Last Epoch: Harbingers of Ruin Patch Notes

Nerfs were needed. Just constantly buffing bad stuff to be as strong as the broken stuff is not sustainable game design.


?? They literally said the dodge button is bound to B. B skill is moving to Y.

So it doesn’t say all, which means it probably is meant this way. But it would be curious to know the reason behind fireball channeling not getting the same change? Lightning Blast didn’t get the change either. I wonder if it’s because these skills are often procced by other skills and that would be over the top? Like disintegrate can proc both lightning blast and/or fireball. not sure how that interaction would work.

Please Read the notes before you post false info

Awesome changes specially for Shammy !


so far the only really questionable change, i mean for balance purposes might be good but BOOTS and DODGE should work along, one might assume.
Now back to reading :love_you_gesture:

Up above their was already a debate about this.

They did add a new affix to boots that gives you dodge if you use evade.

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The amount of misinformation in these comments is wild. There are so many buffs to so many things. This is one of the best LE patches I’ve seen


Tis the way of things with ARPG’s. This is very familiar over on the Grim Dawn forums too.

OMG so much nerf, why you no buff! → Plays game, build is actually stronger → OMG power creep! → OMG why no buff!



1 year playing that travesty, you are a hell of a masochist. I puked at 30min of free trial back in 2023, just can’t stand franchise destructions

You mean this isn’t D4 bad
It’s looking more like D2 instead, which is decent i like it.

frost claw elemental nova is completely dead (no way to keep up with mana costs anymore).
forge strike minions was made worse some how? it was already dumpster tier but you all pushed it off a cliff.
glyph of dominion has no changes even though several of it’s passives are completely busted (not working as intended in a bad way).
the amount of damage jelkhor’s detonating arrow does doesn’t seem to be getting fixed? i guess it got a minor nerf but that doesn’t matter when it was doing many millions of single target dps. then you look at forge strike minions and shake your head because you have to wonder how balance can be so out of whack.

new content doesn’t matter if the base game is littered with bugs from years ago.

there are a lot of very GOOD changes, like a lot it’s great. it’s just the main thing is your character and having bugged skills feels awful because then you have to remake/redesign/regear your entire character. the changes that are made does remedy the tedium of having to reroll but it would be better to just have a class and abilities that work as intended from the start.

nerfing everything until playing bad skill feels rewarding is also not the way of balaceing the game and you know it !


Wtf happen to lich and marksman??? You forgot on buffs our just hate that player base for those classes?
Lich don’t even have any bonus for any passive on the skill tree ,nice balance with the rest of masteries.

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Looking forward to the 9th! Great Job EHG!

Will Gathering Storm, when cast by Storm Totem, Trigger Shaman indirect double cast buffs?

Amazing changes all around, really hyped for the new cycle. I haven’t played since early 1.0, has there been a change to the amount of stability arena monoliths give? Because those were by and far the worst monos to get because of how long they took and how little stability they gave.

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Or, and I know this is a wild take, they were nerfed because they were the best ones. Don’t forget, 200 - 300, maybe until 500 corr should be the highest and these builds pushed in the 1000s. Of course they had to be heavily nerfed.

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Absolutely right. They nerfed the builds that were Uber-OP and buffed a class like spell blade, which I always wanted to try out. All the whiners in the comments are just complaining that there OP builds got nerfed. Nobody even played the patch but the whining is massive.

Oh no, I can’t freeze bosses constantly and get to 8k corr, something which shouldn’t be possible because the highest should be 200 - 300, my build is no longer viable, gonna leave this game now… Its so annoying, wait for the patch, try it out, find something new or a workaround AND DON’T FEEL ENTITLED TO PLAY OP BUILDS!


Yeah they followed the PoE path of nerfing, and unique designs.

OP thing? don’t worry, let’s cut the efficiency by 50% if not 80-90%, so skill/item/iteration is dead. Most of the nerfs are deserved, the numbers though…

Most of the new uniques seem interesting, usually much worse than a few good affixes in a good base, maybe usable in extremely niche situations or very high LP. Not a fan of adding mostly bloat in the unique pool. There’s plenty of bad uniques and noob traps out there.

I hope EHG do record the usage of skills and items, so they can learn out of their data. Not the best way to design and correct things, but when you swing around a heavy nerf hammer could give you a nice indicator of the consequences.

Congrats on lowering the LP potential of bastion. Dead is dead I guess, but nice try.

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I haven’t seen anything in these patch notes, but are set items more viable in 1.1? As in, LP, boosted stats, better set effects?

Because in 1.0 (and before) vast majority of set items were glorified vendor trash, to be blunt, barely worth using at all past level 50 or so…


No, they’re unchanged.