I understand the decission from studio point of view but it is dispointing for me as LE fan who is waiting 9 months for content. Will not be buing any supporter packs this season.
I like both games, i have been playing LE since early access love the game, and super hyped for S2, i dont like it, but this is a good move, which would have not been needed if GGG did you guys dirty like that, its totally understandable, and my respect for you guys just skyrocket!!! and GGG gets the dirty look for me, thanks for being the grownup here, you guys rock!!!
i will drop PoE2 in a heartbeat once s2 launches mid april, and i know many of my friends will to, going to play this like crazy , looking forward to it.
I think this is a mistake. I was planning on playing this even with POE2 coming out a few days latter. Now I will be in the thick of playing POE2 and probably NOT play this. Why would you schedule to go AFTER. always be FIRST. You think people will be bored of POE2 new release in just two weeks?
When poe2 delays cause of random bullshit like it always does and has, they will eat it again. And when they get up and running and poe1/poe2 are running staggered leagues, LE will have 0 launch dates.
Not staying in your lane and just doing your own thing is sad, and it makes me values the devs less.
I am tired of being treated like a second class citizen in my own favorite game. LE is the game I want to play, the game ive supported for 2k hours.
All this delay does is reward GGG and poe2 players, and hurt LE players.
Man you’re quite misguided. “The game I want to play is limited in resources and therefore has to adjust their plan to have a better chance at getting the valuable resources needed to continue development but I don’t get to play for 14 days so I’m going to stomp my feet and claim to withhold resources I most likely had no intention of contributing in the first place because I’m big mad.”
sorry but this is childish, then you never was really a fan or true supporter who wants the game to succeed to begin with.
i will buy a extra supporter pack then for your loss, come on m8, i know it sucks, i have the same, but what you want them to do?, they cant compete with PoE2 atm, every streamer and his dog is going to stream PoE2, it gets them the most views and more cash and therefor more people going to jump on PoE2 new content drop the moment it drops, their momentum is just to big and its a total dick move by them , and if it stayed like it was, alot of people who where on the verge of trying it or inbetween, would not even try LE for 2 days, or try it 2 days and not come back, which would break LE’s momentum, now with this change, people will, and people and streamers will blast poe for 2,3 weeks and come on LE, do you want LE to succeed or not, waiting 2 weeks longer is not going to be the end of the world, if its the best thing for the studio and LE’s success, i am fully behind EHG with this, and i also find it shitty, man, have GGG to thank for that, its totally understandable from EHG, they are the grownups here, my respect for them just skyrocket.
Disappointing but it’s best for the studio and thus the game. It’s too bad that they were put into this position and also that they weren’t able to move the release date forward instead.
To be fair i get it you want your game to be successful. Im really sad that you are bowing down to those shitheads at GGG dont get me wrong i love poe i love LE and i also love poe2 but my plan was even if poe 0.2 launches on april 4th to ignore it and start playing it when i need a switch up in game or when i had “enough” of it. Oh well guess ill have to wait 2 more weeks but for me GGG is done that was the BIGGEST asshole move ever and i will never support them again im really disappointed in them they knew your release date for a long time and just said “yeah fuck them”. I will always stick with LE for me its the best arpg out there and that will never ever change i will ALWAYS have your back guys <3
if you think anyone is jumping ship from poe2 to LE in 2 weeks ur insane.
They are not taking players from PoE2.
They are praying they do, because they are so unconfident in their game, that they know they have to play sloppy seconds and pray on the scraps.
They deserve their shaky business, does not mean I hate the game, its just bad business. ill call the local burger joint and tell them not to start a new special burger, mcdonalds just made a meal deal.
The people praising this are because they wanna go play poe2 and not have to choose. Remember all those threads “oh im playing LE over poe2, fuck those guys” and here we are “thank god I dont gotta choose, based devs”
its so fake its disgusting. The Arpg player base is the most low iq infighting community ive ever been a part of its crazy
is it really so hard to just i dunno play the game you want to play, and then when bored, go play the other “ah shit they launched at the same time, guess I wont be playing poe2 ever cause I missed the launch of a beta patch” thats fucking INSANE
Is it a dick move by GGG? 100% yes, but at the same time, EHG has done nothing for 9 months. By done nothing, I mean as far as updates, obviously they are working hard behind the scenes.
This game wasnt ready for the 1.0 release but they wanted to cash in. They now lost their “big release”. People arent going to care as much about season 2 as they did with 1.0 You then go almost a year with nothing coming out, at that point you are begging to be forgotten. Cant blame GGG for EHG releasing a game before it was ready.
Well I am sad, I don t like POE and was waiting a lot to start a new cycle character.
So please launch some thing until the release, like the return of the Imperial Uprising, or a especial event like legacy character leveling up faster so people can create more legacy characters and enjoy different gameplays without having to play all the leveling everytime.
Smart move, unfortunately you shouldnt have had to do that. Extremely bad look by GGG. Maybe I’ll simply boycot the POE2 update on April 4th, just because. And then play Last Epoch on April 17th.
And I cant wait to watch POE2 numbers dip two weeks after their update.
This is a wrong decision, atm.
Me and all my friends were super hyped to start LE and play at least 2 weeks until the poe2 patch to address 0.2.0 issues, as they usually do.
But now we are going to start PoE2 and I doubt we will finish by the April 17, so probably we skip LE until later time.
I am really upset with the decision.
Thanks a lot and we apreciate it! I am anxious for the release! I am a huge poe fan and I kinda gave up on LE becouse I did not enjoy end game that much becouse trading faction was kinda bad imo… Best of luck with the release! Will buy some stuffs from you to support at release. Cheers!