[Last Epoch Tools] Build Planner

@Neoliterox1 @Ayb @Toldoth Can you please try again? I’ve adjusted caching for certain resources and this supposed to fix fix the issue.

Sorry @Dammitt but I’m still getting the error as of 15 minutes later.

worked for me thx alot @Dammitt

What error is that? Can you post console errors? Just hit F12, switch to console tab, reload the page and copy the log please.

Failed to load resource: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT
PixiJS 6.1.2 - ✰ WebGL 2 ✰ http://www.pixijs.com/ :heart::heart::heart:
pixi.min.js?601:8 Uncaught Error: Texture Error: frame does not fit inside the base Texture dimensions: X: 2753 + 64 = 2817 > 3100 or Y: 3401 + 64 = 3465 > 3323
at e.set (pixi.min.js?601:8)
at new e (pixi.min.js?601:8)
at t._processFrames (pixi.min.js?601:8)
at t.parse (pixi.min.js?601:8)
at pixi.min.js?601:8
at t.dispatch (pixi.min.js?601:8)
at pixi.min.js?601:8
at s (pixi.min.js?601:8)
at e.use (pixi.min.js?601:8)
at pixi.min.js?601:8
set @ pixi.min.js?601:8
e @ pixi.min.js?601:8
t._processFrames @ pixi.min.js?601:8
t.parse @ pixi.min.js?601:8
(anonymous) @ pixi.min.js?601:8
t.dispatch @ pixi.min.js?601:8
(anonymous) @ pixi.min.js?601:8
s @ pixi.min.js?601:8
e.use @ pixi.min.js?601:8
(anonymous) @ pixi.min.js?601:8
(anonymous) @ pixi.min.js?601:8
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for https://www.lastepochtools.com/common/js/thirdparty/html-text.js.map: HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for https://www.lastepochtools.com/common/js/thirdparty/viewport.min.js.map: HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for https://www.lastepochtools.com/common/js/thirdparty/pixi-filters.js.map: HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for https://www.lastepochtools.com/common/js/thirdparty/pixi.min.js.map: HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE

Having this same issues, was coming here to make sure it wasn’t just me.

@kotrenn @Kohtas If any of you has a couple minutes to spare, can you message me in discord please? Dammitt#8089

The issue is still not resolved for some people, so I’m still at it :confused:

Update: the issue is fixed now and should never reappear again.

Hey there…

Totally off topic… but I have had the pleasure of using your excellent online resources (GrimDawn & LE) for many years now and I have always wondered what your day job is? The tools you provide are top-tier compared to the general rubbish that pops up for popular games and its always fascinated me to understand your background in dev and how you have the luxury of putting in the obviously huge number of hours into this kind of side hustle that (as far as I can see) doesnt earn you anything other than kudos…

ps… I’d understand if you wanted to keep this personal and not divulge your superpowers…

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I’ve been in software development for more than 10 years, used to be backend/frontend developer (java, postgres, js, php mostly) for quite some time then switched to ios for a bit, then to android dev and stayed there for 5 years or so. About a year ago I got burnt out, plus didn’t agree with the company strategy at that time and decided to quit. Currently I’m unemployed, got some savings, so can kinda still have a break from day-to-day job and work on side projects like GD/LE tools, although they don’t cover living expenses. When I had a job, most of my free time I devoted to side projects, cause I just like what I do and enjoy programming in general.
I think I start looking for a job in the next couple months, so LE tools development will slow down a bit.


Hey there… thanks for the insight into your prowess… I had a similar period in my past… running my own web dev company for 10 years 18hs a day and burning out big time… now I look after the kids :wink: … Enjoy the time off - its really important… Sincerely hope you can find a new job to keep the lights on when you need to again… really appreciate all the time and effort you have put into the tools we have all used… :wink:

Hey Dammitt, just noticed the planner is working on my end again and just want to thank you for your hard work and dedication to the community. You make the game better.

Hey bud, just noticing that “Twisted Heart of Uhkeiros” doesn’t add +1 to elemental spells.

Thanks for the report, it should be fixed now.

This auto-generated loot filter is amazing!

Is it possible, and would others find it useful, to add an option that generalizes resist affixes?

So far my #1 manual intervention, after using your awesome filter while looking at others’ builds from guides,… is I go through the Red re-colors and check more resist boxes, because I know I’ll be playing resist tetris with my drops.

Apologies if I’m just missing how there’s another way to deal with this.

This a valid point and I’ve been already asked about this.
You can now find a checkbox “Add resist affixes to all item slots” in the loot filter form – this adds resist affixes to all items slots (only those that can actually be rolled for particular slots).

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HI, I don’t know if this bug has been reported already, but the planner goes invisible (you can see the main page in the background) after using the skills tab for a few seconds-minutes. After this, the passives & skills tree never show up (or are dark) but the main tab + items still work.

Hey. It’s the first time I’m hearing about it. Can you try to open planner in another browser and see if the issue is still there? If the issue happens again, can you open dev console (F12 > console tab) and post any errors/warnings that you see there?

It happened in both chrome & edge. Here is the console log:

WebGL: CONTEXT_LOST_WEBGL: loseContext: context lost
www.lastepochtools.com/:1 WebGL: CONTEXT_LOST_WEBGL: loseContext: context lost
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for https://www.lastepochtools.com/common/js/thirdparty/pixi.min.js.map: HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for https://www.lastepochtools.com/common/js/thirdparty/pixi-filters.js.map: HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for https://www.lastepochtools.com/common/js/thirdparty/viewport.min.js.map: HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for https://www.lastepochtools.com/common/js/thirdparty/html-text.js.map: HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE

Looks like webgl renderer doesn’t have enough resources to render ui, so browser frees webgl context. Does this happen even if you open only one planner tab in your browser? What’s your GPU / CPU?