Last Epoch Patch 1.0.3 Patch Notes

I will definitely be back when it’s fixed. The game itself is awesome but constant DC’s trying to play just ruins the fun.

absolutely understandable, i hope it will be fixed as soon as possible

honestly i know people have been saying this nonstop but i want to continue to reinforce it, it is so nice that you guys are communicating with us clearly and genuinely listening to our feedback. it makes me feel like i made a very good decision purchasing the game like 4 years ago in early access because the devs actually do indeed put gameplay before money. You all should be proud of yourselves.


Earthquake aftershock is bug, it spawns at your cursor now instead of the mobs. The Divining totems node is also bug, your totem can’t cast Earthquake aftershock. and the tether of frenzy totem is bugged too.

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Thank you, and keep up the good work.

What’s the BIG prize to reach top 10 in this specific cycle really?

Did those wicked bug warlock take away all your sweet sweet loot?

I don’t get it at all why you guys insist this cycle must have class balance fixed so it would be “fair” or there would be no meaning playing this game.

I honestly think pursue fairness in a still very chaotic system is meaningless and hilarious.

Why would you compare yourself to warlock if you are not even a warlock???

Would you compare the salary of a local police to a lawyer?

There is one logical option for you : compete your class on the ladder with same class only, don’t bother compete to other class especially not this cycle.

They never guarantee all class will perform in same level, not to mention they can’t balance all of it on all game mode.

So when warlock outperform your class, what did you lose actually???

If your class is not enjoyable then change it!!!

If your only destiny in this game is reach top 10 in ladder, then consider the slow pace of class balance, you can leave already, don’t torture youself.

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10 seconds timer seems like a good idea. That way I can block the user before the second message appears :slight_smile:
BTW, please make redeeming sold items easier. It’s a terrible hassle to check my 25+ sold items tab individually.

I definitely agree and still curious as to why this hasn’t been touched yet, but I think redeeming sold items is a much larger problem. It’s a terrible hassle to check my 25+ sold items tab individually.

No i totally understand fixing stuff mid league and like i stated i had fun doing it. Bit too much fun and not made any alts and that was my regret. An i have now 700 hours on this game and this patch was most fun i have had so thats why i wanted to post thanks to the devs. They have made good game and cant wait to see what they will do on next cycle. Now going back to Poe to break something and have fun.

No hate only love here for this game!

This is the stupidest thing I have red in a long time. Falconer Dive Bomb-Smoke Bomb interaction is not a bug. It was working exactly as they planned it, it was just a bad plan. It wasn’t even overpowered, stacking 20 Smoke Bombs just to get 2-3k ward is hardly efficient. The problem was, that it was causing server instability. Fair enough, it needed to go. The “fix” however made several branches of several skills useless, also gear affixes(like ward on shade creation) useless. I kinda think, that there was some less cavemen solution to the problem. Like limiting the Smoke Bombs to 3-4 simultaneously or something. So stop crying “bug”, because If you read the patch notes you will notice, that deva very carefully avoid the term bug fix when it comes to Dive Bomb.

I cant even express how much i agree with you…
Why does it matter that one class has a higher ceiling than another in the first cycle ever of a game that is extremely awesome but still riddled with bugs, items/passives/skills not working at all etc.
I mean the game has infinite difficulty scaling, grind long enough and you get to your ceiling.

If you dont play the class it doesnt affect you at all. Not at all. Its a mostly single player PVE game.

But because people voted for EHG to now change their stance and do mid-cycle bug fixes they pretty much gave them free reign to call whatever they want reduced in power a bug and nerf it mid league.
Balance while dozens of skills/passives are not working at all…
Balance while certain classes outperform by a factor of 3 (hello explode ballista)…

Btw, who were those people that voted? Mostly the angry twitch mob that will leave the game in a week tops if they arent gone already to bandwagon on another game?
I mean the vast majority of players didnt even know this survey existed…

Im curious how many of the people that voted for mid-cycle changes and are still playing would cry their eyes out now if their build gets balance nerfe…, sorry bug-fixed in the middle of the cycle.

Please close this Pandoras Box again and stop with the mid-cycle shenanigans just because a loud minority is/was envious of other players in a single player PVE game - I believe there are more than enough bugs whose fixing should be prioritized before you start doing balance changes.

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Hello. Is it possible to refund the players who purchased stash tabs, at their original price?


“Fixed a bug where Flame Rush didn’t worked on terrain variation” when?
Oh and nice patch :slight_smile:

When are you FIXING the MEMORY LEAK in monoliths??

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You spend many an hour after work just watching chat logs and banning gold sellers?

This cannot be understated: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. That cannot be a fun way to spend your personal time, but the fact that you do shows how much you care and this is incredible. You deserve to better utilise your personal time, but thank you SO much for donating it to us. <3 <3 <3


I’d like to echo this a bit, the new sound for healing hands feels a bit metallic or harsh sounding. Maybe it can be disabled if you’re using the Skybeam since that has its own noise.

Yes, this is also a serious issue. I believe that when you press the button, it should take you to the page of the sold item.

Opening a Pandoras Box is true. EHG you should not haved caved to your original stance of fixing things at cycle end. Your core player base will not leave as they can see the potential in Last Epoch.

Please keep to your principles and not be swayed just by loud shouting.


That’s it. Keep on this track and you will do amazingly

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