Last Epoch: The Imperial Uprising Event Patch Notes

I do not trust MG anymore :stuck_out_tongue:

We didn’t get new/additional character slots last time.

(post deleted by author)

Make sure you have your time zone configured correctly as it should change the date an times above to be accurate. The Game is going down for Maintence right about now and will be offline for 24 hours (also no its only the 18th in Halifax so you still have about a day to go)

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Yo! Let’s go

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Does this mean one can be level 87, for example, with like 85+ points spent in Mage and Rune Master, and with a single button click:

  • I can refund all points from base and mastery
  • I can then spend points in Mage and the spec fully into Spellblade beyond the dividing line

The above like a pure respect and a major change in the character. Please help me understand this.

Tell me you didn’t read the patch notes without saying I didn’t read the patch notes.


If you’re a Runemaster with 20 points in Mage and 65 points in Runemaster you can, with one click, refund all 65 points in Runemaster OR all 85 points from Mage and Runemaster. You’re still a Runemaster

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Thank you. If I were no longer bound by the mastery choice then it would be a very different game… that would be a very big change. One could make arguments in favor and against such a change. I’m not making either argument.

I’m so excited for tomorrow after work when I can experience these changes! Looks like a lot of fun and can’t wait to chase after loot lizards and unburden them lol :smiley: I may also decide to change my archer character from a pure arrow archer to a falcon one, since most of the unique drops, etc. seem to be more focused on that class. I’ve been saving them up, so allowing me to change to the falconer (or whatever it’s called) will be great for a casual like me who is experimenting with different classes to see which ones work best for my play style. These developers are quite amazing, and I’m glad to be a part of this amazing community of players. Some of the bosses are too dificult for me, but I just ask someone in chat if they can take them out and so far I’ve always had assistance. These players literally melt the bosses allowing me to go up to higher level monolith sections (can’t recall what those are called; acts I think or something like that). Overall, this game rocks and I’m having a great time with LE!

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Oh so you can’t change your subclass? I was hoping to switch one of my characters from a pure archer to the falconer class since most of the unique drops seem to be more focused on that subclass, but if not, no worries and I’ll just build a new character then :wink:

Can you please remind me what’s the current character limit in Online ?
If I recall correctly, it was changed a long time ago from 20 to 25.

I remember “cleaning” my roster at 1.1 but I’ve not played that much since, so I should be good.
But I’m also a clean freak; i’ll probably delete some more again :stuck_out_tongue:

Nope. If you’re a Marksman you’re stuck as Marksman.

Finally… I can be, unburdening what has been…

25 online character limit.

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I’m really looking forward to trying all this out. Sounds like some good stuff coming.

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Before being scared of LE to die, remember how Wolcen devs did community dirty before abandoning project…this game actually strifes post release.

i guess see you in Q1 2025, nothing interesting in this patch or event for me, there is no new content.

personally am disappointed that next cycle will be somewhere in Q1 of 2025, was expecting it to happen this year.

development seems to be super slow in LE.

There is new content, it just isn’t that much.


yup, worded it bad- should be: there is not enough of new content for me which will make me play the game again right now