Last Epoch: The Imperial Uprising Event Patch Notes

Okay this “event” patch had a lot more stuff to it than I expected. This sold me on trying out MG for the first time with the reset.
Nice work :slight_smile:

I’m still hoping for some balance adjustments down the line before 1.2 hits. Just to make the game fresh from a build perspective.

on high game settings, after an average of 2-3 hours of gameplay, my computer freezes too and I have to restart it. The only solution is to restart the game earlier.

so it isnt just me good to know but still stupid i never seen such terrible peformance issues in any game before

Know what you mean, but slightly disagree.
In LE viable = shitty build, “meta” = builds which kind of work and provide fluent gameplay.

Gap is just too big imo

Amazing, I’m sooooo excited! Great work!

It’s not a new “cycle”, “run”, or “season”, it’s a reset of 1.1. The new cycle is going to hit 1Q 2025. You might want to get your facts straight before you post a rage.

As far as “new things” goes, they are implementing some new shrines and loot lizards, plus giving us a Stash Tab Priority system.

not my words … they litterally said they ballance around 300 to be considered good enough

this too xD


Haven’t tried the game in true offline.
Think it’s something ISP related? I don’t have any issues with other online ARPGs.

I just know that online has been plagued with latency issues causing lag and presumably fps drops since it launched. Not sure how much better it’s gotten since then as I play in True Offline

Guess we found the culprit…
Damn newer GPUs!


the tracking and the MTX reward is only for cycle or any online mode?

If I play my Offline characters while logging in I will get credit for the MTX by killing skeletons?

Does this imply that logging in with my Offline characters will allow me to now use MTX or is it still just for Online?

No. There won’t ever be MTX for true-offline characters. For them to award you the MTX, they need to communicate with your offline files, which doesn’t ever happen when playing in true-offline, unless when updating.

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“Fixed mod rounding being biased against the extremities of a range”

wow, realy? Who the hell coded this and why omg.


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You’re right; I admit I wrongly assumed the next patch is 1.2.

Do we also get new character slots with the reset like with the last cycle?

Just one of many many good questions :stuck_out_tongue: