[Last Epoch Tools] Build Planner


  • Detailed information on skill procs from items can now be seen in item cards both in item db and build planner

I’m not sure if you have it on your list of To-Do’s or not, but when I was looking at the DPS calculation for Fireball, I noticed that as a Sorcerer, taking just the Piercing Heat node wasn’t increasing the Dps calculation by any amount, which I believe means that the Sorcerer specialization perk of Sorcerer’s aren’t being accounted for, or the Mana Cost on that node isn’t being accounted for. However, I do think its the former because if you take the Arcane Divergence node, it has no effect either.

Yeah, it’s actually an oversight on my part. I disabled this mastery bonus when I was testing dps calculations and comparing planner values to the values you see in the game itself. In the game this bonus seems to be ignored (bug report was already submitted), so I disabled it in planner for testing purposes, but forgot to reenable it. This will be fixed in the next update.

Eagerly awaiting minion damage calculations. Great work. Keep it up.

Hi Dammitt, really enjoy using your planner. Almost exclusively using your site nowadays (only using Tunk for EHP calculations).

One question: For fireball DPS, it states that Flame Burst has a base damage of 100, and a added damage effectiveness of 500%, which does not correlate with the tooltip (20 base damage and 200% effectiveness). Is this just a tooltip bug?

Otherwise, super nice tool!

It’s a tooltip bug in the game. I reported the issue here.

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I see, thanks for answer! :slight_smile:

I’ve just noticed that when you put points into the Bladedancer’s Blood Serpent’s Blades node, it adds +50 (flat) damage over time, instead of 50% damage over time at max points.

And the Weapon of Choice bonus for DW swords isn’t added in to the glancing blow stat, I presume none of them are.

Thanks for the report! “Blood Serpent’s Blades” node stats were parsed incorrectly, this is fixed in the next update. “Weapons of Choice” bonuses were indeed ignored because weapon combo condition was checked incorrectly, this is also fixed for the next update.

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Yeah I noticed that the build planner when I upload a sorcerer wearing a Unique Calamity helmet, it shows up as a plain jeweled circlet for some reason.

Thanks for the report. The issue is fixed.

Paladins bleed chance node is not being calculated in the bleed chance character sheet. even though it’s specific to melee, and throwing, and chance when hit, I feel it should still be added.

Internally these stats are handled correctly. Regarding the fact that you don’t see it in stat sheet - it’s by design, because currently in stat sheet you see global ailment chances not X type specific ones. I’ll reorganize ailments stat sheet at some point and you’ll be able to see type specific ailment chances there, plus list of ailments will be expanded.

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Wow you are fast!

Server is down due to configuration error. It will be back soon-ish. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Upd: server is still down, no ETA on when it’ll be back up, hopefully today

Upd2: the issue is resolved, server is back up.


Sorry for a short downtime today. DB was moved to another server.

I’ve deployed a small update that fixes minor issues mentioned above, plus better handling for conditional stats.

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I don’t know if this has already been addressed already so forgive me if it has, but when i try to use the planner it cuts off parts of the UI(hotbar is gone from main screen) and the passive screen is sideways(left to right, all images i see show it from bottom to top).
So basically the window looks too small for my screen and is also a bit wonky. Is there any known fix for this? I have updated my browser(Chrome), restarted and cleared cache. I’m on Mac if that helps.

You can change how far its zoomed in to help with this, I think zooming out to 90% helped me with this

It sure did! Thanks a lot!