Last Epoch Patch 1.0.2 Notes

It’s not balancing, it’s bug fixing.

God nobody said they don’t want to fix the bugs, it just takes longer. It’s a temp fix at least for now to stop crashing the servers. The level of entitlement is crazy.


I might be wrong, if so, correct me. But if i’m Solo Account Found, i cant trade even if i go MG right? WHY nerf the gold from keys for SAF players?!

Yes! Glad to read this statement!

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some bug exploiter here :smiley:

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I usually do not write on forums and just follow patch notes and bug fixes. While I appreciate you guys for fixing stuff constantly, and I am having a blast with the game you will have to eventually listen to your community on the matter of bugged or overpowered spells. I personally do not care for leaderboard as a casual player but these class issues are clearly bugs and should be treated as such. I can understand where your concern comes from but this time I think you made a wrong move. You all seem like reasonable people so pay attention to our response and do what must be done. Don’t want to see you fail like some mighty have fallen before you. This game has insane potential, use it wisely! :slight_smile:


lol it was like that for all early access xD

When will you revert this change and implement a better solution to a minor problem that doesn’t needlessly hurt minion builds?

Just remove the keys from Monolith Echo Rewards entirely. These nodes are completely useless now for all players.

Why is there a reward for arena keys but not for dungeon keys? Not saying I want more useless nodes but the status quo is undesirable.

Dungeon keys should be progression rewards. Have them unlocked and that’s it. Arena access should be gated by small amount of gold, therefore no need for key drops, key reward nodes, and no need to spend time developing a keychain UI either.


Profane Veil is a bug fix, not nerf or balance something, please fix it asap.


nah, just don’t like to change my plans mid season. When someone discovers new way to be OP it seems only fair to let that player enjoy it for a season.

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how to destroy the integrity of your game less then 1 month into 1.0 release…


Right? Even as a standard CoF player, this is just uncalled for. I’m aware of some people farming the keys with the “2x” reward lenses and sell those for a lot of gold, heck I even saw a “guide/tips/tricks” bullcrap in youtube about it. And I decide not to do these “unintentional” stuff because it feels very unethical and feels so wrong. Yet us innocents and those who simply play the game in a “right” way must have to be punished?


I feel like EHG is taking a page out of Blizzard’s Master Class book on how to destroy your game in 2 weeks.


Still no “Shred Armor on Hit” affix filter on bazar :smiley:

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Agree +10000
Right now is a pain in the ass, because I need to buy shaterring runes and stash tabs, but I have no GOLD! So I was doing that, focusing on keys, selling them to just have a few golds to buy some runes and stash tabs…but now, what can we do??? There is no other way to make gold on COF =/


besides warlocks u got paladins/sentinel…mages…and ward overall is the most OP defensive layer in the game and if u cant see that u need more hours in the game…i do hope they nerf ward to the ground so all these players have to learn how to play the game.

Please go hard on class nerfs/buffs/fixes. The leaderboard is already dominated by Warlocks using the bugged Profane Veil/Bone Wall interaction. Many classes needs help at the moment and this current cycle is a good opportunity. Maybe we can have an healthier game next cycle. I don’t think anyone would care if the leaderboard are reseted every week or so after a patch with the current state.

If having leaderboard is preventing the team to do some bug fixes cause a specific build is too strong or weak then just remove it until the classes are in a better state. It just feels wrong at the moment


“If there’s high demand to fix bugs or make changes that affect balance mid-cycle, we can adjust.”
I respect this so much.
I hope the feedback speaks for itself.


I am 100% on board for bug fixing any imbalanced skills mid-cycle. I am also on board for addressing vastly over performing (or under performing) skills mid-cycle.