Last Epoch Patch Notes 1.1.5 Redeploy

Read the top upvoted comment:

Is that the bow that gives plus one to shift and smoke bomb? I was having the same problem with it, so I removed and focus on some cooldown reduction.

The point was that YOU are not the one who can make the decision to link those two bugs together. Therefore, you also shouldn’t say the Evade bug existed for 6 months, because it’s a false narrative.

The fact that there’s no public bugtracker and no feedback system for the players is unfortunate, but not the point of this discussion.

Great, now you wait for a fix. No problem with mentioning the bug in the patch notes either, just don’t make up random things that aren’t true.

That’s funny coming from you.
Maybe take your own advice - don’t assume that I’m a fanboy, and don’t assume that I’m defending a bug, and instead read what was written.

  • The Evade bug is annoying, but it definitely isn’t game-breaking.
  • The Evade bug exists since 1.1 release, but not for 6 months.
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Give us a break, are you the forum police or what?

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Read the top upvoted comment:

Is that the bow that gives plus one to shift and smoke bomb? I was having the same problem with it, so I removed and focus on some cooldown reduction.

Thank you, this is really going to help me fix the evade bug which happens on every class in the game and not just rogues with shift and smoke bomb.

  • The Evade bug is annoying, but it definitely isn’t game-breaking.

Nah its definitely not game breaking, just a small chance every time you use an ability which is meant to evade a mechanic, you are teleported right back into into it and your character is permanently removed from existance on hardcore.

Stop defending this shit, you are embarassing.

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In Vault it is possible to shake up some unlooted item textfields by double pressing X. And so it will change how char will move in attempts to pick it up

Read it again. Repeat until it clicks:

Just don’t user a core feature of the game :rofl: you are actually comical. I’ve heard enough.

This ist not the point. It makes sense that the character has to move if you pick up loot from several piles.

But it makes absolutely no sense for a character to move between tags when all the loot lies on one pile.

Except it doesn’t “happen on every class”. I’ve never experienced it, that’s not to deny that you & others are, but it’s not as universal as you say it is.

Yeah, that’s not game breaking. If it deleted/corrupted your character or crashed your game or something then yes. You’re also not forced to use evade.

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Except it doesn’t “happen on every class”. I’ve never experienced it, that’s not to deny that you & others are, but it’s not as universal as you say it is.

Do you play offline mode?

Yeah, that’s not game breaking. If it deleted/corrupted your character or crashed your game or something then yes. You’re also not forced to use evade.

I swear only this game has the most weird fanboy defenders. You go to the most extreme lengths to defend things that would be not even in the slightest bit acceptable in any other serious game.

Nope, but that also means it’s not universal. Offline/online shouldn’t change whether stuff works or not, but I accept that it may well. I’ve tested it “offline” (ie, with the normal client but not connected to the MP servers) with a variety of characters (1 of each base class), no issue. I also tried with “proper” offline (the one where you select “full offline” when you start the game in steam), again with a variety of characters & again, no issues.

The only thing I noticed that when you select “leave game” & it says that it takes you back to the character select, nah, not really…

So, respectfully & without feeling the need to call you names (you might want to try that some time, it’ll make your arguments less ignore-worthy & seem less childish), I’ll re-iterate what I said:

Is this your first time in a gaming forum? Or the internet in general? I caan only assume it is if you can say that with a straight face. Every single game will have it’s “fanboy defenders”. Some of them will be way more “weird” & zealous than they are here. If you check my posts, you’ll see that I don’t agree with everything that EHG does. You may also wish to re-read the last sentence of my post that I quoted, but I’ll put it here for you (again) & highlight the pertinent part:

If you think that the bolded bit is “defending things that would be not even in the slightest bit acceptable in any other serious game”, then I honestly don’t know what to say to you. And just because I don’t think a thing is “game breaking” doesn’t mean that I don’t think it’s an issue (as I’ve already said, just want to make sure you got that).

Not sure where this info about the build performing poorly is coming from. The build can clear 1000 corruption afaik. Really hope it’s not just taking one of the commenters above seriously.

Oh, yeah, it’s of course way better than before and it’s a strong build overall - maybe one of the better melee builds. I just said the nerf was unfortunate because the damage was already nothing special, which is definitely true. I played a homebrewed shieldbasher to 1k corruption this cycle and killed aberroth with it, and I’ve done the same with other builds now, and trust me, the damage on shield bash is absolutely ‘nothing special’ compared to other things in the game.

Crash Upon Changing Zones and Casting Chaos Bolts

how is this issue still in the game after almost half a year?