Last Epoch: Harbingers of Ruin Patch Notes

Lot of complaints. But Ill start saying I loved almost all the things that are not related to balance. Lot of cool things, systens, enemies, QoL, many many top notch changes and additions. Im very eager to play these things.

but the balance was not good , as always the weak spot, of course IMO.
I keep hearing EHG want to do things on their own, and yes, they keep surprising us in a lot of ways with great ideas and game systems & design, but yet when it comes to balance builds / classes they are just like any other RPG.

Its sad they are trying to take away the fun from every build players can find its powerfull.
I know there is a playerbase that only like challenges and is happy with the 300 corruption goal, but the day this goal arrive the game will be dead to a lot of other playerbase.
2.000 , 4.000 corruption, 8.000 corruption, ok, its too much, I agree, but thats only Devs fault and mostly due to a phew extremely broken skills/ interactions. Instead of fixing only the extremely OP things they are nerfing almost everything else.
And some niche buffs is very little to compensate. as they are doing with disintegrate

yeah they trashed the item xD. Better than nothing I guess :sweat_smile:
now they are aiming to kill another shield:

As if shields were not already in a bad spot, they are trying to kill one of the phew ones that are worth to use.

unnecessary. We already have a nerf in ward retention. Killing most of the builds that dont have another font of ward retention (doesnt use INT ). Builds with Frost Shackles didnt have a ward that high to receive a double nerf.

these numbers are a joke . 4 to to 6% would be more balanced.

another joke. Primalist was falling behind any class, lets take awy one good thing players had in the class, Damage reduction. Druids are screwed.

Unnecessary, one of the phew great things Bladedancer had, compared to the new masteries BD feels too outdated now.

:face_with_head_bandage: :face_with_head_bandage:

thats the problem with EHG. they either kill something or they do nothing.
The balance was necessary to a phew OP skills/ itens, now its dead for everybody.
Instead of fixing perma stun/freeze mages have long before, they let stupid things going on forever till they do this type of balance.

The blessings change is awesome but it would be more awesome still if all chars shared the highest found roll of any blessing. It will still take an insane amount of time to max all the rolls regardless

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I love passives changes for crit chance on my Spellblade, but I am 50/50 with change on first bonus Mastery for him. Anyway good job with all things and I’m so hyped, can’t wait for 9th.

Typical. They have such a hard on for nerfing anything fun and leaving the under preforming stuff to just rot.


Does anyone have a clue what “in combat” exactly means regarding the new Grim Constitution unique shield ?
Using skills ? Taking damage ? Both ? Having used a skill in the last 4 seconds ?
What about life loss (from Exsanguinous, Ravaging Aura…) ?

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You don’t play it apparently. There are plenty of nerfs. Both Jelkhor’s itself and Eye of Reen got restrictions to using a skill directly. Mana is slightly worse due to Trapas (that’s probably the smallest issue). No more lightning tendrils hitting the same target as the explosion itself. Only 1 stack of Copper Dust Arrow instead of I don’t know how many, didn’t see an icon on the dummy.

But it’s okay, this damage is what brought it into 4-digit corruption by nuking Orobyss before he ever did anything. That’s broken on the same lvl as perma-freeze or 50k ward.

I don’t think we’ll see Jelkhors or Frost Claw or Healing Hands again that soon, but I’m fine with that. Playing weaker versions of the same is one of the worst feelings in these games, so let’s do something new.


I think it’s a bit different.

In D1, the chance to hit system ignored various attacks, for example Fireball or Lightning would always hit you. So I think in D1, closest equivalent to LE Dodge would be Block. You couldn’t always Block everything - if you got hit too fast (while in Recovery animation) you would not Block. In LE you can Dodge everything no matter how fast it comes.

In D2, chance to hit system had the same problem. There was also Block + an actual Dodge mechanic (Amazon passives), but this time Block didn’t work on aoe spells (Diablo’s Fire Nova), and Dodge wasn’t readily available to all classes.

On a side note, there’s another mechanic that completely avoids a hit - Parry. Parrying is obviously related to deflecting something with your weapon. I’m not going to go into how a sword can deflect a huge fire aoe spell :smiley: but I will say that it is an affix only present on weapons, so I think the argument that Dodge is tied to boots and therefore should be available there is quite sound.

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Yes )

Does it even work when you use a Channeled skill (Disintegrate) to proc another Channeled skill (Lightning Blast with the right passive)?
Because Tendrils says you “cast” every second. But if you “cast” a channeled skill, nothing happens because you’re not holding the channeling.

The Wraithlord will still be immensely powerful. I feel this change is on the lighter side of what might have been warranted.

feel disappointed
This change obviously ignores the Lich and Necromancer.
Lich is like a lower version of the melee class or a lower version of the ranged class.
Doesn’t have the toughness of a tank character, nor the ability to clear monsters that can damage characters.
Like I thought a few months ago “The Lich needs more love”
As for the Necromancer, I don’t know if the skeleton army will evaporate in the BOSS battle like before. No comment yet.

As for most of the skills we see so far, they are just changes in numbers. At most, they just change the color of numbers, which is nothing new.
Why not consider more skills that can force the displacement of monsters? Give the game more variety and gameplay. This may also save the almost forgotten archers.

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As expected, charged Puncture remains broken and forgotten, as nobody gives a crap with Multishot being better in every single way.

I had hoped for buffs to compensate charged Puncture’s lack of armor shred/pen options in the higher corruptions, but they not just didn’t buff it, they also didn’t even bother to fix it. Like the mana on hit node not giving you any mana, or the arbitrary chance for mobs to Dodge being CLEARLY HIT by a puncture just to force people to get a unique that disables that added dodge chance. It’s just so disappointing…

No changes to Black Quiver either… the most absurdly ANTI-QoL skill in the whole game that is so painful to use you literally need to have a “I’m a huge masochist” tattoo on your forehead to even be able to play with (like you have arrows in your quiver, you enchant them… and then instead oh having you next X shots empowered, you what, throw them around the battlefield to collect them one by one again? what kind of … designed this absurdity?). As if Marksmen didn’t have enough hoops to jump through as almost all their more useful passives are conditional and if you want to do big dmg shots you need to spend like ALL your mana on a single shot ('specially since mana on hit on puncture is broken)? Congrats on failing the archer marksman archetype 2 cycles in a row.

Forgive me if I don’t try to play one this cycle because I’m not sure I can take shooting 5+ times with 0dmg flurry just to afford the mana for a single Puncture that still lacks enough scaling to 1shot anything above 10 corruption because penetration barely does anything and you don’t have any shred with low rate of fire…

guess shooting stuff with plain old bow is way too boring… need to invest more time into pet army builds


Lich form literally doubles your health pool …


People are missing the real question here:

How much blackmail did it take for @Llama8 to get his 2h Rogue unique? >.>


Patch looks great on paper, nerfs are best for healthy balancing start, love to see the meta shift. Whinning in patch note threads is typical as in any other arpg, always fun to read :slight_smile:
As a Forge Strike player I am courious what corlvl my 1h+shield FS will achieve now. In 1.0 it is barely reaching 300c, still hell lot of fun to play :slight_smile:


Compared with the Paladin who can stand and take the damage from the BOSS, the Lich’s second health with a long CD is a joke.
There are many situations where the Paladin can stand and take damage and push through steadily. But if the Lich makes a slight mistake in positioning and takes damage, this “second health pool” will be destroyed. After a period of time, he can only run like a miserable monkey. Monster groups or BOSS chasing
Other strong gameplay methods can rely on damage to evaporate monsters or BOSS before falling into this kind of predicament.
This is why I say it is a lower-tier version of a melee character.
I’m not the only one who thinks so. I know friends who play Lich and eventually switch to other classes.
The reason is that the Lich has to put in 100% effort to achieve the goal. The Paladin or other classes may only need 60% to achieve it.

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Yeah, seeing that affix (which I didn’t know about as I didn’t know the new affixes were in there yet), it works out.


With the Spires that target you map-wide when they are the target to destroy, it’s when you use a skill (offensive or otherwise) or are being attacked. I would assume it’s the same here.

So they want Beastmaster to be the only melee class for Primalist.

Rip Druids I guess :confused:

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After skimming the notes, it looks like most of my characters will take a significant hit, mostly to survivability, which has already been a struggle in boss fights.

I don’t like seasons, but it seems the genre is locked into that, and the season focus punishes those who prefer long-term incremental improvements over temporary gimmicks and hype. Some of the changes in the notes look like some nerfs are in preparation for new season things that will pump power back up a bit, one of the tactics that made me drop D4 quickly.

It looks like anything used by lots of players was hammered, rather than pumping up alternatives (e.g. Porcine Constitution, Frostbite Shackles). There were some fairly obvious combo interactions that needed adjustment, but the bulk of changes I see are not that surgical. It’s just nerfs to the most popular items and skills, which strikes me as anti-fun even though it might be more intended as a PoE-like seasonal meta refresh (one of several reasons I stopped playing PoE years ago). Or maybe they’re trying to pound everything down to the same level of mediocrity. But I don’t play games to feel mediocre.