[Last Epoch Tools] Compare Monolith Options v2.85

Hi, I will try to keep this short,

Link to v2 post: [Last Epoch Tools] - Compare monolith options v2

Major update to how my monolith tool project is going, the code works with different resolutions and has more functionality.

Before you would have to alt tab and re-run the code, but now it will check the screen every second, if it can’t find the monolith screen it will try again.

You are now provided with 3 options:
Prioritize total % of exp and item rarity * echoes
Prioritize % exp * echoes
Prioritize % item rarity * echoes

The program will automatically select the highest option give the selection above,
Please be warned, the down side is that you will not be able to choose based on modifier, so if your character is weak it may get dangerous.


I was very close to compiling an exe for anyone to run, but unfortunately for some reason the while loop isn’t functioning with pyinstaller. - help? let me know if you can figure this out.

I will release a version 3 once someone or myself figures out why the .exe isn’t working with the while loop(or if its something else that’s the problem)

I will also try to include an option to turn off the auto selection (so instead the mouse will just move to the button, but not click it.

@11th hour games, please let me know if you have an issue with the tool,

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