Last Epoch: Harbingers of Ruin Patch Notes

I have been given but 1 example so far of a build that was “gutted.” You and most others who are claiming this come at me with “My build is gone” but give absolutely no information about it.

So, going off your incredible lack of information…
Builds get nerfed to get in line with their vision of what end game progression looks like. If your build was doing content over 300c, what they’ve stated early on in 1.0 as their preferred “balance” for most end game builds, and a lot of builds were hitting 4 digit corruption, then I really don’t have sympathy for your build getting the hammer and being brought down to be in line with their vision of being in or around 300c.


Thank you for adding Japanese language! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Was hoping for some fun new things for Rogue, maybe some buffs or changes for underused abilities, but it seems like mostly just nerfs outside of Marksman abilities (although they caught some nerfs there too).

Not sure why there needed to be so many nerfs to a PvE game with endless scaling.

Not very hyped for this, to be honest! Guess my free time is safe for the time being. :joy:


they swapped the just dodge rating affix on boots to dodge rating and dodge while evading, though they didn’t share if the numbers were the same

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Yes they did. IMHO its a good thing. It was still to easy to get 100.

100 isnt ment to be an accomplishement the majority can reach. This isnt diablo

Devs also dont want players to feel as if reaching 100 is a mandatory thing.

Dodge in LE isnt a movement thing. Evade is.

It makes since they would not let dodge affixes roll on boots.

Shaman still not in a great space (ex - tempest strike as a totem is still odd either because the wording of the tree is really bad or, basically, going totem with it makes most of the tree entirely useless, still), and I seriously doubt the damage for most Shaman builds is enough to counter the survivability nerfs.

Allowing a second storm totem, and for totems to grab enemy attention for 1 or 2 seconds upon summon - with no other changes, would have been enough to make a storm totem build viable - as they were or are now, storm totems are just powerful enough to be a “can only have one” ability with no way to scale, and having to spam other totems who exist only to make storm totem work is tedious.

Anyway, we shall see if Avalanch now working the way meteor/whatever from PoE works makes it good - but whatever, Grim Dawn is massively overhauled at this point, and there will be further fixes for the early league over here. See you a few weeks or next major patch next year.

Who even care? why does reaching max level even need to be an “accomplishment” - you copy a build from someone else and just spend more time with the game - wow, what a feat for the ages.

Nothing but nerfs. Seems like you guys really hate your playerbase. Welcome to Last Diablo4 Epoch.


Yea. I couldn’t find anything in here where the numbers went up. Not even once…


Will there be any optimizations? A big reason I quit playing is how poorly this game runs compared to others.

Reading all the nerfs kind of sucks but usually there’s some new thing that becomes the new meta so it’s kinda par for the course, but if the performance isn’t there just don’t think it’ll be worth it

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Storm totem was already a perfectly fine build, now its basically got +100% more damage, so its damage is doubled, it should be more then fine honestly.

The real problem has never been with how much DR you get as a totem shaman, Totem shaman just has no good way to recover, you cant leech, and health regen is pretty trash honestly. Even with the new 1 flat regen per 3 attunement, even with a large amount of attunement this isnt enough to really keep you alive. Having to spam etteras blessing on yourself to live sucks frankly. I always ended up likely low life best simply because I hate having to try and solve how im going to heal my life on shaman.

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There can’t be a new meta if literally everything is weaker. It just makes the game not fun. D4 did the exact same thing. The beta = huge nerfs. Season 1 = huge nerfs. Season 2 = backhanded buffs that were actually nerfs. Season 4 was the first time D4 buffed anything. I’m not waiting a year for Last Epoch to figure their ish out. This is absolutely tragic. I enjoyed this game and was hugely hopeful for its future. Now it just goes in the D4 Bad category. RIP. Back to POE for Settlers of Kalguuran.

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Who asked for this? Why would you do this? I don’t think it goes far enough. Please deduct 10% of earned XP upon death at any level 85+ (or so). If you want to screw us, may as well go deep.

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The idea of Dodge at it’s very fundamental definition is to avoid (a blow, for example) by moving or shifting quickly aside. So it’s inherently an ability about ‘movement.’ I’m with @Travoas on this. Boots (for you feet, one of your primary limbs to ‘move or shift quickly aside’ is thematically the perfect place for Dodge to be.

Now, that said, they may have a mechanical balance reason for it no longer going on boots, which I can also fully understand.

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Why??? So the fun of finding them and discovering what they have roll wise. Can be spoiled

So you and the devs got together and decided fun is bad. Got it.


Yes, it is.

Expect dodge isnt a movement mechanic in LE

This is why evade isnt called dodge roll. Evade is more of what ur discribing.

Are they trying to refer to evade and not dodge. These are both different mechanics

You can’t have fun unless there is absolutely no challenge presented? You gotta have it all given to you for free? I’ll pass on that game. I like the one the devs are tryna make more.