Last Epoch Patch Notes 1.1.5 Redeploy

Thanks for this, very nice little addition for QoL, but Iā€™m afraid it isnā€™t working in Skills Trees and NPC Shop. It also doesnā€™t work on Affix Shards search in the Forge crafting inventory.

Just tested it, and it only works for Stash, Passive Tree and Timeline search.

Just keep going. I think you guys have been doing an excellent job!!!

I really want to return to LE at some point but I wont as long as this still exists. I am honestly quite shocked they havent fixed it yet.

Bugs happen, they canā€™t fix everything immediately, unfortunately. Itā€™s not like they saw it & thought ā€œwe could fix it, but, fuckit this netflix show isnā€™t going to watch itself.ā€

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The bug has existed since 1.0 and is game-breaking. Sure they canā€™t fix everything immediately thats perfectly reasonable. But a bug as bad as this cannot go on for more than 6 months, that is completely unacceptable.

The majority of players are not that patient. I stopped playing in 1.0 because of a bug (health bar no longer showing in offline mode) and also quit this cycle because of this bug, another one specific to offline mode. There arenā€™t many chances left for this game to redeem itself for me.

You consider 20 million cheap? :melting_face:
I have a total of 365.7h of playtime atm, one char before 1.0, one 1.0 cycle CoF char, and now another legacy CoF char to farm there so my progress isnā€™t partially erased again.
Bought a bunch of new tabs in legacy already with that new char and I now have 61 legacy tabs, total cost 6 727 500 according to

Wish I could see the playtime of my 1.0 cycle char, but I spent weeks on her and got a total of 64 stash tabs there, total cost 7 522 500
So I lost more than 50% of my lifetime gold farming to his. This is a significant loss.

I have spent a total of 14 250 000 gold in stash tabs and nothing in that one Dungeon gambling. Again, my total playtime is about 365h and I am still far away from the 20 million you consider cheap gold earned altogether.

How do you people print money outside of MG like that, that these gigantic sums are negligible to you.

Iā€™m aware of the 200 limit but getting there takes forever and losing a ton of that grind is just horrible.
Iā€™m happy for you that itā€™s not a problem for you personally but I hope you can see how itā€™s a big problem and discouragement for players like me and the others who posted their feedback about this, when a fix would be so easy by just giving back the gold invested in cycle stash tabs.

This is still the most upvoted feedback thread after 1.0 ended, only second to the bigger issue to have boss prophecies only drop after the Harbinger kill


I think the LE Dev team is really slowing down. They need to seriously ask themselves if changing where the cursor defaults to and which field is highlighted is enough per patch cycle. Genuinely feels like 1 Dev could have done all 1.1.5 stuff in 2 weeks. With GGG and now even Blizzard stepping up their game, I donā€™t think EHGā€™s development roadmap stacks up.

Is it just me or is anyone else having trouble clicking on loot or mats on the ground since the redeploy?


Do you mean you click and zhen nothing happens?

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Nope, not just you.

The item highlights but you need to click on it repeatedly to be picked up.

I noticed that if I just click away and then re-click on it itā€™s picked up as normal.

As many might observe, it is an absolute pleasure to dodge stuff and keep up with a fight when the rune/shard/glyph pinata drops and this bug happens (at least items can be filtered out).

But of course, the devs have told us that they debated internally having shard auto-pick-up many, many times, with strong and passionate arguments, and in their absolutely correct view pushing players to click on stuff on the ground isā€¦ engagement + this is what makes LE fun (except where there are bugs like this which, coupled with some aoe that needs dodging or another fight, results in extreme level of fun and joy).


And I already was about to buy a new mouseā€¦

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It acts like a double-click, where you click on the item and then click to move. When you click on the item your character moves to where the mouse pointer is and sometimes this causes the item to not be picked up. And yes, itā€™s very annoying. Even when the item is picked up every time, your character moving with every item pickup click gets agrivating.


Except Evade didnā€™t exist in 1.0 at all.

You can also NOT use Evade at all. People in 1.0 didnā€™t have it, and it sure as hell wasnā€™t game-breaking :wink:

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The bug is not specfically related to evade itself, it affects all movement skills with multiple charges, that is why it existed since 1.0

I also made a post about this on reddit a month ago, and you can find many people saying they experienced this issue in 1.0

Thatā€™s not how this works.
I donā€™t see any information from the devs that confirms these two bugs are related. You simply decided that these two issues are the same thing. But just because one issue looks similar to another issue, it doesnā€™t necessarily mean the underlying cause is the same.

In the reddit topic you linked, people have found their own solutions for double-Shift aswell, so it seems this bug isnā€™t ā€œas badā€ as you make it out to be, and it is actually quite acceptable.

On a side note, if you want it to be fixed, you shouldnā€™t make reddit posts about it - those are community discussions, not bug reports. Use the in-game bug report function if you want the bug to be fixed.


It is actually a much larger bug (I have already submitted it ingame and in bug reports). It seems that the caracter no longer moves to the pile of loot but rather to the tag. This sometimes leads to have multiple atempts in trying to pick up the loot because the character moves towards the tag (not the loot) but at the same time the tag moves a little with the screen and you cannot pick it up.

Just have a look at my latest bug report video. There I drop a bunch of items. You used to just have to click all tags to pick up the items. Now the character moves quite weirdly in between the tags and multiple clicks are required.

I find this so annoying that I am tending to stop playing LE until this issue is fixed. This makes prophecies or lightless arbour vault just a pain in theā€¦


I was about to post about this as well. it is very annoying and will be a real killer if not fixed. if you are in a high level echo with a very rhythm focused build, this will be extremely disruptive

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I am now unable to change my input keys :frowning:

Can you please point me to the solution of the double evade bug because as it stands the only solution is to not play offline mode, which is not acceptable.

I donā€™t see any information from the devs that confirms these two bugs are related.

They havenā€™t achnowledged either bug even exists so why would they make a post trying to link them.

I literally made a bug report about it almost 2 months ago now, as did many others. Maybe donā€™t make blind assumptions. There are fanboys, and then there are fanboys who defend blatant game-breaking bugs that are literally preventing people from playing and enjoying the game. Completely strange behaviour.