The controller fix is a welcome change, it did not seem to be only a problem with the triangle button (although that one was prevalent), hope we can do all rebinds after the patch, kudos!
At some point in the future, I would like to see the key reward nodes from monos being changed to give a random key instead, be it dungeon or arena, would make them feel a bit less in the way.
Regarding the nerfs, pick a stance and stay strong, there is no good answer, no matter how you go about it.
Glad to see fixes, all the best and looking forward to seeing more patch notes in the future!
Yeah, I don’t get it. It’s nerfing us because some MG players are absolute tryhards. Given the clear bias in the patch note’s statement, I can only imagine the tome nerf is from the same source.
Because… really? It’s not even 100%. It felt like a nice little boost. Sometimes I get an extra plink of an xp bar, or my skills re-level that much faster. Does it add up in the long run? Sure. But it’s Circle of Fortune, can’t that be okay?
I guess at max rank you can get a whole set in one drop though, so we have the people who bought 4lps for 100k gold at a severe disadvantage, or something.
I think it’s good that they are open to discussion, because their reasoning MUST have a limit.
What if 1 skill is bugged and does 1,000,000,000 damage? Would their reasoning of no nerf bugfixes still stand? I hope not. And if it doesn’t then there is no reason to not fix any other bug even if it is a nerf.
Terrible stance on balancing. There is no point now for me to play any other builds except for my warlock. And since there is nothing more in the game to do on a character that has reached 1000 corruption easily, my only option is to stop playing and wait for the next cycle, which is likely to have a build just as unbalanced as warlock and if so wont be fun to play either. Or do you guys expect to do 1 balancing change which will completely balance all classes ? That is arrogant to the extreme. Next cycle will have builds just as unbalanced as warlock and falconer are today and so the game will never be worth playing at all.
Also, what a paradise for gold seller, who will build a warlock, get to 2000 corruption and play 12 hours a day to sell gold to all the people who don’t want to play warlock or falcon and, therefore, will never be able to get remotely comparable gold or items.
I remember back then I made a post about lowering the gold cost about stash tabs, I was being laughed at…
“Why do you need so many stash tabs?”
“Gold is so easy to make; how can you not afford them?”
“It’s your problem if you need that many stash tabs.”
I have already pointed out stash tabs was going to be an issue. Look at the number of people on reddit complaining about this. Your reason was to limit the number of stash tabs by gold cost, but then you allowed the key-exploits to happen which completely defeated the purpose of this restriction. And now we regular gamers are getting punished because of their exploits. They got all the gold they need, while it’s even harder for us to get gold now. Not to mention the broken ass builds doing 2000+ corruption getting a lot more rewards.
Regarding the broken builds, if you are not resetting the leaderboards, don’t bother fixing the bugs. Personally I don’t care about leaderboards because I hate arenas, but I know there’s no other builds that can reach the same height as the broken builds so fixing the bugs now probably won’t even have much impact on the leaderboards.
However, your stance is gonna cost you now. Your income down the road comes from buying cosmetics. For people who are used to abusing exploits and bugs, I doubt a lot of them will be buying cosmetics (because gameplay-related functions can all be obtained from gold, which can be earned through exploits easily), so there’s really no point for them to pay more money for this game.
“I will pay more money to support the company that allows me to abuse exploits and bugs.” I don’t know. Maybe some people do think like that?
I have upgraded my game to ultimate edition, and even bought supporter packs a few days after launch because I wanted to let you guys know that although the launch was far from ideal, I still support you guys and appreciate you making a great time. I was even thinking about buying more packs, but I am now having second thoughts.
You know what. If I am not your target audience, then I think I shouldn’t be spending any more money on this game. Let those people you cater to support you games down the road.
Bought this game a month ago and had fun, guess it’s time to move on until the next cycle and until they have more courage to fix obvious exploit and bugs. Ah well, at least FF7 Rebirth is fun as hell.
To be honest, after having had time to think a bit more about the key nerfs, i’m pretty sure i won’t be playing next cycle. This is just such an INSANE nerf to CoF-players in general and to the cycle-start itself. At cycle-start, it will be IMPOSSIBLE to buy runes of shattering (2k gold each…) from the vendor. The occasional Arena key drop allowed me to buy RoS early on to get the needed shards to upgrade my gear early on. No gold = no shards = no upgrades for your gear. No gold to buy stash tabs to keep good gear. So the only option is to sell rare items, which in turn is worth nothing anyway. So how are we supposed to improve at league start? I mean, it would have been ok to reduce the price to maybe 2k or 3k - that would have been a decent solution. But making them absolutely useless is just a REALLY bad design decision.
Also… finally fix the damn bug with Aerial Assault => Storm on the Horizon to make it finally remove the traversal tag!
I want to chime in and state that I don’t like your stance on not fixing op bugs within a cycle:
it sheds a bad light on you if top ladder builds are bug exploits for, I don’t know, 6 months straight?
although I don’t care about ladder, but it now affects me, if more players can farm gold and favor more efficiently exploiting those bugs, creating a stronger inflation and less obtainable items for me.
a main driver to play ARPGs is to find strong interactions. But you are turning it into finding bugs instead.
players who gear for known bugs should run the risk of getting hot fixed.
Everyone is mad for the wrong reason it seems like they literally said the profane veil thing isnt a bug its just OP and they will nerf it next balance cycle as per the original balance cycle. They should push just that balance forward to asap and patch it now since it is very very OP compared to any other build. But the skill and interaction is performing as intended its just over tuned which means its not a bug
Also idk as someone who doesnt care about leaderboards and not using that interaction but still playing warlock im still having fun and probably like 95% of the player base doesnt care about the leaderboard either
When life builds hover around 2.5-3k and some ward builds just go to 50-60k with no issues.
It requires it to be fixed and or nerfed sooner rather than later.
Just do lots of balance changes now and see how it plays out before the next cycle especially in cycle 1, rather than always being behind in balance changes and you never get to catch up and have a decently balanced game.
I’d rather the devs actually fix their servers before all this crap. My wife and I still can’t play online together. Online for us is CONSTANT rubberbanding, like every 10 steps constant. And no, it’s not on our end. None of the MANY other games we play do this. Hell, even D4 got its rubberbanding problem taken care of by this time after launch, and Blizzard doesn’t give a crap about its playerbase. But I guess as long as the gaming companies already have our money, there’s no rush for them. We honestly thought LE would be different. Lesson learned, haha. Back to a different game I guess.
Absolutely. I’m baffled and extremely disappointed EHG is taking this nonsensical stance.
The integrity of the game must come first, no matter what. If they’re afraid of redditors whining about “nerfing muh fun in muh game”, they shouldn’t even consider the voices of players like that because they DON’T have the game’s best interests in mind, they don’t care about the design or balance, they don’t even THINK about the game as a whole, they’re selfish and only care about themselves (to the point I saw one of them claiming people who want to fix the bug are “working for the enemies instead of the players”, they’re that dimwitted), don’t base your decisions off players like that.
Honestly, with 3 months cycles (last I read about it), I feel like the idea of not making any balance changes at all is… weird. Imagine shipping Gathering Storm in its current state and the not doing anything about it for a quarter of a year. Feels kinda bad as a player, ngl.
Like, if the point is to not nerf overperforming skills because that would be unfun, sure, I can sorta get behind that, but I feel like buffing underperforming skills to bring them on par with the middle of the pack wouldn’t be too bad in the exact same interest, you know?
I am really mad about the Arena Key nerf. The only decent way to farm money for stash tabs has been absolutely nuked.
I had such a great time planning my alt and wanted to start today, selling a stash tab full of keys to buy some additional tabs. Now I have to farm gold-rewards or so for 10 more hours to get to that point. Not sure if I have the motivation left …