Last Epoch: The Imperial Uprising Event Patch Notes

Exactly my reaction… So good!

This Cycle reset and Imperial Uprising event begins on Sept. 19th at 11:00am CT.

The Imperial Uprising ends on Oct. 20th. This would be everything in the Event section of these patch notes.

The Cycle reset continues until Q1 2025 when patch 1.2 releases, which is the next major patch. As far as we know right now, Cycle 1.2 will be some combination of 1.2 stuff + 1.3 stuff + other stuff, as detailed in the Roadmap. Judd Cobler, EHG CEO and LE Game Director, has also stated in the 1.2 Announcement that it will contain expanded end-game content, better onboarding for new players, dungeon improvements, continued performance optimizations, and, of course, more balance and variety.

"It would also be great if you didn’t have to go back into your tree to allocate skill points after respeccing, and then go back to the skill respec tree again

It will just be one chapter so we will still miss 2 so no. Campgain is not going to be completed :smiley:

Besided this patch was exactly what was annouced. I will play for a bit and come back in new year. You have other seasonal games to play in the meantime.

Not really, have in mind that the PoE 2 Early Access comes out in November and PoE 1 next league is probably gonna be around that time.
Also a lot of people have skipped this cycle (me included) because PoE 3.25 came out very close to it.
So this refresh is kinda nice now that 3.25 is at its end and more people is gonna put an eye on LE.

Quick, pinch your arm!

Nope not dreaming!


The things you mentioned are probably some of the reasons they decided to go thru with a mid cycle reset now, since its literally the only time to do a reset before Q1 2025 with so much stuff releasing…

Thanks EHG team :slight_smile: looking forward to returning to Eterra after a break and try out the new goodies such as the Stash priffinities :slight_smile: and the loot gozards :slight_smile:

I died to a crash in top 10 ladder on release, and then again on the most recent reset, top 10 ladder massive fps dip and dead… didn’t even see the mobs. Massive lag spikes/fps drops on certain maps and against certain mobs. On a 3070 + 5800x with zero issues on any other game, including AAA at 140+fps.

I’m not seeing a single change to performance here, this 500MB memory leak looks like it’s for steamdeck and not PC? Absolutely crazy this is being overlooked yet again.

Edit: No balance changes (new items/set items,skill changes/uniques etc.) is 1 thing, no new content is another, but there’s literally nothing. Search function on bazaar, inflated xp event and a global reset. I’m flaccid and bitterly disappointed tbh, thought this was an ARPG made by gamers for the gamers, but I’m starting to understand the grumbles from people pre-launch now. Rip

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Maybe the biggest part of this patch - so excited :smiley:

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100% Agree. All of my buddies were playing other games when 1.1 dropped, and they’re excited to see 1.17.

We know this for a fact actually… They already said 1.2 will come in Q1 2025 on this post:

Just like experimental items are hard to obtain for CoF, so are nemesis base types, not only is the pool of nemesis weapon types large, its not even guaranteed one shows up and then it still needs to roll the right affixes. They are way to rare for a CoF player to realistically get one, especially if said weapon is then also a weapon that takes from both melee and caster affix pool.

Also, keep in mind, that unlike normal items, CoF can not use prophecies to get these base types.

I run LE fine at stable 60fps, with a 1050ti that’s 8 years old.
I suppose there’s something more to it, cause I seen lots of people complaining about performance when they have high-end computers.
Maybe it runs better in older GPUs? :sweat_smile:

When I read we were getting a dungeon rework I was kind of imagining something more than just making them smaller. I guess this is an ok bandaid fix to make you have to spend less time doing the bad, outdated content, but I’d prefer it if we got something new or even just cut out the dungeons until something better could replace them. (Obviously would need some temp way to do legendary crafting.)

I thought it was weird that the line about it in the initial post was kind of vague, but I kind of just assumed you were saving it for it’s own post or something to show off some cool changes.

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There are more dungeon changes planned in the 1.2 patch update, as noted by Mike Weicker, a senior dev at EHG, on the LE Discord:

Also, Judd Cobler, EHG CEO and LE Game Director, notes that dungeon changes are coming to patch 1.2 in the announcement post:

They have announced in a previous post 1.2 for Q1 2025

Wait, fresh cycle and fresh economy without any changes/buffs to skills?
Whats the point of that? Will be same in 3 weeks like it is now?


1080 Representing, game runs great for me!

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Sadly the game does not run “fine”.
It has massive issues with fps drops and screen freezing (2sec freezes when clicking beacons comes to mind) even on newer hardware. The 1.1 patch made it even worse for me.
I’m running it on an Intel Core i9 with a 4070 Super and get fps drops into the 20s regularly in certain monolith echos and I’m not the only one.

Actually I think the game runs better on my old PC.

Doesn’t keep me from playing the game, cause I love it but it’s frustrating and far from “performing fine”. It’s very poorly optimized.

I’m definitely looking forward for more content and further game optimization in the future.