Last Epoch is not in the top 100 games on Steamstats

How is that possible?

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I think it’s strange that its Steam ratings are only “Mostly Positive.” I would expect it to be very positive.

Some the negative reviews though are from people with hundreds of hours played who want to criticize one thing that’s important to them.

Quit with this crap, please. This type of comments should be removed.

So, nobody should be negative? I love this game, and gave it a positive review, but also made people aware of the issues the game has, and how those issues could be way bigger for them than they were for me. Some people’s bad review is justified.

You support the developers by paying for the game, playing it, and then sharing honest and constructive criticism. You don’t owe anything to the devs, nothing besides basic human decency, which a lot of the negative reviews have, and even more, they’re constructive.

God, I really hate seeming man-children everywhere. Negativity is part of life. You learn to deal with it at age 12. Well, if you actually went out in the real world, and attempted to create anything of value, which 90% (actual number) of people don’t.


Last Epoch is not in the top 100 games on Steamstats



@Felio has a good point here though and something I agree with.

Steam reviews lack a lot of nuance, especially in these more complex games.
I think steam reviews are a very bad metric to judge or good or bad a game is.

Some of my mostfun video games I ever played are in the 50-70% positive range, while some that are 95%+ are something that I couldn’t play for more than a few hours maximum.

They really don’t help anyone making an informed decision.

People putting out negative reviews after hundreds of hours playtime is just strange. Yes they might have constructive critique, that is fair. But if they only realized that these are points they don’t like about the game after spending so much time with it, why wouldn’t they recommend it? Someone very similar to them might need the same amount of hundreds of hours to realize that they don’t like a particular thing, but they still enjoyed the rest of the playtime.

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Remember, steam reviews clearly state the question to the reviewer: “would you recommend this game to others”…

So positive and negative reviews are loaded in a manor that many are answering a question of yes they would recommend or no they would not recommend.

Also, when devs are reactive to problems, people seem to not give as much leniency when it comes to glaring issues… Last Epoch is swell, but the longer I play, the more issues I see that have been brought to light by users but never fixed. There are bugs at least from 2022 that made it into 1.0 like it’s a feature :wink:

So do I. That’s why I find it so obnoxious when single issue gamers spaz out in reviews and drop negative ratings based on exaggerated, manufactured indignation about non-problems after having gotten dozens to hundreds of hours of entertainment out of a game.

I don’t know what bizarro world version of Steam reviews you’ve been reading, but the majority of negative reviews I’ve read are not constructive in the slightest and intensely dishonest.


I don’t know what bizarro world version of Steam reviews you’ve been reading, but the majority of negative reviews I’ve read are not constructive in the slightest and intensely dishonest.

From the point of view of someone who believes the game is perfect and that the developers can do no wrong, any criticism, no matter how sensible and constructive it is, will appear to be “intensely dishonest”.

Some “constructive & honest” negative reviews:

  • Which ass head got the idea to change the server to which is not the one I chose?
    *The adaptive damage resistance thing legit ruins the game. I can’t believe a group of people who “love” arpgs thought that was a good idea. It’s like the antithesis of good arpg design…
  • stuck in loading screen 80% of my playtime and they won’t refund. trash company
  • the annoying loot bug that they can’t still fix
  • BS
  • Can’t recommend the game at its current state. Monolith needs to change otherwise it becomes a massive chore and they keep nerfing CoF because of Merchant’s guild. I don’t get why they don’t make the two factions separate.
    (not sure about the bolded bit)
  • What a boring game. Completely overhyped by streamers and YouTubers. Should have refunded.
  • It’s meh.
  • zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  • I waited for the 1.0 version, and now I’ve got this.
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This is fair point tbh, they simply worded it with some snark.

“I dont like the adaptive damage reduction of bosses, it turns me off the game. Would not recommend” is perfectly fine review.

They nerfed a few CoF prophecies because MG players were swapping to CoF to get items like despairs or keys that MG does not have a good way to get. So they nerfed those prophecies. Because items you dont equip dont have a penalty if obtained through CoF.

As a person only interested in CoF, I would 100% like the choice to be locked in for each character. That way stuff like this does not happen now or in the future. Though I guess MG players could still make a CoF character for stuff that is account wide like despairs, keys etc.

either way its most certainly a true statement, that CoF has eaten nerfs even if indirect or minor because of MG.

I think its unfair to call out negative reviews with no substance when positive reviews can be simply “most pog game ever” this is just as unhelpful to me as a consumer.

or when you play a popular game and 80% of the positive reviews are a meme. Love Deep rock, but if your positive review is “rock and stone!” you are doing nothing for me as someone not in the loop to purchase it.

Ideally review bombs when a negative event takes place are eventually replaced by positive reviews so it works itself out.

I think tbh even as a long term player with 2.5k hours at this point, The game probably does deserve mixed reviews. I honestly do believe that the game was not ready for a 1.0 launch, and it shows. So all the people who were waiting for 1.0 to play as silly as that is, got a mixed experience instead of a great one.

Is your point that, because some reviews aren’t very good, thus all/most reviews wouldn’t be constructive?

It’s interesting that a couple of your (obviously biased) examples are rather reasonable.

LE is in a niche genre and also is on a seasonal update model when it has been a while since last update.

In addition campaign is currently incomplete and there has not been a lot of additions to post game content yet. We are still in the first season of the game.

So why is it not in the top 100? perhaps because it isn’t things like Hades(78), Phasmophobia(86), or stellaris(96). Getting to top 100 has MASSIVE competition, including a lot of older games that are still popular today.

I should note that even PoE, the reigning KING of loot based ARPGs, is all the way down at 46

If any game hits top 100 and stays there, it is one of the best of all time.

Why is it strange? I played the game for hundrets of hours and I realy want to enjoy and like it but the negatives for me outweight the positives. I changed my review 3 times already depending on what is going on and right now after the last 3 friday streams I wouldn’t recommend the game to noone I know personaly because EHG does what they do. They most likely have their reasons but I think they do the wrong stuff at the wrong time aimed at the wrong part of their playerbase.

So I don’t think it’s strange to make a bad review after X amount of time. I think a bad review after 5 minutes that state “dglahgh” would be strange but changing to negative from positive just happens. I can’t remember the game that introduced some glaring P2W stuff in their ingame shop while they said they’ll never do so and people who played their game for hundrets of hours wrote negative reviews about it. Heck look at Helldivers 2 and the nosedive they managed to pull of. Some real HD2 meniacs I know are completely done with the game because they now need to make a PSN account.
It dosn’t take much to be negative about something you have been positive about before… ask divorced people ^^.


Seems about right to me. It’s a great game. I put in somewhere around 350 hours.

A lot of things need a lot of improvement. It’s a game I’ll come back to but my next outing is on hold until quite a few changes.

If I were only at about 50 hours, I’d probably agree with you.

I have also seen posts where people have been playing it nonstop since well before full release and they think it’s perfect.

It just shouldn’t be surprising that wide swaths of people feel differently than you.

Way to keep missing the point and escalating.

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And you would say the same if someone put a negative review out after 10hrs, would you not?

So when in you’re mind after how many hours is it suitable to put out a negative review.

Is it strange to put out a positive review after 100’s of hrs? or after 10hrs? Or would that just be fine because it doesn’t offend you?

Just trying to find out the rules about when is it good to review either way.


I am not talking about people changing their reviews because the roadmap or what the devs doing displeases them, but about people that already spent hundreds of hours in the game and then putting out a negative review. In steam terms a negative reviews means “not recommended”.

But when they already played hundreds of hours why would they not recommend someone doing the same? Even if there are things they don’t like about the game apparently there was enough substances they liked to keep playing for an extended period of time. Why did they play so much if they didn’t enjoy their time?

Even if at the end of the day after hundreds of hours you are “done” with the game and will never touch it again, wouldn’t this still be a game that you would recommend to people?
If hundreds of hours playtime for 35€ is not a good price for a video game I don’t know what is.

It would much more depend on what the reviews says exactly. But if the game doesn’t hook them within the first few hours that is a totally fair personal assessment and nothing I would find strange in the same way I do when its about hundreds of hours.

That is a question with no definite answer. its subjective, like so many other things.

Where ever the line is for different people, hundreds of hours is definitely far over the line that I have. If somebody puts out a negative review after that amount of playtime, then they either tried playing the game even though they had a horrible time, but they continued for whatever reason or they did enjoy the time and only after X amount of time realized there are things they don’t like about the game. Either way, another similar minded person doing the same would still most likey enjoy the game at first and then maybe come to the conclusion they don’t like it in the long run, after these hundreds of hours. But then they still played and enjoyed the game for a substanial amount of time, which is something I would considered recommandable.

I think there are different kinds of review, both negative and positive. The ones with not so many playhours I think mainly focus on the price/time spent ratio, which again is subjective. But if you spent 10 hours on a 35€ game and give it a positive review that might be a little bit too early for some people. If you give a 35€ game a bad review after 10 hours, because this early in the game you already discovered plenty of things you don’t like, that is reasonable.

And then there are the more in-depth reviews, which usually requires at least 50-100 hours in these more complex games to give a fair assessment of all the systems.

I really don’t know where all the hostility from you towards me comes from, I never understood this, but anyway, believe me. Nothing offend me, really. :wink:

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So what I think you are saying is, “dude, you played the game for 100s of hours, how can you not recommend it”. Is that right?

I’ve played the game for 857.6 hours and, right now, I wouldn’t recommend it. Basically I’d say, "it’s one to keep an eye on, for sure, but right now it’s just so all over the place that I can’t honestly recommend it. I really like their skills system, but I really dislike the variability in power level and fun between base classes and masteries. I dislike the way they do itemization. I’m distressed by their follow through and consistency, which just aren’t there. And their stubbornness with something as simple as forcing interaction when picking up affixes combined with their game engine being clunky is just so out of touch for modern QoL that … it really turns me off.

I want to love the game. I’m surprised to realize that after all this time I really don’t even like it. The runemaster gives me hope that they’ll get better, it’s just such a fresh take and is fun to play. Maybe next year.

Oh no hostility, Just simple questions, but if that is what you got from reading that, then thats a you problem i’m afraid.

The answer to one of the questions you gave was “it’s subjective when is a good time to leave a negative review”, if thats how you see it, then how can you think it strange if someone leaves a review after 800hrs?

Oh that was not primarily aimed at that specific statement and rather aimed at the other 100 confrontive and provocative things you said about me or to me in the past.

Just because something is subjective and I cannot understand certain ways of handling certain situation doesn’t mean I can’t critique it.

A lot of the type of reviews that I am talking about specifically are just not very reasonable, even within subjectiveness, at least by the few words or sentences they contain.

There are a lot of negative reviews which I actually agree with even though I would still recommend the game overall.

But the ones I am talking about are oftne sounding like this:

“Hey I played 700 hours of the game that I enjoyed and the last 100 hours I come to the conclusion that game mode X and game mechanics Y start to annoy me. I would not recommend the game to you right now”

So the next person would enjoy the game for 700 hours after that they might quit the game, but hell if that is not a game that you should or want to recommend I don’t know what else.