Last Epoch Hotfix

That was rhetorical, but I guess good info for people reading that don’t know and care to know.

Still love the game, it’s a shame it happened but I’ll be here through the growing pains. People need to just look at the bright side. It could be D4.

Previously, before game launch 1.0, it was a single/co-op game, post 1.0, it’s a MMO.

You literally have the same definition everywhere for MMO. Of course if you want to dig deeper to see whether this game is considered and plays as a MMO is truly debatable and majority will say no but that doesn’t change the fact that it is one.

What you searched is MMORPG, not MMO. This is exactly what people like you are mistaken it for. It’s a ARPG. MMO-ARPG, not MMORPG.

Since you used wiki as a link, it makes it so much easier Massively multiplayer online game - Wikipedia (It literally doesn’t get any easier then breaking down what each letter stands for). This is also a better one and says a little more. What Is an MMO?

Check, all players same world aka server. Did co-op allow that? No, it allowed under 10 users to connect at one. It does have social interaction and large-scale player communities. Some things are “Chat” , “Player based trade system” & Ladder. These features alone can and/or is used on a large-scale basis.

Are they the best examples of categorizing something to be considered a full MMO? Absolutely not.

Yes, where ever you got this just doesn’t consider LE as MMO like many but again, it doesn’t change the fact that it is one. The definition itself for MMO (Massive Multiplayer Online) speaks for itself m literally each word has a meaning.

Yes, the base minimum you listed is standard and what most would expect, including myself to be considered a true MMO.

Persistent Online World is ideal meaning for a MMO but not a must, the less popular alternative we have is something such as instances. Most mmorpgs are actually mmoarpgs to an extend. The MMO is just “Massive Multiplayer Online” and the ARPG/RPG is just separated mainly by the battle system and some other mechanics. The A in front just means action, meaning you have direct and more control in combat and other things.

MMO is simple and there different ways to bring that MMO feel & aspect, some of the core features and how you described them, are amongst the most common.

As for Large-Scale Multiplayer support? It’s there, just not the ideal definition many of us will see, where everyone is standing next to each other. How do you think the trade market works?

In general, ARPG (Action RPG) a major component of arpg is the combat system. It gives you a lot more control and more direct immediate responses, mostly where hack&slacks fall vs others.

A game like Baldurs Gate 3’s turn based style would be more realistically a MMORPG while other games like Lost Ark are theoretically a ARPG.

It’s weird. It’s similar in many ways but theoretically and realistically are different. At the end, majority of people’s standards is realistically this is not an MMO and as much as I don’t disagree, the theoretically fact still stands as it is.

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That’s it? Care to share more insights with your community? Or are you just not going to talk about it and pretend it never happenend?

Yes I’m sure.

What kind of answer is that? Are you farming the forum?

I assure you that there is a gigantic difference between a typo in a damage formula and a hole in the code that allows a user manipulating client memory to bypass checks that should in their entirety be handled on the server side.

Another thing: features that are well tested and tried during their development are released without bugs. Guess what, trading in an online game with an economy is one of the most important essential features. Maniacal work is expected considering the magnitude of the impact a malfunction could cause: the player’s time and the game’s reputation are at stake.

If this simple concept is not clear to you, avoid this superior attitude you display in every one of your stupid posts. You sound like a developer bodyguard or worse a stooge.


TLDR It’s not an MMO tho sorry buddy you’re like the only person that has this belief.


It’s Sunday night in the middle of a Religious Weekend, calm down & have a little patience.

I mean it’s okay to derive from sources that think alike … In short, you are searching for the ideal MMORPG description, rather then the actual MMO meaning.

Whether it is considered as one is not the case because I don’t consider it one in it’s current state either but to falsefully claim it’s not an MMO is crazy when there is direct breakdown of what each letter stands for.

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Are you asserting that one of these can’t have bugs?

Ha. No.

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Judd responded 19 hours ago on Reddit with this statement:

Using a exploit is against ToS and will result in account bans.

I’d still like to see limited rollbacks to return the items they bought to the AH but I fear that may be too difficult for them to do.

You can reply all day and night, but it won’t turn it into an MMO. I also asked the AI if it was possible to consider it as the smallest criteria to meet being in the genre. It’s not an MMO. Same world and same server are two different things btw. You are also apparently advocating that BG3 be considered an MMO and not Lost Ark or something now? You’re just trolling at this point, right?

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Likewise to you. The MMO definition is as simple as broken down as it is. Massive Multiplayer Online There is no need to explaining, its right in your face. Just search for MMO and the definitely is the same everywhere.

Just because everyone adapts to what is the meaning of one or the other doesn’t mean that is the actual meaning until they change the actual definition.

No one goes around listing and separating MMOARPG/MMORPG’s because it’s not as wide of a category to separate yet. They will always be often thrown in/out of the same category but are very different in style of gameplay more or less.

What? I said BG3 is theoretically more and the definition of a MMORPG while most already classified in that category theoretically is actually an MMO-ARPG.

The only change from Before Launch to 1.0 was the addition of Factions. How does adding an Auction House make a game an MMO?

“MMOs can enable players to cooperate and compete with each other on a large scale, and sometimes to interact meaningfully with people around the world.”

Neither of these are possible in Last Epoch, so it is NOT an MMO.

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Okay. It’s not an MMO tho.

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MMO just means Massive multiplayer Online. As simple as being able to handle a large scale of players on the same server makes it one.

Nott that it’s necessary as I said MMO defines itself “Massive Multiplayer Online”, Auction house does enable cooperate amongst people, whether in a live manner or not is a different thing. Ladder also enables the competition side, again, impact or not, different thing. Chat in a global wide feature is another thing.

At the end, i agree none of these features make the ideal “MMO” that we all have in mind but it doesnt change the fact that it is a simply a “Massive Multiplayer Online” game.

How different it is from going single/co-op and what offers it gives is not what MMO means. Sure, it’s what we all expect it to be but its not the same.

There is no reason to even take the step from single/co-op mode to online if otherwise, it’s done because it’s slowly diving in the MMO world.

With time, you will see more features that can contrast to it to standards of ideal mmo but at the bare minimum, just having these basics features makes it an mmo.

  • Support of large scale players, not your average < 10 players.
  • Trade market (Even though its a automated market, it still is connected through large scale of player
  • Global chat and leaderboard. (You don’t need to be in the same map and world to be talking)

There is a reason 99.9% of mmorpg’s have trading market and economy. It’s a key feature in any MMORPG to bring together it’s players. Just a different way. The biggest thing that is different is combat system from ARPG.

If you look for definitions, MMO simply just means “Massive Multiplayer Online” while ARPG just means “Action Role Playing game.”

More and more mmorpg’s nowadays are swaying away from the point and click combat systems and implementing more real time direct combat system. Theoretically, those mmorppg’s are mmoarpg’s but it is not a regular genre yet, maybe because of the lack of games that uses the instance model for a MMO.

The offline mode is clearly single player.

Is a game not allowed to have both a choice for single player and multiplayer? It works for this type of game model.

(Massively multiplayer online role-playing game - Wikipedia)

This is literally the same definition everywhere. Whether or not it is considered one is a different argument as they have no real aspects that shine out from your ideal MMORPG that people relate to. MMO is as simply as Massively_multiplayer_online

MMO with offline mode. Im dying. Talking with you is like talking with the wall tho.

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Last Epoch is an ARPG with an auction house if you choose MG. The only place where you can see other players are hub cities but it doesn’t make it an MMO because everything in the game happens in instances. Lost Ark is an MMOARPG, Last Epoch is not.

Ok then, I guess my extensive experience with these devs, especially during the testing for mp & 1.0 was clearly fraudulent then. I’m sure the only reason why they fixed it & pushed out the patch during both a weekend and a religious festival was because someone online got pissy with them because they didn’t talk to them & then decided to fuck everyone over by releasing a guide on how to dupe gold. That’s some real classy white hat bug finding right there.

An appropriate one. I know for a fact that the devs are very aware of duping & want to fix stuff like that asap, while you appear to be happy ascribing incompetence or malice.

Is 4 a large scale? 'Cause that’s how many can be “on the same server” outside of town. Was D2 or D3 an MMO?


Theoretically, it’s an MMO ARPG. Everyone just knows MMO to go with MMORPG. MMO is just simply the term “Massive Multiplayer Online” which means able to handle a large scale of players on the same server, which this is. Technically any game that can host more than your average < 8-10 users on the same server(s) is an MMO.

Pre 1.0 it was single player / coop that can take up to 4 players. Now, it is taking tens and hundreds of thousands, it is MMOARPG. Whether or not it is “considered” one due to what we all know and classify is an MMO, which is usually hand to hand with RPG which we all know as MMORPG.

Yes, D2/D3 and almost all games are MMO simply by the fact that it hosts a large scale of players > 10 in the same server.

It doesn’t matter if it’s inside or outside of town. The instances is just a model that works with well in ARPG’s. It’s not what defines it, the combat system is, just like all these other “multiplayer” features that we think are what defines an MMO. Again, it’s simply the fact of what it is abbreviated from, Massive Multiplayer Online.

For Diablo franchise, aspects of the game are much more ARPG then MMO, just like this and many MMOARPG games which is why no one talks about it as MMOARPG and thus it’s not even it’s own genre yet. It’s either you have ARPG or MMORPG because that’s what is widely known as. If you add the MMOARPG genre in, it just gets that much more confusing.

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It’s not an MMO please stop

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