will be investigating the issue - please also be sure to report the bug using the in-game bug report feature. Until a resolution is found, please keep an eye on our Forums as that will be the first place we post any updates regarding these issues.

ok ty for your responses ill give it a try

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