Last Epoch Patch 1.0.4 Notes

Pls fix Wraiths not attacking.


MG untouched aswel? nice

Nice bunch of fixes for just a week time! Nice work guys! Keep at it!


brother they aint fixing this cuz they cant lmao

can you please add “ressurect a player” mechanic please thank you


The team do have a potential fix for this in the QA queue, no eta right now though it hasn’t been overlooked!

Still no fix for graphics settings being reset on zone transition :frowning: . Still have to open my settings on every mono start to turn grass off of max (grass is making my fps go from capped 30 to like, TWO).


And Heath Bar seem not to be fixed again… so sad


thanks a lot!

Not even close to being dead. :roll_eyes:

Wow, I never noticed this, crazy.

The Discord FAQ for Known Issues just updated with a request for info on this -

  • If this issue is happening to you, please do the following;
    • Take a screenshot of your settings before changing zones
    • Change zones and submit an in game bug report explaining the issue and any noticeable changes with FPS or visuals, such as grass being visible despite being turned low/off
    • DM @ModMail with your Account Name and the screenshots requested above.

If you would prefer to handle it all in an in game bug report, you can send those screenshots in by uploading them to imgur/gyazo and copy-pasting the links into the bug reporting tools text box. The team can open those.

Thank you. Nice job. Keep it up!

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Performance and optimization issues with the game in monoliths need to be of top priority.

Playing the game currently on a Razerblade 17 on the lowest possible graphical settings because anything higher makes the game unplayable with frame rates going down to under 20 in multiple instances.

If i am playing a frost claw nova or have friends together who are playing similar builds, it becomes even more unplayable lol.

EDIT: This is what happens when 2 Frostclaw RMs finish a monolith lol


The issue is that settings are still same in options, but visually it’s clear something is wrong when with grass being turned off whole echo is still filled with grass.

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You can no longer gain experience while in the grace period (the period of invulnerability after arriving to a new area)

Booooo that was fun and it almost reminded me of the fun of powerleveling buddies in d3 super fast since making alts in this game is beyond boring having to do it all over again. Keep sapping the fun out of the league and before you know it, its going to be part of the NFL league like POE (No Fun League).


Still no Fire tag on Healing Hands with Searing Light node after patch.

Thank you for your hard work.

I see the horrendous fps drops in the first map node of the Immortal Empire story line hasnt been fixed. Really hope that makes it to a patch soon.

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Character Stats are completely broken on my Rogue after this Patch. Currently at 7k Movementspeed and 270k Armour. And it keeps getting higher. Also Resistances are Minus now.

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