Last Epoch: Harbingers of Ruin Patch Notes

What youre saying is largely unrelated. Most builds have been gutted, esp all the best ones, not just in this patch but in every major patch.


Idk I have very little interest in playing anything run by a dev team whose core belief is to just nerf everything popular the last league.

PoE does this and all the players end up on the same handful of builds every season, there is no diversity and the whole “play how you want” thing is just a lie.

In an largely solo based ARPG why do they care so much about something being good or god forbid over powered?

The same no lifers will still quit 3 weeks in like they always do, let them go the first 5 days without sleep you cant stop it.

All this kind of mindset does is crush the actual people playing the game, idk was just hoping to see something different here after PoE and Diablo.


Overperforming builds get nerfed in every ARPG, so far as I know. That’s pretty standard. I would doubt any of these builds are also entirely gone now that they’ve been nerfed. Being put in line with other builds isn’t the end of their run.


My one and only complaint, relative to the fact that I can’t evaluate anything else until it goes live: RIP Dancing Cascade, I will miss the dopamine hit from firing off 2-3 Shadow Cascades from Dancing Strikes.

Yeah not a huge fan of that either, especially since it was untyped damage so helped a lot of off-meta stuff. Although bigger for me is no mention of changing how most of the “on cast” passives don’t work on indirect casts, which is a big deal for trying to make e.g. Harbinger of Stars work.

Also I know it was a bugfix to make it work as written but the change to the critical chance per Int node is probably going to make ranged Mana Strike to recover mana unworkable. I hate using Focus.

This is actually a buff. 1% more (multiplicative) damage per 2 mana is way better than 1% increased (additive) damage per 1 mana. I’m too lazy to do the math right now but I think with endgame increased damage values from gear/etc it ends up being 2-3x better than it was before.

Where you see that now is multiplicative and not additive? The only change that I see is the cap at 50%, not that now this bonus is different from before

More instead of increased.
Increased bonuses all go into the same additive bucket, More is multiplicative.


It is overall a good thing, because it allows to see you the boss mechanics and actually play the game, and not skip everything with 1 click button due to overpowered overscaled build.

And they made it better now, with Ward burst.

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Definitely not true for freeze nerfs. Freeze is completely dead as a defensive mechanic that you can build around.

To put it in perspective. A very well geared character:

  • Losing Oceareon mod on double rings and the 40% nerf to the chest/helmet results in about a 76% reduction in chance to freeze (going from 600% freeze rate per chill → 120% freeze rate per chill is a change of x19 multiplier to x4.6 since the mod is a multiplier instead of additive). At lower gear levels it’s even worse.
  • Increases in boss health for freeze (both for raw calculation and inclusion of ward now) ranges in a 50-80% reduction in chance to freeze on top of the above nerf.

Combining the above two is about a ~94% reduction in freeze chance for top end gear (and far worse for low end gear)

  • Then if it doesn’t seem like it can get worse… the nerfs on Snowdrift reduces the damage by 50% and the nerfs to Shackles removes a very large portion of the already weak ward retention as the cherry on top.

While freeze was certainly overpowered and deserved a nerf, post-patch freeze won’t even be a viable mechanic in non-empowered monoliths. Frostbite builds will still be viable, just not using freeze as the core mechanic. Any passive tree nodes, gear, or skill tree nodes for “freeze rate multiplier” are basically now utterly useless as far as freezing goes.


Well, I won’t argue with math, for sure.

That being said, I’ve never run a freeze build myself, so I am curious to what freeze builds looked like before. If stronger enemies were being permanently frozen, I’d understand the larger nerf more, given that it’s not a healthy game environment if you are effectively immune to enemies in general.

If enemies were not perma-frozen, than yea, this is kinda poopoo doodoo.


Don’t play then. Things are too strong and need to be brought down. That’s not up for debate. Showing up out of nowhere having never played before, knowing nothing of how way out of line anything is, and going off on diatribes about “the dev team’s core beliefs” because you skimmed some nerfs in patch notes isn’t valid, useful, or interesting to anyone.


Too few bugfixes, still waiting a fix for rogue dual katana not having the supposed 20% more attack speed due to weapons attack speed. And many others. Lets see how it goes.

No gathering storm buffs???

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There are a number of freeze builds that are certainly not in the OP category that just lost that as a defensive mechanic reducing build diversity. Some examples being Shatter Strike, Shaman Tornado, Shaman Maelstrom, and probably a bunch of others. They require a huge amount of gear that is fairly hard to get, but they typically won’t freeze lock enemies.

The same doesn’t hold true with Static Orb or Frost Claw freeze builds both of which could run pretty high corruption 1000+ with stuff on freeze lock at the top end gear. I can understand those needing to be nerfed. The more elegant nerf would have been to instead just change the base freeze rate on those skills. Even still, they require a whole lot of gear to get going and so it’s actually a good build for min-maxers.

The big downside is usually all of these builds require going all in to just get any sort of reliable freezes meaning you pretty much have to ignore other things like damage, intelligence, and defense. With the massive nerfs, it’s just not viable any longer and freeze rate is now a dead mod.

In short, had they just nerfed the base freeze rate on the more troublesome skills they could have kept the mechanic in the game in a healthy state. Or they could have even just added diminishing effects of chain-freezing on bosses to stop perma-freezing. Instead they basically gutted the freeze mechanic entirely.


There’s literally an entire sections that explains what adaptive boss DR is being replaced by

Wraithlord has an icon now though right?

Great. None of the bug fixes I wanted to see for judgement are there and they nerfed the one-shot judgement build which was already weak. I hate this patch now.

Lets hope they forgot to put a number in from of that 2, i does not make sense. 18 to 2, its too much of a nerf.

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Hey all and greetings EHG, hope you all are doing well.

Thanks for the massive changes and especially Shaman rework.

Would be glad if you clarify few things regarding new Storm totem nodes:

  • How will Blizzard node interact with Unmatched Storms and Press Your Advantage?
  • WIll the node Exploit Weaknesses change its effect to “Hit against CHILLED enemies”?
  • Will the Crits from PYA work on Storm bolt hits because targets would now be considered chilled (or would they?)?

Much love and thank you in advance.

Hope you have a good Season launch and servers sustain the heat.

With respect.

they didnt get nerfed but completely gutted and destroyed, could have just nerfed them by a certain percentage and let people continue playing their favourite builds but no, EHG just nerfcucks every build that I and other players enjoyed in previous patches.