Last Epoch: The Imperial Uprising Event Patch Notes

what is the mtx that is given for the event?

To be fair… some new effects on already existing content is ‘eh’ unless it’s substantially changing how you play, which shrines… definitely don’t.

The loot lizards are basically just a mob running away from you, which might give good loot but like in every other game they’re mostly annoying.

And the loyalists are event mobs, so not clear if their modifiers will stay afterwards.

It’s really… not much at all, really really small things.

There was a time in ARPG-history when this was basically a 4 months league mechanic :smiley:


Yeah, the same times when snake on mobile phones was revolutionary :wink:

You got your first mobile phone in 2013?


D2 also had that stuff, with some changes and additions when their ladders were reset, which was actually around the time of… mobile phone snake :stuck_out_tongue:

D2 ladders are hardly comparable. They ran 1 or 2 years, roughly, with very inconsistent additions to the game.

And started like 2 or 3 years after release of D2?

I didn’t have any performance problems while playing the game. The problem is on your side.

I wasn’t sold with the reset but I’ll definitely give it a try now :wink:
I’ll test MG for the first time.

(And yay, an event related MTX to players who participate)

Thanks for the work EHG.

Not worth re installing D4>LE sadge

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ummm is this for this season? way disappointed was hyped when i finally heard news last night. The way you guys are getting info out is ridiculous no one has any idea anything is happening and this is a sad excuse for a season!

Pls make leveling something faster. im not fine with the reset but ok. level one char to 100 is a very long way and i have a lot time. spend more than 400 hours since release but had only 1 lvl char in pre season cycle and in this nemesis cycle i had one at 97 or something.
PLS PLS speed up the level phase PLS

“Warpath”? Thats all? No more skill fixes? I’m beginning to be really confused. What can be higher priority in hack and slash action RPG than skills and its nodes? Is this the end? I remember devs talking about how they dont want the player base to stick to “meta” builds… But now, “meta” builds are the ones with working mechanics.

Confused on this Steamdecks/proton thing… i definitely need a better connection experience so what is the steps to take to launch the game using this proton rather than steam?

people need to chill out, this is an event update, the big thing has to do with doing the mob kill milestones and follow social media (and the loot boons for faster cycle life as well). The balance changes will come when there’s a new big patch, it’s ok.

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