Last Epoch Patch 1.0.2 Notes

same, in 5 years of early acess and game release, this is probably the only time when LE made me feel that i dont want to play


Sorry, but the arena key price change is just dumb.


Completly WTF ! Crazy…


I have expected that they will change the price for arena keys, but i also have expected that they change the bone curse /profane veil interaction which grants 2-3 full ward bars (65.000 war each).


I’m always glad to welcome more UI and controller fixes. It’s needed.


Huge L not fixing known bugs, it’s not a nerf, it’s a bug fix. I don’t understand why you guys would come so far with this game and class identity to just let it rot away. I have 1000s of hours between the game and ct, my favorite part of this game is playing many different builds, now it feels like why? I’m literally just playing the game 100x weaker because I want to be “ethical.” Maybe it’s a me problem, but I love this damn game too much to not say something.


Fixing a bug that is clearly overperforming by 10x what it is supposed to be is not a nerf. It is trivializing the game and forcing everybody to play that single class or be worse off. How will you even have the right data to make sure it’s balanced in 1.1 if you let this bug go on this entire cycle?


Love to see the controller fixes! I’ve been playing on the Steam Deck and it’s looking much better already.


Not nerfing profane veil is absolutely insane to me. The skill is CLEARLY bugged, yet you wont do anything against it? Just fix it.
“If there’s high demand to fix bugs or make changes that affect balance mid-cycle, we can adjust.”
We have just showed you there is, when its bug related.


Does this fix the lightless arbor death on area transition?

+1 . Bugs should be fixed no matter what. It is good for the health of LE in long run


To quote Diablo Red Shirt Guy, "Is this an out of season April fools joke?


As others have said, Profane Veil is a bug fix. This isn’t about a mid cycle nerf, it’s about fixing an exploit.


If it’s a bug it must be fixed, does not matter when in the cycle we are.


I see where EHG is coming from though. They’re afraid of pissing off the community. D4 fixes a bug or nerfs and people go insane.

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With the nefrs to the key selling prices there should be some buffs for Coin echoes. Gold is sort of a weird resource and even high corruption monos don’t give a substantial amount of gold. Lightless Arbor is supposed to be a gold sink but i don’t really see myself spending more than few thousand on the first and maybe second offer at the vault.

Nerfs to builds are something that is needed if a major bug or unintended “synergy” is found. I understand your stance but this is a little ridiculous.

And as always - Please consider making the cosmetics available in offline mode :slight_smile:


+1 to fixing bugs and broken mechanics mid-cycle.

I’ve had friends leave LE after investing hundreds of hours into their classes, because they saw videos of these bugged builds doing 1000x their ceiling with minimal investment.


I appreciate the stance to not make balance bug fixes two weeks into a cycle. If it was in the first couple days it would hit differently, but this late into a cycle people have been playing the builds a LOT, and a logging in to a significantly weaker build would feel awful.

while all these weirdos cry about Profane i wanna add this.

If they think Profane is destroying the endgame u devs have to fix ward gain and ward it self…cause ward is the real problem atm people getting over 50k to even over 100k ward and they can just face tank every bit of the game in any corruption lvl i like the game for the challenge but these exploit builds people playing are destroying the game. there is a reason people call is a easy game they just go ward and move on.


My take is, if something is simply strong because of intended balance, its fine to leave in. Ala runemaster in 0.9, it wasnt bugged, it just had really strong numbers. those numbers got tuned.

I think its absolutely insane to not fix bugs. moving a decimal point is not “oops we made a balance mistake” thats a “oops we created a bug” like imagine if holy aura had a few decimals moved and gave thousands of damage, that wouldnt be something you would fix? you would let paladins just do 10x damage for free?

it just does not make any sense from a game integrity stance. Why fix a duping bug, or tomes/keys if skill integrity does not matter?

Also when is gamblers fallacy coming back?