Last Epoch Patch 1.0.3 Patch Notes

They are constantly bug fixing since launch, there were several patches already, a big patch deployed today.
Can you even fathom how much work that is?
Your statement makes you sound like a child yelling because it didnt receive its Lolly yet but wants it NOW! IMMEDIATELY!! WAEHHH!!! GIVE ME MY LOLLY!!!

Also, you should not insult the devs as neckbeards just because they didnt fix your bug yet, thats seriously childish and dumb.

I just bought the game today not even able to log in Le-52 error code. Me and like a million other people are getting the same issue. Paying premium for 0% playtime. Just thought you should know before you get you’re chocolates out and start bashing people for venting on the web page.

Finally I can go buy some more tabs :smiley:


Sorry - on a more serious note, im sorry to hear that you cant play right now, I hope for you that this issue will be resolved as soon as possible.

And my former post was pointed towards a gentleman who thinks insulting the devs is the proper thing to do., so i had to do a little trolling on my part.

still no fix for the fps going crazy when mouseovering loot w/tooltip. Sadge

looks like we have different idea of what should be a priority :wink:

Its always sad to hear when people have performance issues with the game - that can be truly disheartening.

However i can assure you that EHG is constantly working on fixing bugs and even if you cant find any information on your specific problem - they have not forgotten about it!
In the end they are a small studio with less capacity than their competitors and are still doing a much better job than for example a triple A company which likes the cold.

I know its hard to ask, but please be patient and dont give up on EHG.

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It is difficult for light users. Is there a way to make parenting and games fun together?

“* Reduced the frequency of the Falcon’s CAWWWWs (attack vocal sounds)”

Now that falconer has been “Fixed” can you Pretty Please do the same to my Squirrels using Herald of the Scurry Helm?
I DREAD playing my squirrel master even though he is so powerful due to the 10 annoying squirrels constantly squeaking in my ear!

Or give us an option to turn down companion sounds. not just All SFX. Right now I have to play my squirrel master on Mute. so I don’t get sound cues when getting damaged or stunned.

Bought. Can’t play. Refunded. Thank you.

Sad to hear, you are missing out on a great game!

Maybe later i give it a chance. But now i can’t play. Waited 10 hours, still getting LE-52 error. I don’t see any information from devs about this issue.

Just tested, using Spine of Malatros and having “Deepest Ravine” node doesn’t proc Flame Whip. I mean, it “casts” Flame Whip now and doesn’t “release” it.

Is this intentional?

Wow I hate the new Healing Hands audio if using the melee attack. It sounded good the smooth healing waves hitting instead of a whirlwind sound like warpath like it has now.

Im sorry that you cant play right now, but i am sure this issue will be resolved very soon and im also sure EHG staff is working on it like crazy this very moment to fix it.

Appreciate the constant bug fixes and updates to this game. Is there any plan to fix the health bars and/or name display for offline characters? Or at least some acknowledgement that it’s an issue that COULD be worked on? From what I’ve seen, there’s been no Dev response about it yet and I’d be putting way more hours into the game if I could play offline a bit more. Maybe it’s not a focus since the main drive is for the people playing online, but it’s legit unplayable for people trying to play hardcore offline.

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Is the sword useful now or is it still underperforming?
I was actually excited that they fixed it, at least according to the patch notes.

Hi, sorry I can’t help you with this one. I can’t judge it at the moment since I’m using a new character for it as I don’t want to respec my other Warlock character and I haven’t really used this sword prior to this patch since I’ve heard it was hitting like a wet noodle according to most people, so I avoided it. And right now I’m only just Lv72 with random trash I took from my storage lol.

Im certain that they know about it and that fixing it is in the pipeline.
I also believe that they cant give comments on every bug they are working on - they would probably spend half the day just writing this list :smiley:

For example they never mentioned that they are fixing spine of malatros? malygos?.. the tentacle sword for warlocks, and all off a sudden in this patch today it is fixed.

I know it is hard, but please be patient with EHG…
I cant even imagine how much work they have right now.

Jeah, i tried it once while leveling 2 weeks ago and immediately stashed it since it bricked my build and did no damage :smiley:
I think i will do some nice prolonged testing tomorrow

Cool, this was my experience after first loading up the patch and traveling…

You lost connection to the game server.

…and goodbye