Last Epoch Trade Survey

I know, but your statement of “I’m arguing for what’s in the game’s best interest based on player numbers/money” isn’t actually correct. They could get more players and money by going full EA/dark side.

Edit: Though I will admit that I could have completely got the wrong end of the stick & that comment that I took exception to is what you think “everybody else” (or whatever) is saying. Wouldn’t be the first time.

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Shush! don’t give them any ideas! Imagine the howls and screams if they where able to get a separate full trade mode but only with a 15$ monthly pass!

No, that would be for the reversion of drop rates to pre-trade levels while still having access to the trade UI.

Also, fixed that for you.


no, there was an option for “trading with strangers is somewhat important” one for “trading with friends is somewhat important”, one for either one being very importane and “I do not care” but no option for “BOTH are important”

This is one of the answers:
“I don’t care who I trade with as long as I can trade”

Sounds like it is the every trade is important option?


That was totally what i was thinking of…

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As a great man said - you should always rely on the players that there is a problem, but you shouldn’t let the players solve it. Don’t let the vocal minority to lead you into the dead end, do mistakes by yourself or profit from a good decision. Cheers.


You’re right - I didn’t really mean it like that. I just want to see the game be the best it can. There’s going to be disagreement about what that is, I just get triggered when I hear people basically threaten the devs with “this game is going to be dead on arrival if you don’t do things this certain way.”


They could do that, but that would be a bad idea seeing as theres more money there than other places. Server is located probably in Singapore anyway and probably doesnt cost much to run.

Then again EHG decide to give MP so they have to cater to us players. Why even post this unwitty reply? Because someone lists all the ‘bad’ things a human can do in a trade setting and they are told to avoid then and leave us alone and you comment on where I live? weird

Also economically EHG should be trying to attract Oceanic players we actually have money to spend.

Didnt see your actual toxic reply

Hey I mean we cant all live in dreary disgusting UK, I am actually born in London and moved from the shithole when I was 5 and thankfully never had to return, arguably life is better in Australia than most but unfortunately I am british fundamentally and almost all brits are sadmongers

Any more expansive trade system would likely require a reduction to drop rates to balance it.

Of course, but on a separated system. You can keep the solo experience the way it is, the item gifting coop limited the way it is and add the third system which is the Free Trade one with massive reduction on drop rates.

Please, be smart. You guys can please most players with 3 separated systems (6 if HC possible on each one).

True, the difficulty is figuring out which is which…

Because that’s not an overly useful suggestion. I’d also thought that you’d be more aware of the point behind the sarcasm.

Because the devs have many times stated their viewpoints on this

  • don’t split the community more than necessary
  • killing mobs/playing the game as the primary way of getting loot
  • restricted trade (that’s even in the kickstarter), though this is probably the same as the one above

Doing #2 & #3 along with keeping the drop rates reasonably similar to what they are non live is really not trivial.


No, there is just no point in continuing a flame war with people who can’t, or don’t want to objectively address the issues of the current gearing system.

Recently I found another problem with the entire thing and it was a Lizard video from a few months ago, which in essence shows how useless gear is anyway. Now this may apply to some builds, that don’t rely on weapon damage, but it’s worth looking at it. I would admit that I’m slightly shifting into “fix your gearing system, before doing anything with trade”, but I’m still adamant that trade is absolutely needed when there are items locked behind hundreds of hours of grinding.

People who write on forums Of games = minority
Prople who cry me a river in steam discussions = minority
People who play the game and don’t care for everything else and simply deal with changes = majority

In 99% of the cases the minority is always vocal. It’s sad but true :smiley: .

Then again if the majority eats every s*it they are served there is ony the minority to listen to :man_shrugging: so no deed to figure out anything :smiley: .

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No, that’s what he was TRYING to show.
What he actually shows is that skills are most of the attack, while gear is most of the defense.
Which I don’t see as a major issue…

Of course, Lizard can do 300 corruption naked. Just about, look how his health keeps playing yo-yo. And Enuwepoch can do T4 Julra wearing only a Bastion.
But I don’t think a lot of people can. I haven’t tried, but I am pretty sure that for me at least, 300 corruption naked would be a slaughter feast.

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I don’t think those people simply deal with the changes. Instead they simply stop playing and go look for another thing to play. I know this from my own friends.

This is also why I don’t care about arguing on forums. If majority is with me, EHG will clearly see that from player numbers no matter what forums say. And if majority isn’'t with me then it is simply not a game for me.

From both of them?

On a more serious note… look how many people play games and look how many people post on forums. Do this for a week and you might end up with 10% of the playerbase who are active in a forum if you are lucky.

On top of it every genre has different numbers and they fluctuate. Hack and Slays most of the time have seasons and player count rises in the beginning but still then most of the times the forum usage is rather low untill something out of the ordinary happens.

This was true for 99% of the games I played.

Very exciting survey and I truly hope it indicates that there could be trade in this game after all. I did kinda wish that we could’ve written our own answers as the answers itself were not really what I wanted.

All items should be tradeable and we need 90-95% drop rate reduction to make trading meaningful as it currently the game is throwing trash at you left and right and exalted items has lost their meaning in the MP event.

If the current rates were reduced by 90% then exalted items would feel amazing when you find a good one or decent one at very least and this would cause healthy but fair economy to us all!

No one needs the kinda gear they are getting atm since crafting so damn powerful that people would still run around with t20 gear quite fast like it’s nothing.

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At that point, isn’t it just PoE without the 13-odd years of content and a different skill system?

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  • don’t split the community more than necessary

they failed, already split

  • killing mobs/playing the game as the primary way of getting loot

The 6 systems will have that, even the free trade one, how people will acquire items to be sold on the trade market? Also, this is player’s decision not LE to call. The player will decide how they want to progress their character. On the kickstarter they also mentioned that: If not, so the devs can sold the game to themselves only and play the game themselves only. Also the recent survey just proves they are at least “”“worried”“” the ship will sunk.

  • restricted trade (that’s even in the kickstarter)

It is?
this is a lie from your part

Not going to happen, luckily.