Last Epoch & Starforge Collaboration Giveaways - Master Thread

not to mention wishlisting a game you already own seems to not be possible? might be wrong but i havent figured it out so thats a fun one,


:scream: :scream: :scream:

It does work if you already own it.


do i just put in my steam name or is there a way to wishlist it still?

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US only or EU ASIA etc etc Not reading through all those terms and conditions add if region specific to the post.

If it is just US only, well you can go and suck eggs.


There is no region restriction. :slight_smile:


I just clicked on the action and used the Click Here hyperlink it redirects you to steam, if you are logged in and have the game in your libary you can enter your steam name and Enter.

That immediately ticked off the task for me

ahh okay i dont use browser steam so i just put in my name and hope it works :slight_smile:

Cool! Thanks

Happy to participate in this contest.
Happy to see all the hard work finally paying off for the LE devs!

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Thanks for the chance :slight_smile:

wrong, u can write anything and it will tick as done for wishlist, exept u will be voided so guess we all will be voided as it states before u do it. and no u cannt wishlist it if u own a game already

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I never win any of these things. Crossing finger because I would really need a decent PC right now and cannot really go for it while going for a mortgage :laughing:

Best of luck to everyone :slight_smile:

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There’s one that resets daily to rack up the 14 entries it seems. Liking Last Epoch’s posts on Twitter once a day gets you entries. I’m the same where I don’t use Facebook or Instagram, so I’m limited by it, so it looks like they though of that.

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Yeah, I’m not a big fan of this. I mean, what audience are we hoping to unlock here? What’s one of the tasks for the 100 addition entries? Will I need to make a pilgrimage to the Amazon jungle and introduce LE to a previously uncontacted tribe? How about planting a LE flag on the dark side of the moon?


Likewise, I don’t do Instgram period, I don’t do Twitter period. I never have and never will do either of those.


I am not sure if the repeatable task coutns towords the 14 tasks.
It gives 1 extra entry everyday but how I understand it it doesn’t count as a individual new task every day.

Lets see how that works, I will see it in 4 days

I mean that is the thing, they just try to increase the reach with this kind of marketing and that is totally fair. Many of the people will probably participate even though they don’t have direct interest in LE.

But I am sure wit hthis kind of stuff it does spread around quite a bit, which will eventually put LE on a couple mroe peoples radar.

Here is the list of tasks

Yeah, I got the list of tasks. But, like you, I don’t wish to participate in the cancer(s) that are Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. So, I’m hoping I can get credit for my pilgrimage to the jungles of the Amazon, spreading The Word of Eterra to all the savages I come across during my travels.


Very very nice!!!