LE-52 error

same error LE-52 connection

Yup. My son and I have a couple of hours so i showed him this game, gifted it to him, and . . . nope. Error. Please fix.

But it works fine for me.

Same here, has anyone been able to get a resolution or an update from support?

Friend has the same issue. Bought the game today and it won’t let him log in at all. Error LE-52.

I just bought the game today and im getting the same LE-52 message. Can’t play the game

same problem. bought yesterday.

Why hasnt a dev or anyone responded with a fix?

Very interesting Beanie. This sounds like they are blocking the game from running if there is already an account on the IP. VERY STUPID IDEA

Also encountering this error. First time trying to play online and hitting the same error.

Just purchased the game, installed it and have the LE-52 error every time.
(West Cost, Seattle WA)

Is this an error that is only effecting new accounts and new players that have just recently brought the game?

Yes it is

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If anyone experiencing this error would be able to provide their log file with their report, it would be much appreciated.

Player.log (41.4 KB)
Player-prev.log (38.9 KB)

Player.log (42.8 KB)

I don’t have a player-prev.log

here’s my log of le-52
Player.log (43.1 KB)

here’s my log of le-52

Player.log (38.7 KB)
Player-prev.log (38.7 KB)

Player.log (37.1 KB)
Player-prev.log (41.5 KB)

We’ve released a small client update to fix the LE-52 for new accounts - Patch If you are experiencing this issue, please restart steam and download the patch. Thank you for your patience.


I am having the same issue, but it seems like the south American server works for me 90% of the time. US east, US central, and US west only let me in 5% of the time maybe? Do you all not have these servers setup the same way? Or, is the south American server at a lower capacity? If does seem like when I can get into the US servers it is at a time where the capacity would be lower. The other thing is, I get disconnected when trying to change zones, this is while playing on any server. I have to re-
login 5-6 times and keep attempting to change zone before it finally works. The times that it does not work, I get an error saying I got disconnected from the server. I have included logs and a wire shark network capture.
Player.log (44.3 KB)
Player-prev.log (2.4 MB)
LastEpochEnterGameButtonPressedWiresharkCapture.zip (993.1 KB)