Last Epoch - Season 2 - New Launch Date: April 17th

You guys rock! Very smart move and great for all the players who enjoy both games!
For me unfortunate, because you guys have my love and I was looking forward to the new league on April 2nd… LE > PoE
You’ll get my money then 2 weeks later for the new supporter pack. :heart:

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Issue is that poe players won’t switch when they have a league already running that they are building in to not many people with leave poe2 after 2 weeks. Eiter move the date backwards release it in last week of march instead they have to be in front of poe2 if they want the players.


It’s ait, I’m still excited to play it!

That’s absolutely true.
Anyone who starts PoE2 will be hooked for at least 3 weeks to a month.

If LE had launched earlier, the situation would be the opposite because players would want to finish their characters and explore the endgame there.

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I suggest that EHG consider offering some form of compensation. For example, announce that faction progression will be temporarily accelerated (e.g., for two weeks) due to the delay. Alternatively, add new content like a fresh class, subclass, or an uber boss to make up for the postponement.

in my humble opinion its a stupid argument for delaying a new season cause of poe2 release and a divided player base. played the last 2 weeks to get into this game for the new season and felt pulled over the table for spending time into refreshing the mechanics again.
if i am wrong explain it to me pls.

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I think this change makes sense, as much as it sucks. It is much better for LE players to have more than 2 days before we move on to try another new season. What a great time to be an ARPG fan! I am new to LE, loving it so far, and I will be around for a while!

The game has been out in 1.0 for over a year and it’s not even on its second season. We lost 2-4 seasons having to wait for this and season 1.

Dear EHG team! While it’s my first messege here, I have played your game approximately 600 hours. I’m no stranger to LE and I’d like to thank you for your decision to postpone S2. I’m really looking forward to it. Your product is amazing. Keep on


I understand why you did this. For me this just means 2 weeks additional wait time. Not great, but whatever.

@Moxjet200 Can we make a deal? You use the little bit of extra time to squash a few additional bugs or do some more polishing or add in a little extra feature and I try to get my friends through Monster Hunter Wilds endgame till then so they can start Season 2 with me.

You get a few more players, bragging rights for using the time nicely and I can flame my friends for my atrocious loot luck. Everyone wins. :smiley:


good decision

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why just not release it earlier. idk. gl anyway

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this move is not smart. players will not leave poe 2 after 2 weeks. they should release earlier. or later than 2 weeks after poe 2


If the point of moving the date is to have a bigger playerbase at launch then I don’t think the shift is a good idea as I doubt regular players would be done with a new PoE league in two weeks.
Its probably more problematic as people who are enjoying the new PoE league would skip LE’s 1.2 launch.

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I took a week off work for this… :frowning:

i guess it is the correct decision.

You guys are Nikola Tesla , GGG is Edison


HUGE W Y’ALL! Still hyped, take this time to refine, you’ll blow the competition out of the water.

I don’t play path of exile, this is disappointing, but ill wait.

I will take out some false believes.

  1. The overlap of players between PoE 2 and LE Players isn’t that big to begin with.
  2. If you feel you’re the Underdog, then you should allways go first to maximise your profits
  3. You’ll have more than 3 million views and overly positive comments on your announcement Trailer
  4. It was only a social media issue that narrowed down the view.
  5. Saying going first will lose you money is like saying putting tarifs on products will be paid by other countries or gets the inflation down.
  6. The majority of LE players don’t follow streamers or watch LE streams.
  7. You don’t know if your competitor has to push the release of it’s patch back to do unexpected issues.

Only 7 points why pushing back your release of S2, especially if you feel like the underdog is the worst decision you could make. You give up on a lot of players, and a lot of money for basically nothing.

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I realize EHG was put into an impossible position, but further delay is a mistake. There will ALWAYS be something competing for attention.

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