A sound artist, animation artists, the devs responsible for the UI, etc. might not have the specific knowledge to actually work on that problem.
Ever considered that maybe only 2 or 3 out of the whole team are familiar enough with the specific part of the code to work on the problem without accidentally breaking more than they fix?
I agree with your general sentiment but I disagree with the whole practice. Its an issue with companies in general, and there should always be multiple bugfixing pipelines. A lot of companies don’t seem to understand and that’s why good developers get so much praise even for simple things. There is a priority, of big important bugs and small bugs that can easily be fixed. And improve the game or better negative experience of the game. I think it’s mistake the way they’ve prioritized stuff, but this isn’t new to release. They either need more help or someone better at managing these priorities. Or whomever is in charge needs to change.
Just an advice…use teleport(mage/trans) even if you dont wanna move too much. I think it resets hes targeting or something and will put everything to sleep in seconds. It works for me very well.
Ich bin auch nicht erfreut damit dass sie mitten in der season skills anpassen, es öffnet Ihnen Tür und Tor das nun auf jeden Skill der Ihnen nicht passt anzuwenden.
Sprich du spielst nen starken Build und grindest hart um das Limit zu finden? Kann gut sein dass er in 2 Wochen auf einmal nicht mehr so stark ist und du bist auf ner corruption gestrandet die du nicht schaffst und der ganze grind war umsonst…
Nichtsdestotrotz muss man neidlos anerkennen dass EHG sich wirklich reinkniet und Sachen fixed so gut und schnell Sie können, allergrößten Respekt meinerseits dafür.
Wenn Sie jetzt aufhören Skills / Builds mid-cycle zu fixen bin ich ehrlich gesagt wunschlos glücklich.
If you started the game and got that error it doesn’t matter if you logged into the server yet, it’ll have a log file. It’s generated the moment you hit PLAY in Steam. Your move.
Great patch, love seeing all of these bug fixes. I’m sure you have lots of bugs you’re working on and there’s only so many hours in the day but I still have to beg you to save the dogs. Summon wolf/squirrel is still dead due to the fury leap bug, my dogs are very sad.
There seem to be a lot of nodes and passives not working (hello Aspect of Carnage not giving any dmg increase), however im very confident that they are working hard on those bugs behind the curtain.
They fixed 2 Items and buffed an underused skill for the warlock while their main goal with this patch was actually balance changes.
So dont worry too hard, they are on it - they just cant fix everything at once.
And dont be alarmed that they dont mention every bug they are working on, they would spend half their day writing lists otherwise
They’ve already discussed their reasoning at length, there is no reason to be trying to hash it out here frankly.
I’m relatively certain that most players are happy to have MAJOR issues resolved sooner than later, and they also talked about why specifically they did not wait on this issue and how it would affect leaderboards.
naja bei profane veil war es ja kein bug und nicht einfach das finden eines zusammen spiels dass so stark war… builds die stark sind und keine bugs nutzen werden 100% nicht in angriff genommen… bzw. wenn die server darunter leiden weil man auch smoke bombs in anderen instanzen aufrecht hält…
Well I must agree with filosophia on this point, mid-cycle adjustements to skills should not be done, especially since you now dont know if your build is gonna be next. This kills the motivation of a lot of players.
They should prioritize fixing clearly not working stuff instead of stuff that works too good in my opinion, but its EHGs game after all and they can do as they please.
I just hope they go back to their “no mid-cycle adjustements” stance unless it is absolutely necessary for the sake of server or game stability.
offline is obviously going to be less priority than things going on online: the online mode is the main function of the game, offline mode is an option they gave us because players asked for it. They need to ensure that the main mode the game is intended to be played on is functional before catering to minor issues with the offline mode frankly.
I don’t think 4 patches is even that long, since they’re doing weekly patches at the moment. Your health and ward are also clearly visible at the bottom of the screen, so this issue is not game breaking, so the priority for it is almost certainly low. Youre just going to have to be patient and wait for the fix
Read my previous message again: they SPECIFICALLY went into detail as to why they were making an exception in this case, and how it would affect the leaderboards. I don’t need to explain this to you: they already did it themselves.
This IS an exception, not the rule. Go look it up for yourself before you complain
Thank you very much for fixing the bugs. But we need a arena ladder reset. Arena top ranks have been made in many cases with 2 hands wepons + shield or 2 hand + catalist, or with more ward upcomming from bug. NOw without having same bugs its nearly imposible to get those waves, and game looses many interest unless u reset all ladders to give same chances to new builds to get top ranks again.
Gut dass du das mit so großer Sicherheit sagen kannst, nichtsdestotrotz haben Sie entgegen Ihrer ursprünglicher Aussage diese bug fixes durchgeführt, wer sagt dass Sie jetzt nicht anfangen von anderen skills zu sagen dass sie buggy sind und sie fixen? Ich meine wer außer EHG kann denn sagen was ein Bug ist und was “nur” overtuned…
Aber ich bin zuversichtlich dass sie diese Büchse der Pandora wieder zumachen (hoffentlich).
So this rule applied to the bug fixes on warlock and runemaster as well? My last info was that the skills dont have any impact on the game or server stability…
Or maybe i understood you wrong.