Last Epoch - Season 2 - New Launch Date: April 17th

Because they’re not Jerks, and don’t want to step on GGG’s parade. GGG should learn a thing or two!


The purpose of the CT is not to prieview stuff, that would need to happen in a totally different controlled environment.

Also splitting up new additions into small segments before the big launch would dimish the hype and excitment generated for the big launch date.

And CT participants are excluded from any race or competitive events.


Jeez, there’s already been a lot of delay and a lot of agitation about the long delay between patches. Another delay seems like it’ll burn out what goodwill is left. Personally, I am pretty dissapointed with this.


you are right :wink: but i thought you meant like this , im sorry , and i love POE2 too and im normal player but i dont play POE2 now
i will wait until 3 months or so when next POE2 big pacht drops

now i wil take time for last epoch :smile:

Fat F

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This is the exact take I have. Gamers will want to “finish” the season of poe2 before jumping into LE which could be months depriving LE.

Great, as if we hadn’t waited long enough…


This is the best move. Unfortunate how this all played out. I’m proud of you guys for being the bigger people here.

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They still show up on the ladders. That’s what matters. Regarding a patch on the 2nd, it’s hard for people to accept nerfs or delays without buffs or perks to compensate.

I’m disappointed. Not playing PoE anyway. Now we have to wait even longer for a season that’s already taken way too long to come out.

EDIT: Also, thinking about it some more, how much does this help player numbers anyway? The people who are super engaged PoE/ARPG players are probably not gonna just stop playing PoE 2 after 2 weeks. That game is designed to perpetually consume your time. And for the more casual players… are they gonna play PoE 2 for 2 weeks, get their fill of it, then think “oh boy time to play another ARPG!” I get burned out after a few weeks of playing and then I need a break before I’m good to go again. Are there really that many people who are itching to go right from one ARPG to another?


They have to make decisions that are in the best interest of the studio in this situation. This launch is where they are planning on making their money to sustain the game. They need player volume, not just the small dedicated player base that we are part of. They need the PoE2 people to come play the new season even if they come a week or two late.


What happens if PoE2 season 2 is excellent and it has even better retention than EA launch and no one takes the time to move to LE in 2 weeks? What then, what will the reason be for why this was a good idea? I think EHG needed to be first, maybe even move it earlier. Grip the player base and continue to drive the hype with great reviews. But instead they give GGG a head start, time to make changes with patches and hype to build for poe2. This could turn out to be a very bad decision. ARPGs are in a lul of content right now people are literally waiting for ANY game to drop their next season I really wish LE was the first.


Friends? Friends my ass. Those mfs fked with you guys.


There was no good solution to the situation. LE was in a disadvantageous position not of it’s own making in that the dates set between it and PoE 2 was just 2 days apart, and I’m glad the decision has been made to slightly delay so:

  • people can get PoE 2 “out of their system” first and then thoroughly enjoy their time in LE
  • LE can get the exposure from streamers it deserves, not just 2 days by most of them
  • I don’t have to choose between 2 amazing games, I can play both reasonably extensive

Did EHG take an L here? Perhaps. But I feel this was the right choice to make, and a 2 week delay is stomachable to make this a successful launch for everyone. IF it started april 2nd, 2 days later there would be an unavoidable loss of a considerable number of players and streamers covering the game, and it was the best solution when there is no good solution in my opinion.

Mad respect to EHG for doing this!


RIP to my fellow PTO takers. Unfortunately, content creators and people without jobs are more important for the long term health of the game.


Though I am bummed I have to wait longer, I am ultimately glad this is happening. Last Epoch’s devs have been COOKING and I really think this gives the season a chance to breathe and let more people filter in. I’m so sorry GGG did that to you guys. Also I think this also helps even more now as most streamers will be over POE2’s release by then, and the whole scene will shift to LE. Massive w.

I never buy MTX in games, but I will be buying a supporter pack each and every season to support you guys in the small way I can. Keep cooking!

That being said… if you ever need another beta tester I can keep a secret very well haha.


Of course I’m a little sad I have to wait longer, but I really feel it’s going to be SO worth it. Hopefully we’ll have more friends coming to join us too. Thanks Judd and team!

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wait 17 ok

Glad use have delayed its the best thing for the game.
Sad our good arpg friends did this in the first place im a big supporter of them but left dissapointed by their actions.
Ill be logging in no matter

What-Ifs are fine to consider and may apply, but we never know the full picture of how things turn out beforehand, only speculation (that can be more or less accurate).

Yeah, PoE 2 might get a headstart in a sense, but imagine PoE 2 screws up their patch or didn’t do enough for balance changes, there is a lot of potential “same build meta again” fatigue, a lot of potential for “my crazy build got nerfed to death” plus the hit to GGG’s reputation with setting their date on april 4th.

I don’t think being first or second to release big content matters to anyone who hasn’t bought one of the games yet anyways (they just play what they already have for the new content), and those who play both games already will now be able to enjoy both, or (like some people announced on their own) will “make a statement by not playing one” :stuck_out_tongue:

Doing 1 week earlier release could have been more of a recipe for disaster, as the update may have been more rocky. Now it’s likely we get the rocky start on PoE 2’s side and a stable start in LE :smiley:

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