Last Epoch & Starforge Collaboration Giveaways - Master Thread

Hmm - that sucks. You know some of us are not on X aka Twitter?

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I agree! It would make the anticipation even better!

Also would like to know this. As well as if typing in the correct name when you already own the game voids you also. @EHG_Steve clarification on this would be appreciated!

I laughed so hard and long about this comment :smiley: i agree.
Even if you finished those things the chances are slim you win since other people will do it as well. At Least you had a great trip hopefully :wink:

so coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool

@EHG_Steve my name is also steve, that should get me at least 100 additional entries ;]

I always hoped Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse would give me a discount. Especially since my first name is Steakhouse.


I’ve been following the game for a while. Today I finally bought the deluxe version and now they have events like this. this gets better every time

Oh man. Hate to tell you, but pretty sure being named Steve makes you inelidgible to win any and all contests for all time. You already won the life lottery by being named Steve.


Restrictions - U.S. Residents Only

A little to fine this fine print.

I need one! :dotted_line_face:

Good luck to everybody :smile:

Pumped for the game and pumped to win a PC lol

Why does it say US only then? Disappointed to find that after doing the tasks -_-

Very nice :hugs:

It’s a pity that taking part in / winning oen giveaway PC, you need to be US-resident - which i am not.

I understand taht teher are tax- and customs-issues involved - but please @EHG_Steve keep in mind your backers from all those other countries around the globe.

Same here - though, connecting my Schenker XMG notebok to a 34" curved monitor pushes LE to WAY new heights… :slight_smile: !

gl to everyone!


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Restrictions - U.S. Residents Only

classy that.