Last Epoch - Season 2 - New Launch Date: April 17th

Just to be sure, this also means the Twitch cosmetics drop moves to April 17 as well? Those skill skins look cool.

Edit: Oops! Just saw that those dates moved as well. Thanks!

We are here to support you

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Welp time to change my vacation plan :smiley: This is a good call.

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This must be a really difficult decidion! Full support and love here!

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Really excited for the new content. Can’t wait to come back to the game and see what you guys have been working on. Been watching some of the preview videos and the new stuff looks amazing. Hoping for a successful launch.

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nice good to hear, i would have played at least a week anyway. but many other wouldn´t so thats definetly the right call.

  • Better to bend than to break -google translator said

i dont know if its already implemented but i have to mention it, ggg has payment per Mobile for their shop currency would like to have it here too

so what your saying this all ggg doing

ah yes. The future of calling other companies “friends” after getting screwed over by said “friends” and at the same time bending over and letting other studios dictate their release schedule. Sounds incredibly healthy.
GGG is now fully enabled to do whatever they want. Sounds great.

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What GGG did in choosing that date really rubs me the wrong way, but I can also see why EHG made this decision to move it. I’ll see you all on the 17th.


also if you keep doing this it will kill hype for your game coz ggg can just drop at the same time as you anytime now i think is bs


I never said POE didn’t fucked up. I know it. What i wrote is that EHG should have sticked to their program and should have launched when they said. The majority of players would have gone there to play instead on POE2.
I never wrote that POE2 does not need to compete with LE…they occupy the same niche, they naturally compete.
Read again what i wrote and maybe u’ll get my point.

I support this decision and stand strong with EHG.

Hopefully we can still receive the patch notes on the originally planned date? =)


Loving the explicit callout to “our friends” here :see_no_evil:

I’m excited for Season 2 and will definitely be playing the heck out of it! :purple_heart:


If ggg would move their time again. That would paint them in really bad colours and show that their 1st date was in fact malicious.
I believe this is the best way out of this ugly situation.

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It would be cool if your CT program was more accessible so people could preview the content when stuff like this happens. Some preview weekends or something would be fun in the future. Anyhoo, any chance of releasing a “patch” on the 2nd that has some new stuff in it? It would be fun to practice heartseeker before the race. It’s not really fair people on the CT have such a competitve advantage.

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I wonder how many jumps from PoE 2 to LE after 2 weeks. This just sucks big time and my excitement went down.

I guess i will play other games then.

Disappointing again.


I understand why you are doing this but I am more than upset by it.
I was already really looking forward to playing, and thinking 2 weeks was sooo long, now it’s a month that sucks. I really hate GGG for this! I don’t want to play their boring dodgerollfest of a game I want to play this one, and i think it’s a REALLY crappy thing to launch 2 days after your original date because they dont fkn care GRRR

Anyway love you I am sad but i understand <3


Yep, this just makes me not want to touch anything GGG tbh.


I’m not a businessman, so idk about the decision to move the release. However, with almost 2300 hrs in the game, I’m going to play this no matter when the release happens :smiley: This is a fantastic game!

You guys could totally use the extra time to add a couple skill fx. I’ll drop some more dough in the shop for some good ones!


Damn, forced to wait…